Not Past the Yellow Line (Chapter 2)

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"See you tomorrow Brenton," Urana, with her black waves, waves to Brenton. Her ocean blue eyes showing just how tired she is.

They didn't go to camp. They decided to spend a bit of time in the Magic World to regain their energy, then ended up staying there for a week so that Amy and Ku could rest up.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow," Brenton waves back, his amber eyes also showing how tired he is. He runs a hand through his auburn spikes before walking in his own direction.

Both twins' matching freckles glow a little in the rising moon's light.

The fire mage makes his way over to the townhouse, humming to himself as he's happily thinking of finally being back home with Carol and Tyler.

I can finally have some of Tyler's cooking! And I really miss being with Carol and Tyler. I miss being around them, wonder what they've been up to...

Brenton reaches the neighborhood and finds that there are police officers and ambulances around his house.

That can't be right.

He speeds up, running up to the first officer he sees, who happens to be the same one that Alex and Ku encountered when Alex's parents were arrested.

"Excuse me, is everything okay?" Brenton asks, his face masking the thought that something might be wrong. Yellow, warning tape is put around his house, with police officers walking in and people with cases coming in and out.

"Aren't you the kid that lives here?" The police officer questions, treading lightly. Brenton nods, a terrible feeling growing inside him.

"Are your parents Carol and Tyler?" The officer asks another question. Brenton nods again, feeling his hands start to shake.

"They're okay right? Nothing bad happened to them right?" Brenton pleads for his fears to be a lie.

The officer takes a deep breath. "We need you to identify the bodies," they start walking and Brenton follows close behind.

They go into the house, Brenton's heart climbing into his throat. They walk into Carol and Tyler's bedroom and Brenton's heart drops at the sight of the white sheets over two bodies.

Brenton rushes over, pushing past the people there and holding the limp hands that were already holding each other.

They've never felt this cold.

"Hey...Carol...Tyler..." Brenton says, squeezing their hands. "Hey, get up. I'm home now...I'm home...get up. I know you're tired but just let me-" his throat lets out a sob.

No one comes. Not one word comes out of the pale lips.

Their faces are swollen in, no color on their cheeks, eyes shut, and red mark on their necks.

"Mom, dad," Brenton whispers, his hands shaking as tears fall onto them. "Please...please...please..."


Amy and Ku sit outside on the porch, while everyone else is asleep.

"Zyler is going to be okay, right?" Ku asks, his mud brown eyes glancing up at the sky.

"I'm sure, those four are great. I know he's gonna love being with them," Amy answers, reassuring Ku. "Besides, it's been a week and Zyler told us that he's feeling better."

"True," Ku nods, holding his staff in his lap. "I feel bad for suddenly throwing him towards the four of them and...for what his m-Nyx told him..."

"It was totally uncalled for," Amy sighs, resting her hands against the wood, her red ponytail flowing along. "I guess the power really did get to her head."

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