Chapter 12

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Naughty naught Lukey boy, caught on camera saying such words

Alllll righty! Are you ready? Read on


All the boys and girls sat in the cafeteria a lot more chattier than usual because apparently some party was being hosted by one of the camp leaders -presumably Niall- that night. It seemed a little weird to host a paty on a Monday night, but then again,who the fuck cares? Teenagers don't need a specified scedule as to when and where they need to have a party. What they need is a little bit of fun to spice up their lives. Neither do they need to carry on concentrating on the camp every second of the day and having the words of 'God know's what you do even if we don't, so don't try and hide your life' in order to threaten them out of living.

It was a good thought that tonight everyone in the camp can just sit back and relax, have a beer or two, some casual dancing.

What was nice about this little party, or whatever you want to call it, is that it doesn't have to be hidden from the camp leaders because it is being hosted by one of them... Maybe they also get bored of the whole 'God will send you to hell if you're naughty, now bend over and let daddy give you a spanking.'

Something even funnier about this fucked up camp is that Luke swore that they were all basically gay... Maybe not Niall and Miley and about ten others. But still.

Luke didn't understand why, when even half the camp leaders were gay that they work at a camp that removes the gay and bad habits. How the hell do they put up with constantly having to say shit about it when it is obviously about them too.

Maybe camp Leviticus was just some sort of escape that Ashton had no idea he created. It could have been a whole subconscious ploy for himself to get away from the place full of criticism. The truth is- no one will ever know why they were really there except for how they were living through the camp now.

Did that make sense at all even? Well, in Luke's mind it did.

The blonde was brought to reality when he took a seat at the usual table which probably already has his little group of friends name's written on it invisibly, as they had somewhat claimed it for themselves. Mackenzie sat munching on her cereal while Michael was talking about how good it felt when Clun fucked him, like - dude, can you tone it down a little or better yet; keep that information to yourself? It was a cringe-y topic to walk in on but then again, the red haired boy does generally have cringe worthy topics to talk about.

Luke sat down in the uncomfortable chair with a bowl of soggy cereal and began to eat.

"So, how was it talking to Ashton?"

Mackenzie was smirking and Luke glared at the evil brunette that had to bring that up all the while Michael was sitting at the table. Okay, fine, he is guilty for not saying anything to him but Luke knew for a fact that he would not keep his mouth shut about this. So when he turned to his best friend with shock written all over his feature, Luke was not surprised at all.

"It was nothing. Seriously." Luke said, blatantly lying because it was definitely not nothing.

"It didn't seem like nothing, Lukey Pie. Now tell us what happened." Mackenzie asked again. Luke only glared at her because, why did she have to call him that? The nickname was kind of stupid.

"Awe, did he kiss you, Mr Lover Boy?" Michael drawled.

To the pairs amusement, Luke's cheeks flushed a dark red that could easily match Mikey's hair colour, letting out a huff. Besides the little bit of talking and Ashton opening up about his past, they made out until the sun started to set. Yes, so romantic. But the blonde did not go any further, not even to ask what Ashton meant by his words.

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