I Need to Escape

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Where is he bringing me? I hope I don't die like all his victims and his family. I continue to kick and hit him as me opens the large double doors, I try to grab one to pull me away from this psychopath, but he pulls me away and shuts the doors before I have a chance. The smell of cake fills my nose and I hear fighting.

"Slender can I please have one?'' A male voice asks. I hear movement and some one falling.

"No." Another man asks, his voice is smooth and low like jazz, while the other is medium.

"I hate you." The first one says, before walking away. A man walks out of what I presume is the kitchen, he is wearing a black hoodie and pants.

"I never said you had to like me." The jazz man says back. I let out a small giggle before I continue hitting Jeff. He huffs loudly. "Jeff why do I smell human on you?"

"When do I not smell like human?" Jeff answers, an annoyed tone in his voice. I elbow him in the spine and he groans letting me go. I fall to the ground, and try to run for the door but Jeff blocks my way. I turn around and run towards where the jazz man's voice came from, the kitchen, where there should be a knife. I run in and quickly find a knife, Ignoring who ever was in the way. I pick it up, turning to face the door. "Desiree, put down the knife."

"After I bury it in to your skull." I say, throwing it at him. He nearly dodges it, and runs towards me. I grab two more and throw the small one at him, hitting him right in the rib cage. He groan and pulls it out, throwing it to the ground. He charges at me again, and corners me. When he lunges at me, I raise the knife and buried it deep into his shoulder. I kick him to the side and start running away when I'm picked up off the ground. "Let me go asshole."

"Jeff who is this human, and why did she beat you up?" The jazz man says, looking at me face to "face". He has no face what so ever, just a blank white cover thingy. He is about ten feet tall right now, with a black tux on and black tentacles emerging out of his back, one in which is wrapped around my waist, lifting up off the ground to meet his face.

"Thats Desiree, watch out she will hurt you." Jeff warns, getting up and pulling out the bloody knife. A twisted smirk crawls across my face.

"I don't believe a human ca... ow hey!" The jazz man screams as I dig and bite into his tentacle. Black ooze drips onto me as he drops me and tends to his damaged appendage. I fall the the ground, breaking a rib or two, the run out of the kitchen into another room, totally forgetting I was naked. I see a boy in green with blonde hair, playing a video game with a boy in a dark blue hoodie and black pants. I run next to them and whisper into the blonde one ear.

"Protect me and I will hug you." I whisper, making him turn to me. He has no eyes, just black with a red dot in the middle, and blood leaking out. He stares at me before, answering.

"Desiree?" He asks, his voice familiar. The other boy looks at me, he is wearing a midnight blue mask with black eye holes that have black ooze leaking out of them. The blue one falls back, while the green on just sits there staring at me.

"Hey Ben, E.J, did you guys see Desiree come by here?" Jeff asks, walking into the room. He stops when he sees my and tries and grab me but the guy in green stops him.

"Jeff, why is Desiree here? And why is she naked?" The green guy yells. Jeff tries and push past him, but the blue one blocks his way.

"Move guys you blocking my way." Jeff complains. I cling to the blue one, even if he has no eyes, and bury my face into his back. He turns around and takes off his jacket, revealing a black t-shirt under it. He puts the large hoodie on my cold body, and It falls down to just above my knees. I give him a smile.

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