Living with These Idiots will be the Death of Me

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"Jeff, stop being a douche and give me the damn controller!" Ben yells, pulling the piece of metal and plastic towards him. At the moment, I'm reading a book with Devil curled up in my lap, E.J is reading another book, Sally is playing with her dolls with Toby and Jack, and Ben and Jeff were playing a video game but ended up fighting.

"Guy's can you please be quiet, I'm trying to read." I say softly, raising my eye from 'The Stand' by Stephen King.

"Yes Desiree. Sorry." They both say at the same time. Turning and continuing with their game. I let out a little huff.

"Guys time to eat." Slender( who I learned was Jazz man) yelled from the kitchen. I got up and put a bookmark in my book, I lift up my cat creature off my lap and set him down on the chair in his sleeping form. We all made out way to the dining room and took our seats, E.J and Jack on my sides. We grab our food and eat while making small talk. We were just about done when suddenly out of the blue, a thing of mash potatoes flies through the room, making a mess in Sally's hair. She lets out a scream while Slender tries to stop the fighting between Jeff and Ben. "Both of you, stop fighting for two seconds! You're making a mess and you got it in Sally's hair!" He yells at the two children, who ignore him an toss food and punches at each other.

"Desiree are you going to stop them?" E.J asks me, dodging a carrot. I shake my head and stuff some steak in my mouth.

"Not unless they disturb me." I reply. Ignoring the yelling and screaming in the background. Suddenly a cold, moist glob of potatoes splashes on my cheek, and the whole room goes silent. Even the two fighting stop and watch with wide eyes. Sally stops her crying, and stares. Slender even seems scared. "Jeffery? Ben?"

"Y-yes Desiree?" They says in a quick almost whisper voice. I push my chair back with my legs as I get up, making a slow creak on the worn out floors.

"Get over here for a moment." I say in a angry voice through gritted teeth. I hear shuffling, and they quickly appear behind me. I grab both of their collars and bring them down to my level. "Now you are going to clean this room up, I want it spotless. Then you are going to get Sally ready for bed, and play with her. Dresses and makeup. After that you are going to do 100 one armed pushups with E.J's and my feet on your back while we read and drink warm tea. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am, right away." They say and grab all the empty plates, running out of the room.

E.J's p.o.v

"I would be lying if I didn't say that was hot. Cause dude when you get in control, your sexy." I say jokingly, flipping a page in the book. Desiree gives out a whole hearted laugh.

"Why thank you Mr. Eyeless. Hey! You're using two hands, 20 more!" She yells, driving her foot into Jeff's spine, making him wobble for a moment then fall down. "You friken klutz, 20 more for falling."

"Yes m'lady." Jeff replies in a soldier voice. Right now they are up to 1283 cause Jeff keep messing up, every time one of them falters the other one has to do the punishment too. I take a sip out of the blue mug and let the soothing warm liquid wash down my throat. This was comforting and peaceful, besides maybe my feet going up and down on a sweaty back. Desiree gave herself another cup of tea, which heat rolled off of into her face. No wonder Jeff and L.J like her, she's gorgeous. I would never want her though, shes already got two men fighting for her.

Slender p.o.v

I watched Desiree and E.J from outside, the way she bossed around Jeff and Ben made me a bit proud of the human race. For a small girl, she was a fireball not afraid to face death. Would make a great proxy, if she wasn't so thick and stubborn. She need just to be bend in the right direction and then clean the world of this filth.

"But a name for her...shes blood thirsty, devilish, and can men fall at her feet." I say to myself as I walk through he woods.

"Desire." A feminine voice says, I turn to see a gray mask stare at me. In the little light there was, I could see shining green eyes through the holes. a smirk played along the girl slender(pun intended) lips. "Why hello Mr. Slenderman."

"Hello... who are you?" I ask, turning my whole body in her direction.

"I am the one who is trying to find my savior... you have her." She spits out angrily. "Desiree saved me from my family, abuse, and suicide. She was the one who was always there for me, she is my best friend."

"Touching story. You can't have her though. We need her, if you have the guts to talk to me, then you can live without her. Now go away before I kill you." I say walking away. I hear the bushes rustling then small footsteps behind me. I shot a tentacle out in that direction and it enders a warm body. "I told you."

"She won't like you after this." The gray mask girl says, blood leaking from her cold dead lips.

"She has new family." I say, flicking her dead body of with a twitch of my tentacle. Her now still body flops to the ground.

Sorry for another short chapter, I've been just to busy. Track, and now the weather has been cramping up my scedual. Also can someone make a new cover, it needs to have:
author and designer name
title- spelt correctly
creepy af

also comment any ship names and who is with who, ex: desiree and l.j or jeff. I wanna see who wins. ;)

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