Troubles of My Past

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Mark's POV - January 11th 2015

Where am I? Is this my bathroom and what am I leaning on? Lena? What happened last night? I remember, I was sick. My stomach woke me up and I wanted to wait it out but l felt like I wanted to throw up so I went to the toilet and waited it out there. But then I started throwing up and I might've woken Lena up during the process of puking my guts out. Maybe I shouldn't have drunk yesterday and listen to her, she is my savior. I got up and carefully carried her onto my bed. I'm going to cook breakfast first and bring some up to her when she wakes up. The fact is, I know why I started throwing up yesterday. It's probably because I had a serious injury in my stomach and I didn't really go the see the doctors until it was too late and they told me that I had seriously damaged my stomach and that I needed an operation immediately which caused complications because I didn't have enough money to cover the costs and my step mum wasn't going to help me like the other time when I had a tumour in my adrenal gland and appendicitis. The doctors fixed my stomach as much as they could but there was one side effect that couldn't be avoided and that was random emesis (medical term for vomiting) which also made my life hard. I should probably tell Lena about these conditions that I have just so that she's aware. "Good morning Mark, are you feeling better?" That was fast, I haven't even finished cooking dinner.

"Uh, yeah I feel a lot better. Thanks for helping me yesterday."

"No problem, it's my job to look after you and make sure that you have a full recovery since you left the hospital so soon. But then again, I should've advised you to not drink."

"Actually Lena, there's something that I need to tell you. It's about my conditions. The reason I threw up yesterday was not because of the alcohol or the food but it was because of a stomach problem that I have that makes me have random emesis. They normally occur once every fortnight." It's better if she knows about my conditions otherwise she might feel bad for letting me be in the state that I was.

"Random emisis... Is it related to that lump in your stomach that I saw during the operation? Is it an ulcer?" She picks up on thing pretty quick... Then again, she is a doctor and is expected to know these things. "Do you mind if I do a quick test on you after breakfast? If it's a simple ulcer then we can go to the nearest pharmacy and pick up some medicine for you to take which should prevent the random emesis from happening every fortnight." I passed her a plate of breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, beans and some toast. "Thanks for the breakfast."

"No problem." We sat down and started to eat our breakfast and chat about what we do everyday. We really do have a lot of things in common. She likes watching YouTube in her spare time and she wants to help other people which was her main reason for becoming a doctor. She has a rare type of Parkinson's disease which makes her suddenly collapse for a few seconds. Apparently, her disease is getting more serious every year and there isn't any way to slow down the process or to make it less frequent. When she was younger, it made her fall to one knee but now it makes her properly collapse. "So there isn't anything the doctors can do about it."

"No, I have been looking into this myself because I think that if we can cure this then it might also help with the development on curing the common Parkinson's disease." I see the logic, if you can solve a simpler version of it then you can use that to solve a more complex version by evolving and adapting the simple cure.

Lena's POV - January 12th 2015

It's nice to sit down and talk with someone instead of hiding in my room and studying human anatomy and common diseases which can be boring sometimes. Mark seems like a nice person dispite of what he's been through. Losing his dad all of a sudden and getting kicked out by his step-mum. "Mark, are you ok?" He started rubbing his chest as if he was trying to help the food go down. "Have some water." I passed him my cup of water and he downed it in one go. "If it a pain or a tight feeling?" He points towards the toilet amd tries to get up. "Come on Mark, you can do this." I help him over to the toilet but after the first few steps, he fell onto his knees and started coughing. I can't carry him to the toilet and he won't be able to make it to the sink in time either. What can I use to hold his sick? My raincoat! If it can keep rain out it can keep liquids... Right? Screw it, if it doesn't keep his sick in then I'll clean it up later. What matters now is that he gets through this. "Throw up in this, don't worry about what will happen to the coat later." What could be the cause of this? He was fine just moments ago. Could the ulcer be blocking the movement of food through his digestive systen and is forcing it back up due to a large build up? "Are you feeling better? Does your stomach still feel weird?"

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