Part 4

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"Then what is it love?" He was concerned she could tell as he threw an arm over her shoulder pulling her to him.

"I.... I'm leaving." She whispered

Confusion spread across Harry's face as he looked down at the firey hair girl next to him.

"What do ye mean?"

" Maleficent told us that we've been chosen to go to Auradon." Hadley dared a glance at the boy. His jaw was set and there was a sadness in his eyes that she'd never before.

"Evie, mal, Jay, Carlos and I have been chosen by prince Beastie boy to attend Auradon prep for the semester." She explained.

Still Harry said nothing.


"When do ye leave exactly?" the sadness was evident in his voice.

"At noon... tomorrow. But," she said grabbing his hand. "Maleficent has a plan. She wants us to steal fairy godmother's wand to break the barrier. Then we can get off this damned Ilse. It shouldn't take more than a few days but, that's if our plan works." she sighed.

"Still. I'm gonna miss ya Hadie." He said pulling her closer and wrapping his other arm around her. She hugged him back .

"I'm gonna miss you too. But I'll be back, I promise." She said pulling away from the hug.

The looked out over the bay and watched as the waves crashed against the rocks. Across the way, the sun was setting behind Auradon, exploding color throughout the darkening sky.



" I have something for ya. I was gonna save it for yer birthday in a few weeks but, seeing as I might not see ya now.." he trailed off sticking his hand in the inside pocket of his jacket.

She looked over at him " you didn't steal it did you?" She winked.

"No I didn't actually." He said proud of himself.

"Wow. Not stealing! That's a new one!" she laughed.

" Will ye just close yer eyes and turn around?" He jokingly sighed.

Hayden held her hands up in defense " okay okay sorry!" And she closed her eyes turning her back to him.

His shaking hand pulled a silver chain out of the pocket.

Hadley felt the cool metal around her neck and it being locked.

She looked down as she felt his hands move away.

Hanging from the silver chain was a , much like the hook that Harry always carried around.

She held the small hook between her fingers, admiring the charm before looking up at Harry, who had a slight blush spanning his cheeks

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She held the small hook between her fingers, admiring the charm before looking up at Harry, who had a slight blush spanning his cheeks. She smiled, and not the evil sinister smile that you normally see around the isle, but a genuine blinding smile that took up part of he face.

See You Again (A Harry Hook x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now