Chapter 7

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I just want to sleep... also! Omg I have an Internet friend from tumblr DorkyHufflepuff hiiiiii 😃😜 you're so awesome 😊😊😊


Usually when Luke wakes up with a hangover, he expects to wake up either next to a naked boy draped across his chest or Michael cuddled up into him. Today was different though. On this fabulous Monday morning, he woke up lying next to Ashton.

It was all okay, at first. His headache was dull from the darkness of the room. He had assumed he fell asleep in his own room the night before but the bed felt different and the weight on his chest told him different. He sleepily looked down, finding a mop of curls and a beautiful Angel. Luke's heart skipped a few beats when he noticed how cute the boy looked, soft snores leaving his parted lips and gahhh! It was just too adorable.

Then flashes from the night before came streaming into his mind. The cafeteria, getting drunk, Michael dragging him to the small chapel... The kiss... Oh God! It was so wrong of him to do something like that. But he was drunk and he didn't really have control. Yet Ashton did. He was sober and he kissed back. What did that mean?

Luke also admitted not only to himself but to Mikey too that he has really grown feelings for this boy.

Luke groaned, moving Ashton off from him and crawling off the bed. His head pounded and his body felt weak. Luke grabbed his jeans and slipped them on, noticing how the older boy started tossing and turning, waking up.

As Luke went to grab his shoes, he felt a hand on his arm. "Luke, I'm sorry about last night." And oh soul, Luke thought. The boys morning voice sounded sexy, sending signals to Luke Jr, if you catch my drift.

He flinched away, seeing Ashton frown. He sat on the bed and put on his shoes, "why are you apologizing?"

Ashton lay back down on his bed and stared at Luke, "for kissing you. I know it was wrong to lead you on like that but I think I am coming to terms in accepting that being gay is how a person is born."

The blonde got up, turning to Ashton and smiled sadly. "Whatever, Ashton. Just sort out your life and stop relying on the Bible to give you answers. Live life for a day or something." With that, he left.

The brightness of the sun killed his eyes but he ignored it, walking to the cafeteria where he was sure to find Michael with a panado or something.

On the way there, Luke couldn't help but think of the kiss him and Ashton shared the night before. It was soft, beautiful and just so perfect. Better than any of the guys he had kissed in his life time. He felt that their lips just fit so perfectly together and ... Shit this is getting way too sappy for Luke.

As much as he wanted to kiss Ashton again and maybe even just kiss the shirt out of him, he couldn't and wouldn't. Unless the golden haired boy came onto him, he would not make another move.

With that mental deal, Luke came up to the cafeteria, walking in to find Calum and Michael sitting on one side, Mackenzie and some chick on the otherwise. He sighed, grabbing some coco pops and sat at the empty chair that was left at the table.

"Good morning. You look fabulous today." Michael said sarcastically, handing Luke some chocolate and two panados. "Drink up, sugarplum. It should get rix of that nasty headache."

Without another word, Luke did as told, watching how close Calum and Mikey were acting. What was going on? Did they fuck or something? Its only been two weeks and they're already getting it on, why?

Make Me Your Sin - Lashton #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now