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January 23rd - 15:20 - Mark's POV

Ok, so I have 7 ish hours until Lena gets home. What the hell am I going to do until then? The car accident video was dealt with by the police and it was taken down. I've dealt with my fans and told them that the whole thing was a fake and that I'm fine and alive. There are a lot of people on reddit and stuff who claim that they were there when the accident happened but the police are monitoring the social media websites and taking down all the comments that refer to the car accident. Ring Ring! "Hi Wade, how are ya?"

"Hey Mark, I'm fine thanks, I called to make sure that you were ok and all."

"Aw thanks Wade... Did Lena ask you to phone me?"

"Nnnn yeah... She wanted me to check on you and for me to tell you that she was going to be coming back tomorrow morning because there aren't enough doctors at the hospital today."

"Ok, thanks for telling me Wade. Say, do you want to do a bit of recording?"

"Sure, how about the second season of Don't Starve Co-Op?"

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. I'll just log onto Skype and set up my recording equipment." I ended the call and logged onto Skype. I then called Wade and we started to record some Don't Starve for the next 2 hours. "I think we're done for today so thank you so much for watching and as always, I will see you... In the next video. Buh byeeee!!" I stopped the recording and started to talk about her birthday which was a month away. "What do you think I should get Lena?"

"How on Earth am I meant to know? You hang out with her all day so you should know!" True, I did not think about that. Maybe I can call her mum and ask her! "Why don't you get her something like a bracelet or a necklace with her name on it? Every girl likes that right?" That sounds like a good idea, I don't see her wear much jewellery but I'm sure she'll like something like that.

"Thanks man, I gotta go now. Maybe I'll be able to talk to you tomorrow?"

Sure, nice to talk to you again, bye!"

"Bye!" I ended the call and started to browse the internet for something nice but I thought that all the jewellery looked the same. I then started to consult the internet on the best jewellery brands and oh my god do they look amazing! Yes, I FOUND THE ONE! It was a white gold necklace with a star made out of crystal (there is a picture of it in the media section but it has the date 2011. Ignore that and pretend that it says 2015:) which had the year 2015 on it and an optional engraving on the opposite side of the date. I think that she would like that. So I ordered it off the internet with her name engraved on the other side of it. There we go, now for a card to go with it.

A Lot of Shopping Later

Well, that was 4 hours well spent, I've done all of my birthday shopping and I have booked 3 tickets to Cincinnati, one for me, one for Lena and one for her mum. My relatives have invited us to have a late New Years dinner with them. My videos are all edited and uploaded onto YouTube. My gifts should be arriving sometime tomorrow thanks to express delivery. Ding! A text from my brother! Hey Mark, I'm going to be in LA the two weeks, arriving tomorrow, and I was wondering whether I could stay at yours while I'm here? I texted him back that it was ok and asked whether I needed to pick him up form the airport? Ding! It's ok, I'll just get a taxi do drop me off at the end of the road to your house. Don't want a crazy fan to know where you live right? My brother knows me so well, no crazy fangirls allowed in or near my house! Ding! See you tomorrow! I texted him back and put my phone down. Ring ring! I don't know this number.


"Hi, are you Mark?" Hmm, what should I say? "Why am I even asking? I know that you're Mark, the one that's going out with my sister Lena!"

"Woah woah woah, we're not going out. We're just friends!"

"Look, there's something big that you don't kno about Lena and I just want you to stay away from her. If you don't then you trust me... You're going to regret this." Is he referencing the whole elf Queen thing? "Lena has a split personality, when the other side of her comes out, there's no stopping her and she will kill you." Is this her brother calling me? "Also, watch out because I'm hunting you." Beep! That was really weird... did I just get blackmailed by a random guy over the phone? Maybe I should tell Lena when she comes home tomorrow... I also need to set up a room for my brother because Lena's using the spare room at the moment. I wonder if he minds staying in my room and I'll just sleep in the living room. The sofa's there are very comfortable!

The Next Day - January 24th - 12:10

Ding Dong! Oooh, my brother's here! I ran down the stairs and opened the door to my brother who was wearing a mexican hat. "I see nothing has changed since I last saw you!"

"Well, you haven't changed either! Well, you may have gained a bit of weight." I invited him in and we sat down together. The last time I had a chat like this with my brother was about 2-3 years ago and I remember that we were talking about my future and continuing with YouTube. "This place is a lot cleaner than I last remember it, *sniff sniff* and it also smells like perfume... Ladies perfume." I copied my brother and sniffed the air. There was a small whiff of women's perfume and seafood. "Mark... are you using ladies perfume?" I glared at him and sighed.

"I guess this is the perfect opportunity to tell you, I have another person staying with me at the moment."

"So, there's another guy staying with you who wears ladies perfume?"

"Not exactly, I have a doctor who's looking after me and it's not a guy. She's called Lena."

"Is she a lady friend?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "You know... A close lady friend."

"She's just a friend ok? Nothing more and nothing less." He backed off and smiled.

"I just wanted to know whether my little brother was in a relationship without telling me! So, when will I be able to meet this Lena?" I looked down at my silver watch.

"In about half an hour?" Thomas's face turned serious as if he had just realised something.

"You mentioned something about her looking after her, what do you mean by that?" Oh yeah... I didn't tell him did I? Whoops!

"Well, you see... about 2 weeks ago, I was meeting some fans when I was hit by a car. That was when I first met Lena, she gave me some first aid at the crash, operated on me in hospital and is now making sure that I make a full recovery. She's basically the reason why I'm still alive according to the doctors. Also, she's not a fan girl!" Thomas crossed his arms and stared at me.

"And you didn't bother to tell me?" I shrunk in my seat and smiled nervously.

"I was going to but uh... I forgot." He sighed and sat back on the sofa. "Sorry."

"As long as my little Markie is alright then everything is fine." I gave my brother a tight hug when the front door lock clicked. "I'm going to assume that it's Lena." I stood up and stood behind the door as it opened.

"You're back!"

"Hi Mark, I was only gone for a day."

"By the way, I want you to meet someone!" I lead her to the living room, which about three steps from the front door, and introduced we to my brother. "Lena, this is my brother Thomas, brother, this is my guardian angel Lena." They shook hands and we all sat down. We chatted for ages until it was time for dinner. Lena went to cook a special dinner for us since eating pizza isn't advised for someone who is currently recuperating from being hit by a car. Thomas and I started watching Breaking Bad and other random things that just so happened to be on television.

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