Back to Medicine (Chapter 33)

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"What are we going to do about Jamil?" Amy crosses her arms, leaning against the wall. Ku made her sleep while the machine ran its course and the night couldn't have gone any slower for Amy's restlessness and in general.

"He deserves to get a hug from his brother before he goes back to college," Ku sighs. "What did he do to deserve any less? He is leaving tomorrow right?"

"Yeah, I'll make sure to get the teens back before he leaves on that bus tomorrow," Amy promises.

"Can you uphold that promise Amy?" Ku questions. "The machine managed to narrow down the location which just leaves you to scout the area."

"And it's a really big area of land with lots of caves and what not," Amy sighs, resting her head against the wall. "I don't know how I'm gonna do it but I will. If there's anything I know about myself, I know I'll push through."

"That is what makes you such an incredible mage. You always push through but do not put yourself into a situation where you will end up regretting your decision," Ku warns.

"I'll tell him that Owen might make it back in time from the camp to see him off but he said he can't make any promises," Amy shrugs. "I feel bad for lying but what else can I do?"

"Although the big lie will come back to bite us, it is Owen's decision to tell his brother the truth about them," Ku looks down at his staff. "Of course, do not drag it on. You need to come back too."

"Of course Sensei," Amy waves her hand dismissively. "I've got this. I want to find them as soon as possible anyway."

"Have fun!" Ku calls out to Amy as she walks up the stairs to the portal room where everyone typically is supposed to open portals.

She reaches the huge, white room. Taking a deep breath Amy opens up a portal and takes off her shoes. The white color reflecting in her green eyes as she hesitates for a moment.

I need to hurry. Stop delaying so much, Amy shakes her head then steps right through the portal. He's only ever told me the truth.

Amy steps into her closet, looking down at her outfit, she decides to change into another pair of sweats. Once she's done, Amy opens the door of her closet then leaves her room.

She touches the emerald fairy necklace and feels the wave of worry wash over her. Amy starts to feel bad as she puts on her shoes again at the door.

Once outside, Amy locks the door behind her then goes next door to see if Jamil was there. She knocks on the door and waits.

"Hey Amy!" Xian opens the door, a huge grin on his face. "How ya doing?"

"Great, you?" Amy questions.

"Not too bad, come on in," Xian opens the door further but Amy shakes her head.

"Thank you, but I'm looking for Jamil. Do you know where he is?" Amy questions.

"He said he was going to Zodiac Cove to think. When he says that it's better to leave him alone because that's when he really wants to be alone," Xian informs Amy.

"It's a quick thing, thanks!" Amy smiles before running off towards the street. It is still somewhat early so Amy didn't have to slither through people, making the trip a lot easier and faster.

Amy reaches the beautiful scenery of Zodiac Cove. Her eyes quickly scan around to look for the dark haired male. She spots him sitting at the edge of the water and a smile spreads on her face as she runs towards him.

"Hey," Amy pats his shoulder, kneeling beside him.

"Oh hey! Where've you been?" Jamil smiles, looking over at Amy. She notices a swift movement of him hiding his arm.

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