It's Not a Fight It's a Bloody Massacre

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I switched Devil's gender to male, cause why not...
Pic of devil on the side the two forms so far plus the one as a human in this chapter.

Desiree's p.o.v
I saw red eyes come through the door was, Adrian raising the gun up ready to shoot. I push it away, getting up towards the figure. I look at the man in the eyes. Blood red eyes.

"I got your stuff from your house, everything that you need. Guns, knives, computer, phone, and traps. I also got some clothe for myself, I didn't want to come naked." Devil's deep voice rumbles through the house. I nod, turning back around. He follows me in, setting the stuff beside Adrian who stares in aww.

"You can be human?" He asks, pointing at the man thing. Devil lets out a laugh, shaking the ground a bit.

"This is my less used form, but my most important one." He replies. I turn and look up into his blood red eyes. His skin was pale in contrast to his pitch black hair. He was 6'3, muscular, and extremely handsome. He was wearing a black hoodie and jeans along with a pair of black nikes. He looks back down at me, kissing my forehead. "Your parents left a voicemail on the home phone. They said they are coming back a month earlier, which means in another week or so. They miss you and love you."

"Oh gosh, thank you for the info Devil." I say bending down and rummaging through the back, pulling out my laptop and about twelve cameras.

"Call me Daemon, it's weird when you say my pet name in this form." He complains, grabbing the cameras.

"What ever, still gunna call you Devil. Set them up in the kitchen, upstairs in the hall way windows, the rooms upstairs, front and back doors, and here. We will move to the attic." I say, firing up the Apple laptop. Devil nods, grumbling and walks to the corner of the room near the door and sets up a camera on the mantle. I grab the bag, sling it over my shoulder and slip the laptop under my shoulder. Adrian gets up and grabs the weapons and ammo that lay on the floor. I climb up to the attic, from the pull down latter and pull out three chairs, setting the bag on the floor. I search around for a table, finding a foldable one, setting it in front of a chair and setting my laptop on it.

"I'm done, they should be online now." Devil says, pulling up the latter and shutting the latch to it. I nod and set up the cameras, seeing everything the cameras see. I switch to the cameras in my house, seeing Jeff searching through my stuff, looking for me or Adrian. He stops at a box that was sitting under my bed, no. He pull out a small picture frame, looking at it with pure anger in his cut up face. It was a picture of me and Adrian from the last Christmas we spent together, I was sitting in his lap, Devil in mine. He had his arms around me, holding me up while I was snuggles against his chest.

"You still have that?" I hear from behind me. I jump and turn to see Devil and Adrian staring at the screen. I blush a little.

"Yeah. I never threw it out." I mumble embarrassed. Adrian gives me a wide smile, kissing my cheek. Devil gives out a low growl which makes Adrian take a step back. "Shut up Devil."

"Sorry Mistress." Devil says. I roll me eyes, turning my face back at the screen, turning the microphone on. Jeff throws the picture to the side, shattering it against the wall. Devil lets out another growl, noticing my face looking broken. Adrian clenches his jaw, his knuckles turning white as he balls up his fist.

"She must be at his house. Fuck." Jeff humbles, turning around and heading out of my destroyed room. I follow him through the screen, watching him leave my house.

"Ηe is on his way here. Devil give me my toy." I command walking over to front window throwing it open, Devil comes up beside me with a sniper rifle. I grab it and load it, watching Jeff walk to the front yard. I look into the scope, aiming it at his head. Firing the slender bullet at the pale face. He stops at the last moment, moving his head to the side, the bullet impacting a tree behind him. He looks up at me, the cut smile looking wider, as if he smiles himself behind the injury. He runs into the house, at supernatural speed. I look at the boys who are gearing up. "You guys stay up here, I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt. Especially you Devil, I will fight on my own."

"Okay, stay safe." Devil says walking over to me with my machete, hunting knife, and pistol. I strap the machete to my belt, the hunting knife to the other side of my thigh, and loading the pistol with bullets. I nod, hugging him. He kisses me on the forehead and hugs me briefly. I hear the front door break open, he is inside. Adrian nods, waving at me with a sad look on his face. I sigh and run towards the window, slipping out of it onto the roof. Dropping down onto the front of the porch, the door was broken and hanging by one hing to the side. I drew my gun in front of me as I stepped over the broken glass and splinters that lay on the ground. I slowly stalk forward, quietly walking through the hallway, checking every room I came by.

"He's behind you!" Devil's voice echoed through my head. I turn aiming my gun as Jeff's face, he glared at me with his blood shot eyes. He looked at me with a look, that made my blood turn cold.

"Are you gunna shoot me Desiree? Do you have the guts?" He spat out, a sliver of annoyance from me continuing to point the gun at him, and a teasing look in his eyes. He doesn't think I can, he dosen't believe me... well fuck him. I pull the trigger, he dodges and the bullet goes into his shoulder. He slashes the knife at my, cutting my arm. I continue shooting the gun at him, hitting him in different places that had no affect on him each time. He cuts my other arm, drawing a great deal of blood.

"Jeff, back off!" I say, throwing the empty gun at his head, hitting him in the face.

"I will only go if you come with me!" He growls at me, lunging towards me. I duck, taking my hunting knife and stabbing him in the leg. I pull his feet out from under him.

"Then you will never leave... alive." I say, punching him in the face. I hear a police car outside, shit someone called the cops. Jeff kicks me off, and slashes at me. He punches my nose, making me fall back. My hands fill with blood, as I clutch my face. He broke my fucking nose. He stood over me, raising his knife. There was a shadow behind him... Adrian. "No!"

Jeff turns around, slashing Adrian in the throat. He falls down, blood gushing from the deep cut in his throat. I get up and tackle Jeff, punch after punch to his now broken face. Tears fall down my face, dried blood clogs my nose. He deserves to die...

This is part one, my stupid thing wont let me save so they can have lines in between so I don't know what this looks like. Tis also short...

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