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..1 month later


"Where's V?" My mama asked as I sat on her couch.

"Still not talking to me." I explained as I held my sleeping niece in my arms.

"Same for you and India?" She asked Ant.

"Yeah." He scoffed as she shook her head at us.

"I'm disappointed in the both of you." She expressed.

"I didn't even do nothing." He went on.

"And, what I did, I was doing fa' her." I shrugged.

"The both of you are wrong and Sincere you're lucky Damar didn't get blamed for what you did." She said seriously.

They ended up letting Draco go because they had no evidence that he actually committed the crime. He was willing to do that time for me too but I'm glad he didn't have to.

"If the police ever come looking for you, it's your fault." She said and I nodded.

"I know, mama." I said to her as Laila woke up and began to fuss.

I was prepared for whatever but I doubt that anything will get traced back to me. There were no witnesses and I don't even live out there.

"Give her here." My mama cooed, taking Laila out of my arms.

"Y'all need to go ahead and put you're pride aside, make things right." She encouraged and I just nodded.

I didn't need my moms in my relationship business so I just took her words on the chin. I've been put my pride aside, I've been calling and texting V for a full month but she never answers the phone and she always responds with one word text or not at all. I pulled up to her house a few times but every time I pull up, she's not there which got me wondering where she be at majority of the time.

My moms and Ant talked for a while as I pulled out my phone, texting my new employee.

From: Penelope (worker)
The space in front of yours?

To: Penelope (worker)
Yes, that's your workspace. Text me if my guys give you any problems.

From: Penelope (worker)
I can take them.😂

I chuckled as I slipped my phone into my pocket. Penelope was a new hire but she came in a few months back, it took me a while to get around to hiring her since it was so much going on, including V thinking I was with her because I took her to the back of my shop. Penelope was an attractive girl but I wasn't checking for her in that way. I only want V's boujee ass.

"I'm about to bounce, ma." I said to my mom as she fed Laila one of her bottles.

"Alright, Sincere." She shook her head as I stood to my feet, giving her a one armed hug.

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