Part 11

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The week went slow as Hadley slowly lost her cool on Percy Pan everyday. Percy had taken to mentioning hook and his father whenever Hadley was around, and everytime Hadley's anger would rise and she would lunge at him only to have Jay or Evie hold her back and pull her away.

Friday morning came and the commotion around the school started early. Too early. Hadley woke to music streaming through the cracked window. Growling, Hadley stood up and made her way to the window to close it. She saw the castle grounds swarming with people. This should be fun. She thought as she made her way to Mal and Evie's room to get ready.

As she slipped on the Evie designed, Evie started to lecture Hadley on keeping her cool today.

As she slipped on the  Evie designed, Evie started to lecture Hadley on keeping her cool today

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" Look all I'm saying is, if you see Percy just walk away. We can't let our anger get the better of us today. Way to many witnesses. Just relax, we would t be leaving each others side. Well, maybe not Mal." Evie laughed as she braided the back of Hadley's hair.

Hadley snickered as Mal sent a look over to Evie.

When the three were ready they met up with Jay and Carlos and headed out to "party".

They stood on the balcony overlooking the east garden, which was full of parents and students as they watched a performance given by a few of the students.

They made their way down to the grass. As the inched closer to the crowd they stopped. Jay and Carlos had found a chocolate fountain. Carlos handed Hadley Dude as he rushed to follow Jay. Hadley laughed as she saw Jay Stick his face in the fountain.

Mal excused herself when Ben called her over.

Haley and Evie laughed silently as they recalled their conversation from that morning.

When Mal came back with Ben, he invited them to go play a game that Hadley hardly understood.

In the courtyard, activities were happening in every direction. Hadley and Evie were talking to Queen Belle as the boys played around them.

Everything was going fine.


"YOU!?" Was shouted across the yard.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked to where the shout came form, only to find Mal cornered by Audrey and an older woman.

Evie and Hadley rushed over to Mals side after excusing themselves from Belle.

"Queen Leah! It's alright, Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter Mal. Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" Ben to the rescue.

"A chance to what Ben? Destroy us?" Everyone around them gasped.

Queen Leah turned to fairy godmother behind her, " you remember don't you? The poison apples and the spells!" She looked back to Mal " the spells, may daughter was raised by faires because of your mother's curse. So her first steps, her first words, I missed it ALL!" She turned back to fairy godmother whispering.

Mal went to comfort the woman and apologize but Chad Charming stood in her way.

"Stay away from her."

"Don't do this Chad!" Ben snapped stepping in front of Mal.

"What?" Chad questioned " they were raised by their parents Ben. What do you think villains teach their kids. Huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way! You stole another girl's boyfriend." He pointed at Mal. "You enjoy hurting people" he pointed at Jay.

Jay lunged but Hadley held him back.

" You can seem to keep your anger in check." He sneered at Hadley.

Her hair began to glow and her eyes tuned their vibrant blue.

" And you're nothing but a gold digger and a cheater." He nodded his head at Evie.

Hadley's anger boiled to the point where she was a raging ball of fire as she lunged for Chad. Jay and Evie were quick to catch her after seeing the fire erupted from her body. Chad jumped back out of reach of Hadley's flailing arms. Once Evie was surprised Jay had her securely held on to, she pulled out her magic mirror.

"Mirror mirror in my hand, who is the biggest jerk in the land?" The mirror did nothing but relflect Chad's face.

Chad pushed Evie's hand out of the way and Jay stepped in between with a firey Hadley still held tight. Evie pulled the sleeping perfume out of her bag and sprayed it in Chad face, who dropped like a bug.

While everyone worried about Chad Jay and Carlos led Hadley out, while Evie grabbed Mal.

They went and got some food to calm down after the disaster that happened in the courtyard .

The five sat down at a table, Hadley and Mal on one side Carlos and Evie on the other and Jay perched on the end of the table next to Hadley, but their price was short lived when the others came and sat at the table right behind them.

Hadley's eye twitched every time she heard Percy's piercing laugh. Her hair slowly started glowing again.

Ben came up behind them

"Hey guys!how is everyone?" No one spoke.

He patted Jay's shoulder

" Hey forget about it. It was nothing. Don't worry about it, let it go. " He placed his hands on Mal shoulders. "Tomorrow after the corrination I promise everything will be ok."

He leaned down and whispered in Mal's ear then left.

Doug stopped his pacing and briskly walked over to their table and began talking to Evie, but before anything could be said between the two, Chad and Percy called him back with glares.

Evie pushed her try away as he walked back over to the other table and plopped down on the bench.

Giggling made its way into Hadley's already irritated mind. Jane and Audrey walked up behind Mal shaking their heads.

"How long dose she think that's going to last?" Audrey asked Jane "Mal's just the bad girl infatuation"

"Yeah. I mean he's never gonna make a villan a queen." Jane said as she ducked down just close enough to Mal.

The two walked away laughing as Mal opened her spell book.

"Beware for swear, undo Jane's hair" Mal flicked her finger.

Shreiking sounded through the garden as the girls surrounding Jane's stepped aside and laughed.

Jane's hair had gone back to it's original short Bob.

The vks all stood up facing the others.

"There's a lot more where that came from." Mal threatened.

"Excuse me! Who do you think you are?" Audrey sneered with a hand on her hip.

"Do we look like we're kidding?" Hadley smirked as her hand caught fire and Mal flipped open her spell book again.

Hadley threw a small fire ball at Audrey's feet just close enough to scorch the tip of her shoe.

Their faces turned to looked of pure terror as Audrey screached and ran.

Chad and Percy ran after her but not before Hadley shot a ball of blue flames towards their pants with caught fire for a second.

Pleases with their work,Mal a d hadley turned to the other three and smirked.

"I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. Let's grab that wand and blow this popsicle stand."

The other smiled with her and they walked back to the dorms.

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