Intruder in the House (Chapter 26)

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"You all stay here, I'll be back," Amy dashes off as soon as the bus stops at their stop. She runs from the bus to Ku's house.

Everything seems normal from the outside, but Amy knows better than to trust that. She makes her way up the steps and peers around to make sure no one was watching.

Amy could feel a presence inside. So it wasn't a myth. She slowly opens the door, looking around for any sign of an intruder.

Be on guard.

She treads carefully, watching her steps and keeping herself ready for any possible attack. Amy walks into each of the rooms downstairs and sure enough, there was no one there.

Amy hears footsteps upstairs and she quickly looks for a place to hide. The footsteps reach the stairs and Amy hides inside the shoes closet.

The foot steps reach downstairs, and Amy holds her breath. She peers out from the crack of the door, careful to not give away herself.

"It seems like they live here," Katso comes into view and Amy has to cover her mouth with her hand to keep from nearly gasping in shock.

For someone who was brought back to life, he looked as though he hadn't died. Katso definitely looks old but his features are all intact. Amy notices the identical red hair, green eyes and freckles all over.

He looks surprisingly similar to Amy and she wasn't sure how she felt about that. Katso is definitely her ancestor.

Katso is covered in armor but Amy could see his fangs. They are the same length as hers and Amy found it creepy.

He's literally the male version of me!

To be fair, it's where your genetics came from.

Yeah, but still! You'd think there'd be some sort of difference?

You got wrinkles? No.

Oh hush.

"Well, they must not be home," Katso stretches his arms out. "I will have to inform Madison once I get back-"

Attack him.

He's going to tell Madison and she's gonna tell everybody!

And she already knows the teens' identities.

No. We just won't come back here.

"-that this place seems like a fail. I thought they would be here," Katso sighs. "Well, I will continue later. I feel tired from being here. I need a meal."

Amy hopes with every fiber in her body that he doesn't feast on someone here.

Oh, you know who's blood might be tasty? Jamil's.

Ew, please.

Yeah, we're not sucking his blood genius.

I know that. I'm just saying.

Well don't. It's an utterly stupid thing to say.

Ghoul you gotta agree with me. You eat flesh for crying out loud!

Yeah, but I'm not gonna eat someone! There's food for a reason.

The altered food of course.

Will you all hush? I'm trying to make sure he leaves.

Much to Amy happiness, Katso opens a portal in Ku's house and then leaves. But also much to Amy's dismay, Katso now knows how to open portals.

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