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Lena's POV - 16th February - 6:48am

"Thanks you guys so much for helping me out with the live stream and thanks to you guys as well for joining us here today. Guys, shall we all say a big bye altogether?" Mark asked and we all nodded. "3. 2. 1. Bye!" Mark ended the stream and they all face planted onto the table. "Ugh, that felt like a 24 hour stream! Oh my God I need caffeine!"

"No you're not getting any caffeine Mark! Go to bed and I'll clean up." I demanded. Mark didn't move nor respond. "Did you hear me?"

"Zzzz..." Huh? I tilted his head and he was fast asleep.

"You've got to be joking!"

"Is Mark fast asleep?" Wade asked in an expected tone.

"Yes, is this common?"

"Yup, it normally happens after a 12 hour live stream, just ask Jordan or someone to carry him up to the bedroom or something." I looked over at Jordan and he walked over.

"I'm not sure whether Jordan will be able to carry Mark or not!" I said teasingly. Jordan gave it a shot and to my surprise he actually failed. He managed to shift Mark about 2 inches before giving up. "Told you, Jordan's not strong enough!" Jordan huffed and made way for Aaron who was about to attempt to lift Mark up. It's not like Mark weighs a lot, he weighs about... I don't actually know how much he weighs. Aaron gave it his best shot as well to lift Mark up until he was red in the face. "It seems like neither of the guys can lift Mark up." I said. The three laughed and Jordan sat there with a puzzled look and Aaron was catching his breath. Jordan put on his headphones.

"Ok then Lena, I bet you can't lift Mark up either. If I lose then you get $10000 transferred straight to your account and one item of your choice. All of you guys are listeners and witnesses of this deal ok?"

"And if you win?" I asked, this is a funny bet that I'm sure I can win.

"I get $10000 and an item of my choice which will be a picture of you kissing Mark." Uh, there's NO WAY am I going to lose this! I am not kissing Mark and letting it go on the internet because who knows what some people would do with it! I also don't think my manager would be very happy with this either. I don't want to lose another job now do I? "Deal?"

"Deal." I shook his hand and took off my headphones. Aaron switched it so the people in Skype could see what was happening and we could also hear what they were saying without our headphones. "Prepare that $10000 because I'm getting it!" I flung Marks left arm over my shoulder and proceeded in lifting him up and dragging him out of the room.

"I meant lift not drag."

"Aw come on Jordan, neither of you could lift him. How do you expect Lena to do it? She's a lady!" Wade stated. That's it, no more hiding my true strength, I'll show you what a lady can do! I swiftly swept Mark off his feet and stuck my tongue out at Jordan. "Spoke too soon maybe."

"Is this good enough for you Jordan? Does this count as lifting him up?" He nodded and I carried Mark up to his room. Gently, I tucked him into bed and closed the door. I skipped back downstairs and stuck a tongue out again at Jordan. "Where's that $10000 you were talking about?" I said trying my best not to laugh. He logged onto his PayPal account and was about to transfer it when I stopped him. "I'm joking, I don't actually want your money."

"But a bet was a bet and I shouldn't break my end of the bargain." Jordan whined. It's almost like he wants me to take the $10000. Strange, why would he place such a high bet in the first place? Was he hoping for me to lose so he could get the $10000 for himself? Maybe. But I don't think that Jordan's that selfish.

"Um Lena, where are Jordon and I going to sleep? We didn't arrange a hotel or anything because Mark said that he would sort everything out." Of course, he was the one that sorted everything out and it totally wasn't me.

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