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Waiting for Sincere by the front door, I sat at the bottom of the staircase, scrolling my phone.

My car was still down and no one else had time to take me to my appointment. At this point, I don't even think Sincere is going to fix it at all. So I'll probably have to take it to the shop which is be expensive as hell.

Sighing to myself, I texted the group chat with my sister, Joy and India in it.

Tati was doing good, Joy was trying to make it work living with her new man while saving up money to put a down payment on my house and India was going through it. No one else knew that she was pregnant yet and she was starting to show, just like me.

Indie💆🏽‍♀️: What did Sincere say about the fight? I hope y'all are okay. I haven't heard about it since that night.

Joy: Right.. 👀

Sighing, I quickly texted them back with a simple we're okay.

The doorbell rang, interrupting me from my thoughts as I got up to answer it.

"Ready?" Sincere spoke, standing there as I opened the door.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said, putting my phone into my Chanel purse.

We made our way to his car and surprisingly he opened the door for me like he usually does. I honestly wasn't expecting it, considering our situation.

"Thank you." I told him and he nodded, closing my door then walking over to the other side to get in.

Once he was in, he pulled away from the house and we made our way to the Doctor's office.

I sat in my seat upset that we still weren't on good terms. I was happy that he was coming over after the appointment but I know that won't change anything, he's too content with his decision.

"Tired?" He asked me as I laid my head on the window, rubbing my small pudge.

I didn't say anything, I just nodded with my eyes closed.

I was mostly tired because of this growing baby in my stomach but I could barely sleep without him being in bed with me.

"I'm gon' fix your car today." He spoke, breaking me away from my thoughts.

"Okay." I nodded.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine, babe."

"I mean, Sincere." I corrected myself.

My eyes were closed so I couldn't see the look on his face and I didn't want to see it either.

"This is your first time going to the Doctor's since the fight?" He asked.

"Yeah. I missed a few."

"How many?"

"Well not a few, I think it was just one. I was so busy with the salon."

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