Can Anyone Help me?

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It was dark for a while, then a bright light blinded me. I continue to open my eyes, but covered them with my eyes. I got up softly, not feeling anything. Once my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room, I saw an IV hooked up to my arm. I sighed and shifted up more. The gray blankets around my body feel down, revealing my scrubs. Aw man, someone undressed me. I threw the blanket off and swung my legs over the side of the bed, and I cringed when my feet hit the cold tile flooring. I slowly pulled the IV out of my arm and found a bandaid to cover it up. I got up and walked over to a mirror, horrified at what I saw.

"My hair!" I yelled, it was everywhere. Knots decorated my once beautiful locks. I lifted up the scrubs and examined the bandage around my ribs. I poked at it, not feeling a thing. I look down to see bandages around my feet, I hope I loose those when I run away from this god forsaken place, where ever it is. I look over at a table, clothe, my clothe?

I lift up the clothe, how even? It was my clothe, yup mine, bras and panties an all. Wow, just wow. I let out a small sigh, stripping off my scrubs and throwing the dirty clothe that I came here in on the floor. I put everything on, admiring the choice they made. Black skinny jeans, white t-shirt, and my favorite blood red hoodie. I took off the bandages on my feet (left the ribs one on) and slipped on the socks and black and red converses. I took one of the chairs and placed it under the door handle, keeping it shut. I looked around and saw a small window, small enough for me to barley fit through. I opened it quickly and pulled myself through it. As my waist was getting through I heard footsteps stop at the front of the door, and someone jiggle the handle.

"Desiree, open this door!" Jack yelled, banging on the door. I pulled the rest of my body out of the window quickly, just in time cause Jack kicked the door in. I got up and ran for my life.

Jack's p.o.v

I hope Desiree is doing better. Slender said she lost a lot of blood, and it was near impossible to help her but we saved her. I continue to walk down the hallway, Sally skipping at my side humming a song.

"Are you excited to see Desiree? She should be able to get up by now." I asked Sally. She nodded her head vigorously, giving me a warm smile.

"Yup, I can't wait to play princesses with her. She is so pretty and nice. Don't you agree?" She asks, and we stop at the door of Desiree's hospital room. I pat Sally on the head, returning her joyous smile.

"That she is." I answer. I put my hand on the door knob and turn it, it didn't. I shook it violently, then started to slam on the door as I heard quick movement on the other side. "Desiree, open this door!"

"Jack, whats going on?" Sally asked, taking a step back. I take a step back too, getting ready to kick it down.

"Stand back." I said, raising my leg. Sally ran around the corner, peering at the door. I kicked the door near the handle with all my might, breaking the lock. The door flew open, and I watched as Desiree's foot disappeared out the window and she ran. "Sally get Slender. We're going on a man hunt."

Desiree's p.o.v

Run, that's all I could thing about right now. Run as fast as I can out of here. I jumped over and ducked under branches, sometimes cutting my face. I heard static, but nothing felt wrong. Slender teleported in front of me but I punched him in the crotch as he extended his arms out to me. I took a quick turn around him and darted between the jagged wire of an old fence. I jumped over rocks and small streams, skidding to a halt. In front of me was a large chasm, and about a mile below was a roaring river. I heard footsteps behind me, shit they were getting close.

"Come on Desiree, its now or never." I told myself. I back up and with all my strength I ran and jumped, flying over the chasm. I landed on my stomach, slipping off. I grabbed to the dirt, clawing my way. My hand landed upon a root of a tree, and I gave all my strength into pulling myself up onto the ground. I brush off and turn back to see Jack, Jeff, E.J, and Ben ready to jump over. My eyes widen and I start to run again. I kept on running till it hurt, then I ran even more. I jumped up on a tree, staying really quiet.

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