Part 13

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The joy over in Auradon was short lived as gasps and screams were heard as green mist billowed in through the broken window. The mist dropped down in front of the five vks after swirling around the room causing people to duck out of it's way.

When the mist cleared, Maleficent stood at the altar.

"I'm baaaack!" She sang.

People around the room gasped and some even fainted.

" Go away mother!" Mal sighed

Maleficent began laughing hysterically, snorting here and there before turning to he daughter.

" your very funny! Here! Wand me! Chop chop." She waved for Mal to give her the wand.

Mal went to hand it to her but quickly tossed to Fairy Godmother, who began swishi g the wand around shouting " bibbity bobbity-"

"Boo!" Maleficent mocked as she stamped her staff on the ground.

All but the five vks and Maleficent froze.

"Sike!" She laughed.

She looked around before spotting Beast. She walked up steps and toyed with his glasses before moving on to Fairy Godmother and snatching the wand out of her frozen grip.

Mal just shook her head as the watch Maleficent stick the tip of the wand up fairy godmother nose saying how she needed to pluck her nose hairs.

" Where shall we begin?," She ducked under fairy godmother arms " I know. Why don't we start by getting rid of this!" She waved the wand and Mal's arm shot up and the ring came flying off and landed around the wand. " Perfect fit!" Mal looked down at her hand before looking g back to her mother with tears in her eyes.

Maleficent moved on to Ben. Gripping his chin and turning his head side to side before knocking his crown sideways.

"Falling in love is weak and ridiculou. It's not what you wand." She came to stand in for t of the five.

"You don't know what I want!" Mal shouted

Maleficent recoiled slightly as she looked on in confusion at her daughter.

"Mom, have you ever once asked me what I want? I'm not you!"

"Obviously. I've years and years and years of practice being evil but you'll get there!"

" No I won't! And I wish you'd never gotten there yourself. Love isn't weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing!"

Maleficent got angry.

" I know one thing young lady! You have no room for love in your life!" Maleficent sneered as she stared towards Mal and the others.

Fed up with her antics Mal reached her hand out. " And now I command wand to my hand!"

The wand fought against the evil fairies tight grip but eventually to everyone's surprise, landed in Mal's hand.

" It worked!" She beamed as the other four mover closer to her.

Maleficent was beside herself with anger, her nostrils flared as she raged

"I hardly think so. Frankly, this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand.give me the wand!" She yelled.

Carlos stepped forward. " Hold on Mal, maybe good really is more powerful than evil."

Maleficent laughed at Carlos.

"Oh, please! You're killing me." She backed at Carlos and dude came to his rescue.

He ran up to Maleficent and jumped on her. As shoe complained about his breath Jay rushed forward and tried punch her staff. Maleficent looked him in the eyes and grabbed his arm, squeezing the muscle underneath his leather jacket.

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