Secrets and Blood

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This is a special note for my friend Palmer~ I has good grammar, i don't not had bad grammar.

Pic of Adrian on the side. Isn't he sooooooooo cute*.*

Jeff's p.o.v

"Mother fucker!" I scream, pulling the long blade out of my shoulder. I brush the dirt and leaves off of my butt and throw the blade to the side. Smile slowly walks up beside me, his dislocated jaw hanging broken like a doll. I sigh, and set it back into place, earning a painful howl from my demonic pet. "Lets get you back, we can't be out for too long." It takes about and hour to walk back to the mansion, only to be greeted by an angry Slenderman.

"Did you find her?! Wait let me guess, she beat you up again?! Your a fail Jeff, can't even catch a girl!" He yells at me, tentacles thrashing behind him. I put my head to the floor in shame and embarrassment. I can kill three professional wrestler, and not get a scratch. Then when it comes to Desiree, she kills three Pastas and can prob kill Slender. "She can't kill be, I'm immortal."

"So is everyone else, and she seems to be fine with bitting off one of your appendages." I mumble not even looking him in the eye. He huffs and teleports away, taking Smile to the infirmary. I walk to the living room to find Ben and E.J playing Halo together. I sit on the couch next to Sally, who is ignoring me.

"You know Jeff, you made a stupid move. Bringing her into our world. She was fine being normal." Ben says not taking his eyes of the TV screen.

"I know, but she is not normal. She ran and caught up with a wolf and me. She dislocated Smile's jaw, almost breaking it. She picked up Adrian. I don't think she is anywhere near normal." I stated. Slumping down on the couch even more. She belongs with us, she is not human like the people she is with, she is one of us. "She belongs here.''

"No she belongs with her family, also Adrian and Kaylin." E.J says, turning to me for a second. Anger starts to boil within me, he's wrong.

"She is not one of them, she belongs with us. The ones who truly care!" My voice raises to a yell. She has to live with us.

"Don't yell at me Jeffery! Her family cares about her, so does her friends. So you 'care' about her to let her abandon her dreams, ruin her future, and become a cold blooded killer like us? How can you even say that!" E.J screams back, pausing the game and throwing the controller to the ground. He never yells, he is always calm and happy. Ben gets up too and crosses his arms across his chest.

"E.J is right, she doesn't belong here with us. If you cared enough about her, they you would agree." He says calmly. How dare he say that shit. How dare he claim that I don't care for her!

"You're just saying that because you want her all to yourself! Just because Link has Zelda doesn't mean you have to take my girl! She will never love you, she only loves me!" I scream, jumping out of my seat. Ben's face turns from annoyance, to shock, to pure anger. He starts to glitch as the emotion takes over his body, and blood oozes out of his eyes.

"I could care less then shit about those two! Don't ever talk about that whore and that bitch ever again! I hope poor mommy, daddy, and Liu have fun rotting in hell!" He screams back. When he mentioned those names my heart hurt, it hurt bad. It only made me angrier, so I quickly threw my knife straight into his shoulder. Her dodges it and slides the sword out of it's hilt and charges at me, swinging. I dodge and punch his straight in the jaw, making him stumble. I kick him in the stomach, causing him to drop his sword. He grabs my leg and pulls me forward, causing me to fall on my butt. He sits on top of me, landing punch after punch after punch. I kick him off an do the same, E.J trying to pull me off. I push him away, then wrap my hands around Ben's neck, making his face turn purple. He was about to die when black tentacles wrap around me waist, pulling me off of the struggling elf.

"Jeffery!" Slender yells, static ringing in my ears. I groan and pull my hands over them, trying to protect them from the horrid sound.

"Stop it! For the love of Zalgo stop it!" I scream at the top of my lungs, clutching me head. Everyone in the room is doing the same, screaming and holding their heads as if they are about to fall off.

"Jeffery, how many times have I told you to control your anger?! How many times?" He screams at me, tears fill my unblinking eyes.

"A lot! I'm sorry Slender!" I yell back, feeling warm blood in my palms. The static stop and he drops me onto the ground. I continue to cry softly, this is worst then before. I have never cried before.

"Good, I hope you learned your lesson and will never do that again. Also, Desiree isn't normal, but she doesn't belong here unless she does something bad." He says before teleporting away. I whip away my tears, looking around me only to see that everyone there has a disappointed look on there face. I get up.

"You done goofed this time Jeff. Next time Slender will be harder on you." Sally says sternly. I hang my head low, not wanting to look her in the eyes. "Slender's right, the only way she can truly get here is if she does something worth being here for."

"I thought killing Toby, Masky, and Hoodie was enough." I reply softly, think about the way she moved.

"She has to kill people who are innocent and alive. The ones who don't actually deserve it, she has to go loco." She replies, giving me an idea. What if she goes crazy, what if she kills someone? A smirk plays upon my face, hidden by the cut smile.

"Sorry." I say walking away, up to my room where I started to conduct my evil plan.

Desiree's p.o.v

"You never gave me a chance to explain myself." Adrian says, putting the bullets in the pistols. I sigh knowing that he is right, I was blinded by my own rage for mine that I never gave him a chance.

"Sorry." I mumble under my breath, sharpening my hunting knife to a fine point.

"It's all because of Jeff the Killer." He says, making my head snap up at the name. "He attached my father in his sleep, I wanted to tell you. I wish I could of, but you would think I'm crazy. After the years I've been gone, I begged my mother to come back, saying that he was gone. I wish I was right though, now I'm here sitting in my living room again with you. Now this time, we will have to kill the ass."

"No objection there." I say slipping the knife into the sheath on my belt. I give Adrian a smirk. I hear footsteps outside the house, It's time to end this.

sorry for a short chapter

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