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Prologue - January 7th 2014

Lena's POV (So original right?)

"Would miss Tame please make her way to the manager's office please." What now? Have I done something wrong? Why would the manager want to see me? I quickly made my way to the office before the manager got angry. I knocked on the door and walked in.

"You wanted to see me sir?" The manager spinned around on his seat and faced me.

"Take a seat Lena, there's something I want to discuss with you." I hesitantly took a seat and prepared for the worst. "I need to talk to you about your current work progress. During the last few months, your work progression has declined and has been under satisfaction for quite some time now. I'm sorry but I am going to have to fire you. Your work here is no longer needed. Here's your pay for the rest of the week. I want your things out of the office by the end of tomorrow. You are dismissed."

"No please, let me work here. I don't know where else I could go for a job. I need this money. Please." I begged. My parents were retired and I was the only person in my family that made money because my sister has gone off with her boyfriend. What am I going to tell them? I'm sorry but I lost my job again? This is the sixth job that I've lost since I started working which was at the age of 19. I turned 19 4 years ago which means that I am 23 right now. This is not a good start to being a grown up.

"I'm sorry miss Tame but this must be done. This is no place for slackers."

"Ok." There was no point in arguing. I left the office and slammed the door behind me. "Jesus, what am I going to do after this?" I mumbled. I didn't have that many things in the office so I easily took everything home. My apartment wasn't that far from the offices so I quickly walked there. My apartment was quite large and extremely cheap. At least I have somewhere to stay during all of this. Buzz... Buzz... I put my things down in the office and took my phone out of my pocket. Crap, it's mum. "Hi mum, how are you?" I asked as sweetly as possible.

"Lena... what's this email about you getting fired?" There's no hiding it now. "It's only been 4 months since you joined that company and you're already back to being unemployed... Again! You have to take things seriously or you won't have a job at all in the future!"

"I got that mum, its not my fault that the manager doesn't like me!"

"It doesn't matter if the manager likes you or not. The only thing that matters is whether you do a good job or not."

"Yes mum, I'll keep that in mind for the next job that I get. Oh yeah, how's dad doing?" There was a short silence.

"He's doing ok for the moment. His condition isn't improving. The doctors say that he needs to have an operation next week but I don't have enough money to cover the whole thing."

"How much do you need?"

"I need at least £200. The operation is £700 in total and I only have £500." That's most of my savings gone.

"Ok, I'll transfer the money into your bank account as soon as I get home."

"Thanks honey, you be careful now while you're in America. Love you."

"Love you too mum." I hung up and continued to walk to my apartment. My parents had high hoped for me so they sent me to America to make money. I want to live up to their expectations but if things continue like this then I'll never be able to live up to their expectations. "I really need to do something with my life." I unlocked the door to my apartment and dumped my things onto the floor. I should really prioritise getting a job since I need to support the rest of my family. I'll think about it tomorrow but for now, let's go on YouTube since I have nothing better to do! I open my small laptop and start browsing through suggested videos. PewDiePie funny montage, CaptainSparkles minecraft survival games, Yogscast Civ V and Yogscast Hannah The Forest. I'm feel like watching a bit of horror. I start watching The Forest and soon fall asleep.

Next Day - January 8th 2014

Ok Lena, time to find a new job... Any job will do as long as I can make enough money to support my family. Buzz... Buzz... Who's calling me this early in the morning? My family doctor? "Hello?"

"Hi Lena, it's Dr Martin here, I just wanted to tell you that your payment came through for your father's operation. How's the new job going?"

"I got fired yesterday..."

"Again? You should go and become a doctor because you do have the qualifications to become one. You've taken both MCAT and UKCAT along with the GAMSAT (some exams that you need to pass in order to do medical study) and passed with a high mark which means that you can work in a local hospital in America." That is true, I scored one of the highest marks in the exam and started going to medical school. I took the tests when I was 20 as a joke but I ended up getting a high mark which made me think about going to medical school, which I did 4 months after the exams but since I had no passion to be a medical student, I stopped and moved to America. Looking back at my decisions, I should've just continued going to medical school and work in a hospital so I can pay for my dad's medical fees. I would be rich if I became a doctor. "There's a medical school not far from where your apartment is called Chimea's Medical School. You can go there and finish your medical course."

"I might consider that since my options are now limited after being fired for the sixth time in 4 years. Do you think that they'll let me into the medical school? I mean, I took the test 4 years ago and I never actually went to university so I'm slightly underqualified."

"I'm sure you'll be fine, your score was the highest I've seen from a 19 year old who isn't big on medical studies."

"Do you know why I took the exams?"

"No, you never told me."

"I took them as a joke and was expecting to fail the exams massively because I didn't even study for it."

"No way... If you didn't study for it then how did you get such a high mark?"

"I don't know. I guess that my parents being doctors rubbed off on me and I just absorbed all the information in."

"Maybe. Anyway, I want you to give it your best in medical school and become a doctor. Who knows, if you become a high class doctor, you might even be able to cure your dad's disease. There's a high chance after seeing your results." Curing his disease would be a miracle. He has an unknown disease that seems to travel around his body and eat away at his muscles. When the doctors locate the area that is infected, the disease just moves and the doctors have to try and find it again. They've named it Lancet's Disease after my father because he's the first and only person in the world that has it. The doctors are trying to find a way to cure for 2 years but have been unsucessful. "I'll call you if anything happens or if the doctors discover something. Bye!"

"Bye." Ok then, I guess I'll check out the medical school that is apparently near my apartment. Chimea's Medical School, a school for people with potential and promise. On campus accomidation is avaliable for those who require one and fees vary depending on your termly exam results, the higher the mark, the lower the fee. An entrance exam is required to all those hoping to join the school. Based on your exam, you will be put into one of the 3 following groups: lower, intermediate or higher. The groups are to put you with people of the same skill set and knowledge. Wow, there's no way that I'll be able to get into this school. The fact that the fees are based on your exams is a good idea I guess. Let's pay a visit to this school and book an exam since I have nothing better to do.


Hi readers!! I hope that you will enjoy this book as it progresses because this prologue and the next few chapters might be a bit boring for some people but it will get more interesting.


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