Part 5

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The next morning Hadley woke up to a rather frantic Evie, rushing around to get last minute things packed.

She sat up in her bed and looked to the packed suitcase at the foot of her bed. When Evie saw she had woken up she dropped the makeup brushes in her hand sat down by Hadley's knees.

" you look terrible H."

"Thanks E." She said sarcastically. Hadley go out of bed and walked to the tall mirror that stood in the corner of their room. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot and the makeup she had on yesterday was heavily smudged,black tear tracks made their way down her pale cheeks. She wiped her hands down her cheeks, smudging the remnants of her makeup even more.

"I take it you told Harry last night?" Evie said coming to stand next to her.

" Yeah." Was all she said. Evie gasped suddenly startling the goddess.

"What is that?!" She pointed to the silver chain around Hadley's neck.

"My birthday present from Harry."

Evie squealed loudly in her ear.

" Evie! Too early for that!" She complained rubbing her now sore ears.


" It was his mom's." Hayden explained.

Evie smiled.

After a quick shower, Evie did Hadley's makeup as usual and Hadley got dressed. She pulled on a pair of black leather pants and a black and blue ruffled shirt. She laced up her metallic blue spiked heel boots and slipped on her navy blue leather jacket with he father's broach attached to the lapel. She grabbed her blue clutch and made sure Harry's necklace was tucked away safely under her shirt. Hadley grabbed the handle on her suitcase and looked back to her bed. She gasped when she realized she left her stuffed three headed dog, Cerby, named after her puppy , Cerberus, in the Underworld. She quickly grabbed it and stuffed it in her suitcase. She then lugged the heavy case down the stairs and out to the waiting limo.

A crowd had started to gather at the sight of an Auradon limo parked in front of Bargain castle. Hadley was the first out there and the driver loaded her bag into the trunk. She looked around the crowd looking for a certain pirate.

She saw the familiar flash of red run into the alley closest to the castle and told the driver she'd be right back.

She rushed over as fast as her heels would let her. As soon as she hit the entrance she was tugged into the shadows and into his tight embrace. She hugged him back equally hard, having to will herself not to cry again. They stayed in silence, and only when the others came out and the crowd got louder did they part.

" So this is goodbye then?" his accent heavier than normal and his ocean blue eyes pooled with unshed tears.

" No it's not goodbye it's... see you later. I meant what I said last night Harry, I promise" She wrapped her arms around his shoulders again burying her face in his neck. The limo horn sounded signaling they were leaving. Hadley reached up and kissed his cheek.

" I mean it Hook."

He let out a choked sob/ chuckle as he pulled her back to him and kissed her forehead. Their hands intertwined as they made their way out of the alley and through the crowd. Mal was last in before Hadley,who stopped to give him one last smile before detaching their hands and stepping Inside the limo.

As the limo pulled away Hadley turned around and watched as the crowd dispersed, leaving one red leather clad pirate standing in the middle of the street. She turned back around, wiped a single tear from her cheek, when she could no longer see him. She sat at the very back of the limo, having the seat to herself. Jay and Carlos next to her fighting over the candy and anything else they could. Mal and Evie sat directly across from her. Mal stated playing with a remote she found on her seat. She pressed a button and the divider slid down revealing the driver and the end of the bridge.

See You Again (A Harry Hook x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now