Part 2

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Hadley walked through the cobble streets of the Isle flaming brue hair blowing behind her. People ran and screamed getting out of her way. People she passed avoided her eyes as the kept walking. She saw a flash of red towards one of the alleyways. Averting her path she made her way towards the alley seeing him leaning against the wall. His tricorn pirate hat slightly askew on his head of dark messy hair, his father's hook hung through one of his belt loops, carefully counting the loot he just obtained, pocketing a few bills for himself, a trick that Hadley taught him, not like umas gonna know how much he really stole.

"Doing Umas bidding again Harry?" Hadley inquerd smirking, crossing her arms and leaning against the same wall.

Harry turned to her, his lips curled into a half smirk.

"Being first mate comes with responsibility, love" his Scottish accent rang through the alley

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"Being first mate comes with responsibility, love" his Scottish accent rang through the alley.

"Harry Hook? Being responsible? There's a first" she laughed and rolled her eyes.

Harry pushed off the way and slung his arm around Hadley's shoulders.

" laugh it up all ye want Hadie." He laughed with her as they exited the alley.

As always, Hadley reached up and plucked the hat off his head placing it on hers. Harry chucked at her actions but did nothing to stop it as this normally happens between the two.

People watched in fear as the two made their way down the narrow street, taking small trinkets they found pleasing in their wake. Harry glared at anyone who dared look at Hadley the wrong way. Although she made it quite known herself, Harry always made sure people knew not to mess with her, or they'd be hooked. Hadley secretly love his protectiveness of her, it made her feel safer with all the thieving and crime around the Isle.

" So what kind of mischief has me little goddesses of chaos gotten into today."

Hadley smirked evilly " I shifted into a dog to scare Carlos this morning, but it backfired when Cruella started chasing me for her new coat."

Harry laughed " ah, love, ye never learn do ye?"

"Nope never will, cause it's fun." she smirked.

They stopped at the metal pipe that lead to the docks.

"i'll see you later Hookey, gotta go meet up with the others apparently there's big news or something." Hadley turned to leave as Harry stepped into the tunnel. She made it three steps before she heard Harry clear his throat.

"Forgetting something there, Hadie?" He held out his hand.

" Ok ok fine here!" She sighed dramatically flourishing the hat off her head and walking back over to him. She stuck it on his head sideways.

" Thanks, love" he said fixing his hat.

He leaned over and kissed her cheek before turning and walking through the tunnel. Hadley thanked her aunt's and uncle's on Olympus that that part of the Isle, even in broad daylight, was dark enough so no one could see the scarlet red her cheeks had turned. When she heard his footsteps cese on the metal she turned and headed toward the other side if the Isle.

She found Mal first spray painting her mother's silhouette on the wall with their phrase 'long live evil'


They say I'm trouble
They say I'm bad
They say I'm evil
And that makes me glad

A dirty no-good
Down to the bone
Your worst nightmare
Can't take me home

So I've got some mischief
In my blood
Can you blame me
I never got no love

They think I'm callous
A low-life hood
I feel so useless


(Hadley, Mal , Evie)
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all
Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world

I'm rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more
I'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the
I'm rotten to the core

Call me a schemer
Call me a freak
How can you say that
I'm just unique

What, me a traitor
Ain't got your back
Are we not friends
What's up with that

So I'm a misfit
So I'm a flirt
I broke your heart
I made you hurt

The past is past
Forgive, forget
The truth is

You ain't seen nothing yet

(Hadley, Mal , Evie)
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all
Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world

I'm rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more
I'm nothing like the kid next, like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the, I'm rotten to the
I'm rotten to the core

A woman walked by them pulling a baby in a wagon behind her. Mal reached out and took the candy from his hands and laughed maniacally the rest of them joining in when she held it up over her head. Just as she did everyone from behind began screaming and ran. Mal turned around and spotted her mother's bodygaurds standing there.

"Hi Mom."

Maleficent stepped out from behind them and smirked.

"Stealing candy Mal? I'm so disappointed." she chastised.

Mal pursed her lips " but it was from a baby." She smiled holding it out for her mother to take.

"That's my nasty little girl!" Maleficent smiled taking the candy.

She spit on it and stuck it under her armpit before handing it to one of her men.

"Give it back to the dreadful creature."

"Mom!" Mal sighed.

"It's the "deets" Mal. That make the difference between mean and truly evil" she waved to the woman before turning back to Mal, " when I was your age I was cursing entire kingdoms. Walk with me!" Mal followed her mother a few feet from the others leaving them to guess what she was saying.

"Oooh! There's news! I buried the lead!" Maleficent shouted excitedly turning back to the rest of them. " You five have been chosen to go to a different school. In Auradon."

The five gasped as Hadley and the others tried running but Maleficent's idiots stopped them.

"What!?" Mal shouted in disbelief at her mother. "I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses..."

" And perfect princes" Evie interrupted. Mal gave her a look and she moved back and looped her arm with Hadley's.

" Yeah and I don't do 'uniforms', unless it's leather ya feel me?" Jay laughed holding up his hand to Carlos who completely ignored him with a terrified look in his eye.

"I read somewhere they allow dogs in Auradon. Mom says they're rabid pack animals who eat boys that don't behave." He gulped. Jay snuck up behind him and barked.

"Yeah Mom we're not going!" Mal stated.

" You're thinking small pumpkin. It's all about world domination!" Maleficent sneered Knuckleheads!" she began to walk away toward Bargain castle where they lived.

The five stood there sharing looked with each other

" Mal!" The Evil fairy sang as she walked backwards. They had no choice but to follow.

Disclaimer: i do not own any of the images or videos in this part all credit goes to their rightful creators

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