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Lena's POV - February 3rd - 9:00

What do I do during a Tuesday day off? Gym? Nah, I only go to the gym in the weekends. I feel like doing something productive but at the same time, I don't want to do anything. Ugh, I hate first world problems! Maybe I should make a plan on how to take back the Sky Kingdom? I'm not so sure about reclaiming the kingdom anymore, I might be one of the last elves in existence and going to reclaim the kingdom would be suicidal! Maybe I should gather an army before making a plan. What am I saying? I'm no where near experienced enough to plan a strategy for war! Maybe I should start there then, find someone reliable who will help me devise a plan! I should probably ask my guardian pixie for advice on what to do. I'm gonna take a nap, too much thinking!


I'm coming for you Lena, you and your friend! What... was that?

Who's there? I shouted expecting a response. My voice was shaking and I could feel myself trembling.

You better watch out because when I come for you, you won't be able to stop me! Not you or your puny friend. Why does everyone want to kill or hurt Mark? It's not like he's evil or anything. Is it because he's with me? Am I putting him in danger? If so, I should probably leave as soon as I can before something big happens. However, if I do leave him, my brother might still go after him.

What do you want? I spun around numerous times trying to find the source of the sound. There was nothing around me besides darkness! Who are you?!

Shame, have you forgotten me already? Let me help you remember then. A hand appeared in front of me and pushed me backwards into a pit. As I fell, I saw images of me and someone else. I remember this, I went here with my best friend 4 years ago to celebrate his birthday. Wait, something happened on that day that caused us to have a massive fallout and go our separate ways even though we were never together. Could it be? Jason? I hit the ground and sat up.

You remembered! I thought you would after seeing that. Ever since the day that you left me, I have changed and become a different man. Please tell me that this isn't about to turn into the cliche thing on him seeking revenge! Even if it is, it's really creeping me out. I have come to seek my revenge on you for changing the world in front of my eyes! And it has become one of those cliche events. Mark my words Lena, until the day I see you truly suffer, I will not stop hunting you down along with everything else that you hold dear! Now that sounds a lot more terrifying in real life than it does in movies. This is all a dream so I shouldn't have to worry about anything right? I mean, he's not actually going to come after me right?

I didn't do anything to you Jason, it was just a small fallout and when I tried to talk to you, you wouldn't answer me and would just blank me! This is all partly your fault as well. We've been friends for over 15 years Jason, I've tried to talk to you for the past 4 years but I've not got a single response from you, not once! I didn't want 15 years of friendship to go down the drain but apparently you do! Surely that has to be something to consider! I waited for a reply from him but there was nothing once again. Another hand appeared and grabbed me by the leg. It dragged me along the nothingness and flung me onto a puddle of red gooey stuff. A silhouette danced around me with his many kitchen knifes following him. Uh... what do I do now? I stood up and prepared to run but hands were reaching out of the ground which were rooting me in place. I tried to peel the hands off of my legs but it was useless. They were just too strong. The silhouette came closer with every step until he was about a metre away. The silhouette got into a fencing stance and rushed forward to jab me with his knife. I raised my arms and waited...

Lena... Lena! I looked up and saw a light growing larger and larger. Something was pulling me towards the light...

~~~Reality~~~ Mark's POV - 11:00

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