Homemade Dinner

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Mark's POV - January 21st 2015

Ok, 4 hours to get some videos recorded and edited before Lena gets back from her work at the hospital. "Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome to... Let's play Outlast!!" Ok Mark, it's just like every other time that you've sat in front of this camera and made a fool of yourself. What's so different about this time? Oh yeah, I've just been in an accident and anything major may hurt me or put me back in hospital. Is playing Outlast right now the best option? "Now I've been waiting for this game for a long time..." I sure have been. The expectations for this game is extremely high and it's expected to be the next big horror game and I hope that it lives up to the expectations. "And I'm sure that many of you have as well." I'm not sure how right I am about that but whatever, it's just an intro.

Some Time into the Game

"Well, glad you're all being so polite about this you're very civil... Oh my God *some sort of stutter* I didn't mean to look down. They're naked, so naked!! Oh my God!" Why did I decide to do this again? Man, the things that I do to entertain my fans... I'm going to have to blur that out in the video while I edit it. Also, what is with everyone in this place? Surely with this many people being kept in here there would be at least one person who thought about escaping the building and living a 'normal' life. Surely there's one person. I might end it here since I've been playing this for about an hour now. Editing all of this is going to take me about an hour and to upload one is going to take another hour since YouTube doesn't like me that much. That leaves me three more hours until Lena gets home. What do I do in the remaining hour? "Thank you all so much for watching, click the annotation for more videos that I've done. And as always, I will see you... In the next video. Buh Byeeeee!" There we go, three videos done and now a whole lot more to do. I'll leave those for later, I'm sure that I'll have time later on in the week to record some more videos. I'm going to take a nap after editing because those jump scares sucked the life outta me.

After A Lovely Nap

*Yawn* That was a nice nap, I've been asleep for at least 2 hours I think. Why am I on my bed? *Sniff sniff* FOOD!! But who's cooking? Lena? Maybe, I think I'm going to check it out since I'm starting to get a bit hungry. *Yawn* That smells so good, I wonder what it is? "Did you have a nice nap Mark?" I nod. "Take a seat, I'm nearly done." I sit down at the dining table and watch as Lena puts the dished onto the table.

"I never knew you cook!"

"You never asked. There are a lot of things that you don't know about. So, these dishes should be fine for your stomach and I made sure that they are good for your liver and the other vital organs. There's calamari drizzled with lemon juice, steak with garlic sauce, smoked salmon sushi, mashed potato, lasagna with cottage cheese and minced beef and lastly some fruit salad." Wow, this is amazing. Did she specially go out to buy these ingredients? "Dig in and tell me what you think." I ate a bit of everything and I must say, she is the best cook ever!

"This is absolutely amazing! Did you go out to buy the ingredients since I don't really have much at home due to the numerous pizza takeaways I order."

"Yeah, luckily there is a grocery store not too far away from here and they pretty much sell everything so it wasn't hard to find the things I needed." And she managed to do all of that in a space of 2 hours. She is very efficient. "What's your favourite dish?"

"I think it would be the calamari because I love squid (I don't know if he actually likes squid or not but I do so... Meh)." I've never had this kind of food before in my house. This is like a restaurant!! "You have to teach me how to cook!" She chuckled and headed over to the fridge.

"Are you up for some dessert?" There's dessert? I wonder what it is! "Here you go, one for you and one for me!" She handed me a pot of ice cream with some black stuff in it. "I'm not going to tell you what's in it but I'm sure that you'll like it. It's not exactly healthy but that doesn't matter." She hands me a spoon and I take a small scoop. There was some sort of biscuit chunks in the ice cream, they were small and black. Oreos? I ate a bit and I was correct, vanilla ice cream with oreo biscuits! "So, what do you think about the ice cream?"

"I LOVE IT!! Did you make this?" She nods. "It tastes the amazing! How did you make it?"

"Well, I just crushed some oreos and mixed it with some vanilla ice cream. Simple as that. I didn't feel like making the ice cream from scratch so I just bought some at the store." How can something so simple taste so good?!?! "So, what were you doing while I was gone? Recording?" How did she guess? It's not like I do anything else during my day. "I thought so, you have been afk from your channel for some time now." Afk, such gaming terminology. "I'm working a late shift tomorrow so I won't be able to cook dinner for you but I'll prepare something for you that you can microwave before I go to work." Lena's so thoughtful! I should repay her somehow... But how exactly? "Is there anything you want in particular?" I shook my head. "Ok. What do you have planned for tomorrow? More recording?"

"Yeah, I have to catch up on videos and explain the whole car incident thing. Wade told me that there was a video on the internet of the car crash but luckily the quality was quite bad and you can't make out my face." That's good at least, people might be worrying over the internet but some of them might think that the video's fake. I'll sleep on it and decide what to do tomorrow. "I'm going to get some more sleep now, thanks for the dinner." I put the dishes into the sink and went to my room. What am I going to do?

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