A Gift to Remember (Chapter 1)

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Carol nudges her partner playfully, watching as Tyler stumbles over his big feet and laughs. He runs a hand through his dirty blond hair, getting rid of the pieces of grass.  

"You are actually something Carol," Tyler grins, his build large like Carol's. His brown eyes glance over at Carol's green ones with love.

"Oh I know, I'm absolutely wonderful," Carol grins back, her blonde hair down in their stick-straight shape.

"Pfft, you're a nightmare," Tyler laughs, sitting down on the queen sized bed they managed to get.

The town house they had bought has two bedrooms, one for them and one for their adoptive son, Brenton. The rooms don't have much besides a bed, dressing table, and two bedside tables.

"Ha!" Carol's eyes widen and she puts her hands on her hips. "You know, it's gonna be the first time Brenton's celebrating his birthday alone."

"I know...we should invite his friends and all so that he doesn't feel so lonely," Tyler suggests, lying down, his shoes kicked off to the corner.

"But it's not the same as having siblings," Carol sighs, pushing Tyler over for no reason and lying down next to him.

"That's true but what can we do? Can't exactly call of them here," Tyler shrugs, he picks up his phone from the table.

The lock screen photo is of him taking a selfie of Carol and Brenton kissing each of his cheeks. Carol has a twin one to it, with her in the middle instead.

"Let's make a video for Brenton!" Carol blurts out.

"Why? His birthday isn't till later," Tyler raises an eyebrow. "Also, he's gonna be back from camp tonight!"

"Finally!" Carol cheers. "We should totally make him a welcome home video!"

"Um, okay...even though we're gonna be here," Tyler shrugs, going to his camera and turning to the video option.

"Oh c'mon, he'll appreciate it! We can finally give him all the attention," Carol smiles brightly.

"True," Tyler agrees. "Oh, this is already recording."

"Start it again," Carol prompts, scooting closer to Tyler. He nods, pressing the button. Both of them then smile and wave.

"Hi Brenton!" Carol and Tyler wave into the camera.

"It's about time you finally come home from your camp!" Tyler grins. "We're missing you a ton dude!"

"Yeah, make sure that bus or whatever hurries up!" Carol adds, pushing a loose strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "The house is so empty without you!"

"Just make sure to come back safe okay?" Tyler looks worried. "There's a lot of things happening out there."

"And you better have taken care of yourself!" Carol calls out. "Also, we've gotta get you to stop using so much hair gel, it's becoming a problem."

"Pfft, you're just jealous his hair has so much volume," Tyler laughs.

"I am not!" Carol huffs, crossing her arms. "This is what he does when you aren't around Brenton, come back quick."

"What?! You're the one who makes fun of me!" Tyler looks shocked. "She's putting the blame on me when you aren't here, you gotta hurry and come back Brenton!"

"Ignore him, he's an idiot," Carol rolls her eyes.

"Yeah," Tyler smirks. "But I'm your idiot right?"

Carol turns a shade of pink before coughing and replying with, "Yeah...yeah, of course you are..."

"I love you," Tyler gently kisses Carol's cheek and she turns an even brighter shade of pink.

"I love you too, you idiot," Carol mumbles under her breath. "And this is payback." She leans over and kisses his cheek as well.

"Aww, thanks hon," Tyler turns pink but doesn't shy away.

"Gosh, this is getting so off-" Carol gets cut off by the sound of shuffling. Both of them turn around to see if anything is there.

"Stay behind me," Carol puts a protective arm in front of Tyler, looking around the room.

"Or, we could both do it together," Tyler anxiously looks at the dark shadow in their room. "Who...is that...?"

"I've got zero clue..." Carol's voice trails off and she holds Tyler's hand. Together, the both of them slowly back away from the shadow.

"It's gotta be a trick of the light or something right?" Tyler nervously questions. "Th-There's no way there's someone here..."

"Turn on the light," Carol glances out at the switch. Tyler nods, reaching over and flicking them on.

At the same time, a figure jumps at them and Tyler lets out a shriek. The figure grabs him by the shoulders and flicks the lights completely off.

"TYLER!" Carol cries out, looking around. There's no way this could be real. This isn't a horror movie. "Tyler, please say something!"

"Help..." a small voice calls out and Carol rushes towards it. She finds Tyler trying to wiggle out of whoever's grasp he's in.

"I've got you Tyler, just hang on," Carol then wraps her arms around his waist and pulls but he wouldn't budge.

"Carol, go, run," Tyler's eyes widen as he sees fangs approaching him. "CAROL RUN!"

"I am not leaving you!" Carol sees the fangs as well. She hisses at the figure and kicks her leg wherever she can. "Let him go! Or I swear I will murder you!"

"Carol, please," Tyler tries to get out the figure's grip. "This guy's strong!"

"I can't leave you," Carol feels tears run down her cheeks, hoping it's all just a silly prank. "I'm not going to!"

The fangs approach Tyler's neck and he nearly faints at the realization that this figure is some sort of vampire.

"Call the police or something! Just don't die Carol! Brenton..." Tyler lets out a moan as he feels the fangs dig into his neck. Tears stream down his cheeks.

"Tyler!" Carol cries out, trying to get the figure to let him go but she couldn't see a thing through all the tears. "Tyler, no! Please no!"

"Owww," Tyler lets out a soft cry.

"Please leave him alone!" Carol begs, feeling her legs shake and her eyes water. "I'm begging you, please don't kill him!"

"Carol...run..." Tyler's voice starts to fade away, he could feel himself being drained of all the blood in his body. "Tell Brenton...I love him..."

"NO!" Carol sobs. "You tell Brenton yourself you love him! Because I'm going to tell him I love him too!"

His body is dropped to the ground and the figure grabs Carol next. She wiggles around but nothing is working. Fangs sink deep into Carol's neck and she feels the life drain away from her as well.

Her body drops next to Tyler and she watches as Tyler gently puts his hand over hers.

"I love you Carol..." Tyler's watery brown eyes go dull as he closes them.

"I love you too Tyler," Carol, through tears, closes her own eyes.

The figure jumps through a bright light window, that's acting as a portal, and leaves the two of them alone.

Cold and dead.

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