Big Brother

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Lena's POV - January 21st 2015

Damn, it's so cold in this house. Isn't there any central heating in Mark's house? I looked out the window and saw glittering white snow as far as the eye could see. It finally snowed, the weather forecast predicted that it would snow sometime in the next few weeks. Buzz buzz. "Hello?"

"Lena, it's me, Aaron. Where are you?" Aaron... He's the person who I used to call brother until he turned and discovered that he had magical abilities. The government took him away and I was taught to hate all those who could use 'magic'.

"Why should I tell you?

"Because I'm coming to take you home... To our real home. I want to make things right and start things over again, dad will be there as well." He hasn't heard the news yet I guess. "We can be one happy family, with no government to hide from." Oh yeah, the government are keeping a close eye on me and my family because we were victims of this magical disease. "Come on sis, let big brother help you."

"No, I don't want to go with you. I'm perfectly happy where I am. I don't want to live in a fantasy."

"Then I'll take you there against your own will and force you to expose who you really are to the person you're staying with right now. Don't think I won't do that little sis, you'll forgive me when I show you our new world!" It turned out that I could preform 'magic' as well. I found out by accident when someone tried to rob me, I summoned a massive wave of fire and he was burnt to a crisp. Luckily, no one was there so I was safe and the government has no idea.

"What do you mean by expose who I really am? Are you going to tell him my biggest secret as a child?"

"I'll tell him that you are cursed with the demons omens!"

"Demons omens? What are you talking about?"

"I saw you burn that man into a crisp, I saw you run away with a confused and panicked look on your face. I saw it all."

Mark's POV

I know that eavesdropping isn't right but she sounds really distressed at the moment. "What are you talking about?" That's exactly what I want to know. "Aaron, just *sigh* leave me alone! I don't want to see you ever again and don't you dare hurt him!" Does that mean me and who's this Aaron dude? Who calls a person at 5:15am just to have an argument? "Aaron, listen to me! Dad's gone and he's never coming back. No fantasy land will change that fact, you'll just be creating an illusion." Is Aaron her brother? I guess so since she's talking about her dad like he's also Aaron's dad so maybe. "Don't Aaron, please. He has nothing to do with this... He's just a colleague and nothing more! But why do you care? You've never loved me, dad or mum! If you truly love me then leave me and him alone." I heard a beep followed by a clunk which I assume was her putting the phone down. "You don't need to eavesdrop anymore Mark, you can come in." She knew I was here all along? I opened the door and immediately looked down. She's not wearing a top and I don't want to look like a total perv and stare. "Oh, sorry. Totally forgot. There we go." I slowly looked back up and she had put a shirt on. "Sorry for waking you up this early in the morning Mark."

"No problem, I can sleep anytime I want to be honest. It's not like I have anything planned for today besides recording." She curled up into a ball and started to cry. I sat next to her and gently rubbed her back. "Just let all the tears fall and let the sorrow wash out along with it." She flung her arms around me and cried onto my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and gently rocked her back and forth.

5 Minutes Later

Lena had fallen asleep from crying and I was now stuck here with her lying on my lap with her head on my lap. Ding! She's got a message from Aaron. "I'm doing this for you." What? Ding! "Your childhood dream." Was it to be together with her family? Ding! "You may have forgotten but I have not!" Probably. I might take her out to a fair or something later on to take her mind off things and have a good time. I might take a break and upload some prerecorded videos.

"Don't hurt him Aaron... Please."

3 Hours Later

8:20 am, that's an hour earlier than I normally wake up. I need to stretch but I don't want to wake her up. Let's gently shuffle off the bed while trying not to wake her up. As I started to shuffle, she jolted upright and started panting. Not waking her up didn't work.

"Lena?" She whipped around and pulled me into a tight hug. "Is everything ok?" My face was starting to blush because I can feel it begin to warm up. "Lena." She pushed away slightly and looked up. I wiped the tears off her face and smiled. "Please don't cry Lena, it makes me sad to see you this sad. Come on, get ready and come down for breakfast. I have something fun planned for today." I skipped down the stairs and prepared her favourite breakfast: pork ramen with an egg on top. Lena came down a few minutes later and sat down at the dining table. "You'll need all your strength today because I've got a lot planned." She slowly ate the ramen and gulped down the soup. By the time we were done it was already 8:50.

"Mark... C-can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, fire away."

"Um... If someone was different and the society didn't accept that person, would you still take them in and call them a friend?" Who is she referring?

"Depends on why that person is rejected by the society, if he was a criminal then I wouldn't call them a friend. But if that person had a certain ability that wasn't accepted by society but the person them self was good then I would call them a friend. Why do you ask?" A case opened when I was young about people being able to manipulate the elements and preform what the government claimed as magic. Is she trying to say that she's a person who can preform legit magic? "Is it something to do with magic?"

"Oh no, I-I just wanted to know what you thought about that particular area. I mean, there's no such thing as a person who can use magic... Is there?" I cleaned the dishes and put on a hoodie.

"I dunno, anything's possible I guess. It's a bit cold outside, you might want to wear a jumper or something." She grabbed a hoodie and a scarf and then walked out of the house and out for a walk. "So, do you want to go to a gaming festival?" There was a gaming festival starting in an hours not far from my house. "I'm not hosting a panel this year so I'll be able to spend more time exploring the other panels." She smiled slightly and shrugged.

"Sounds fun, when does it start?" I glanced down to my watch.

"In an hour or so. Some of my friends are going to be there." She pulled her scarf up slightly so it covered her mouth and nose. "It'll be ok, Bob, Wade and I will make sure that nothing happens to you." We stopped at a forbidden planet and I bought her a fluffy polar bear toy the size of an average bear from build a bear.

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