Part 3

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Once inside, they all stood around Maleficent's desk waiting her instructions. Her feet were kicked up on the desk and she was filling her nails.

" You will go, you will find the fairy godmother and you will bring me back her magic wand. Easy peasy" she winked.

"What's in it for us?" Mal inquerd.

"matching thrones, hers and hers crowns.."

" I think she meant for us" Hadley stated pointing to the others.

As she spoke to Mal about world domination, Hadley made her way to the back of the rooms towards the shadows.

"Hello father."

Hades stepped, more like glided, out from the shadows of the room. His fiery blue hair stood tall and bright and his yellow eyes held a sort of mischief she'd never seen before.

" hello my little fireball"

" Do I have to go?" she faked. One thing she learned on the isle was to lie very well.

" Yes. When we have that wand, I'll be able to rid myself of that dreadful underworld and rule Olympus like I should have in the first place. Not my stupid ungrateful brother and his happy mirage of sunspots. Understand."

"Yes father" Hadley hung her head as Hades placed a pale hand on her shoulder

" ...Revenge on every sneaky dalmatian that escaped your clutches." Maleficent was still ranting.

"oh but they didn't get baby." Cruells squeaked the stuffed dog head on her shoulder and cackle maniacally " they didn't get the baby!"

"Revenge on Hercules for ruining you plot to rule the cosmos." She pointed at Hades.

The hand on her shoulder tightened and grew slightly hotter.

" And I Maleficent, the evilest of them all. I shall finally get my revenge on Sleeping Beauty and her relentless little prince." she sat on EQs lap and gazed into her magic mirror. "Villains!"



"Our day has come. EQ give her the magic mirror." Maleficent smirked looking at Evie.

Hadley turned to Maleficent " so when do we leave exactly?" she asked crossing her arms. "Tomorrow at noon." She didn't looked up from the spell book she just handed Mal.

" I must go little fire but I shall see you when you return with the wand." Hades said before turning into a cloud of smoke and disappearing.

Tomorrow at noon. How was she going to tell Harry? Maybe he'd understand. Maybe he'd get really angry. She couldn't wait any longer. She needed to tell him.

" I'm going out." She started grabbing her blue leather jacket from the hook by the door.

No one tried to stop her as she made her way out the door and down the street.

She had a feeling she knew where Harry was, either at Ursula's shop or the ship. She decided to check the shop first.

Normally people who associated themselves with Mal tened to stay away from that side of the Isle, because of the feud boiling between Mal and Ursula's daughter Uma. Hadley however was the exception, seeing as she was close with Harry, Uma allowed her there with no confrontations. She had even taken a small liking to the blue haired girl that usually accompanied her first mate.

The entire way down the other side of the isle Hadley kept going over ways she could tell him and thinking about his possible reactions.

She could tell she was getting closer to the shop when the putrid smell of fish and salt water hit her nose.

The front of the shop came into view as she rounded the corner. Shouting and laugher could be heard a mile away.

Pushing her way through the two swing doors of the restaurant, if you could call it that, it went silent.

Uma, a teal haired girl the same age as Hadley, stepped out from the back carrying a tray of food. Locking her eyes on the blue haired girl in her doorway, Uma dropped the tray on to the table in front if another pirate.

Walking through the shop, Hadley headed towards the back, to a long bar that stretched the whole shop. The chatter returned when Hadley turned to look at Uma.

"Shrimpy." Hadley greated.

"Hot head." Uma retaliated.

There was a pause.

"Where's Harry?" Hadley deadpanned.

" Ha. Wouldn't you like to know." Uma teased walking over to another table and grabbing the empty tray.

" Look Uma, I'm not in the mood for games. Hes obviously not here. So where is he?" Hadley leaned against the bar.

Uma was taken back by the harshness of her voice. She could clearly see that Hayden wasn't playing games as her hair started glowing brighter.

" He's on the ship. Training new recruits." Uma turned and walked behind the counter disappearing from sight. Standing up straight, Hadley made her way out of the shop and down to the docks where Umas ship was.

The big wooden ship, the Lost Revenge came into view and Hadley could see several people sparing on it's deck. The most prominent was the mop of dark hair spinning around the deck using a hook and sword to deflect attacks from all angles.

Hadley bit her lip in hesitation, she stood there for a moment before making her way down the winding dock to the gangplank connecting the dock to the ship. She sat down on a barrel by the bridge her eyes followed Harry as he swung this way and that. The poor rookie couldn't keep up, he was starting to waver and his blows became weaker with each passing strike. The other recruits looked on in amazement at Harry's ability to block and strike with such precision. Before long he had the rookie pinned against the mast of the ship, sword blade awfully close to the guys neck.

"Any questions?" Harry's voice sounded through the crowd as he back away from his opponent.

When none of them said anything Harry nodded.

"Good. Now partner up and fight." He walked around as the pairs began sparing, correcting stances and telling them off when they almost decapitated one another etc.

He stopped when his eyes landed of Hadley sitting on the barrel watching. She smirked when he finally noticed her and got up, stretching as she walked.

"Now, what are ye doin' here Hadie?" He asked walking up to her.

" Uma said I'd find you here. I need to talk to you." She said seriously.

Harry's look turned serious " I'm listening."

" Not here." She shook her head "Can we... walk or something?"

"'Course" he turned to the others. " Oi! I'll be right back. Keep fighting and don't kill each other!" Harry demanded as he grabbed his sleeveless red leather coat from the rail. Swinging it over his shoulders as the walked away from the ship and down the docks.

They made their way down to the small beach that the isle had, it wasn't much but just enough to sit down and not get soaked by the ocean. The rocks crunched under them as they walk. Hadley was silent.

"What's going on?"Harry asked as they sat down.

Hadley hugged her knees to her chest, looking at her feet.

"Hey, what's going on Hadie? Did someone hurt ye cause I swear..!" Harry exclaimed starting to stand but Hadley was quick to pull him back down.

"No Harry! No one hurt me."

"Then what is it love?" He was concerned she could tell as he threw an arm over her shoulder pulling her to him.

"I.... I'm leaving." She whispered

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