Best Sleepover Ever... If we even slept

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When Friday came, the guys came over and we finished our project easily. I did most of the work since I was the smartest and they... weren't the brightest of people. We were watching a movie when Ben had a so called "brilliant'' idea.

"Hey you guys wanna play Hide and Seek? Outside?'' He asks playfully. Jeff groans and E.J nods, they both get up and Jeff streatches. I was a bit tired so I let out a small yawn and curl farther into my pillow and blanket fort like thing.

"Sure." Jack says getting up. I ignore the and continue watching the movie. They stare at me and pause the movie, making me groan in annoyence.

"Desiree, get up lazy ass." Jeff says, throwing a pillow at my face. I glare at him and put my head under the blankets. After a few more minutes of them begging me, I throw off everything and get up cracking my back loudly making a few of them cringe.

''Yeah fine. Ben hunts first." I say pulling my hair into a messy bun. Ben lets out a childish whine.

"Why my first?" He asks, pouting. I finish tying my hair up and roll my eyes at him.

"Since you had the idea, you go first butt licker." I say, sticking my tongue out at him. He gasps like a teenage girl and pretends to be offended. E.J laughs a little while Jeff sighs loudly.

"Fine what ever. So I will give you thirty seconds starting... now.'' He says, and we all bolt out side. E.J and jack go off in another direction while Jeff is still next to me. He looks around for like five seconds and jumps behind a large bush next to a tall tree. I look up at the high branch, about a couple inches from my finger tips.

"Desiree, you can't get up there if you climb. Run." Jeff whispers, causing me to smirk. I look at him with a devilish grin on.

"Try me." I say jumping up and grasping the think branch. I swing till I land on top of the branch. I climb a few more branches up till I'm in the dense leaves. I look down at Jeff who just sat there with his mouth open like a fish out of water. I put my finger over my lips telling him to be quiet.

"Jeff I see you." Ben yells, Jeff groans out loud and looks up at me winking. As he walks away he gives me thumbs up, making me smile. Ben and Jeff walk away while I continue to cling to the branches about sixteen feet in the air. "L.J, I can see you feet.''

"Damn you Benjamin." Jack groans loudly, walking out from a bush. Ben smacks his arm angrily.

"Don't call me that!" Ben yells at him, stomping away angrily. Jack and Jeff chuckle and Ben glares at them. I took them a while to find E.J, who was behind a tree in the darkest part of the backyard. Since E.J was wearing all black, he blended in better then everyone else. Jeff, Jack, and E.J sit on a couple of lawn chairs, chatting, while Ben continued to look for me.

After about half an hour Ben began to panic. Ben was yelling my name, and the boys just watched. They didn't seem concerned, especially Jeff who every few minutes looked in my direction smiling. Ben ran over to the boys, ranting about how I could have been kidnapped or hurt.

"Help me find her, It's been like an hour!" Ben yelled frantically. The guys nodded, getting up and looking for me. Jeff kept clear of where I was, telling them that he already checked there. "Desiree! Where are you?"

"Do you think she would actually say something?" Jack asks, looking through a bush. Ben glares at him as he enters the shed. It's been ten more minutes of searching every single space possible, even if I couldn't fit in them.

"Desiree. Fine you win." Ben finally says, annoyed. I let out a loud dark chuckle. Ben squeaks softly, making all the guys burst out laughing. They all look in my direction, Jeff smiles happily.

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