I Love Being Myself (Chapter 36)

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This is the last cave, Amy thinks to herself as she flies over it. She lands a few yards away from it, hiding in the bushes.

Katso comes from another side of the bushes. His armor glowing red and Amy narrows her eyes, figuring this is where he got the blood for his magic.

Well, I've hit jackpot, Amy feels determination surge through her. Red took care of Madison so now all I have to do is face Katso. Then the teens will be back home and safe.

She watches as he goes into the cave and Amy slowly moves closer to it. She could hear voices so she moves closer to try and find out what she could hear.

"Guess what I found out today," Katso starts a guessing game.

"Ooo? What is it?" Alex asks.

"We all suck at guessing! Tell us!" Ava adds.

"Alright, but Sasha is going to be both disappointed but happy at the news," Katso warns.

"Why?" Sasha questions.

"This I've gotta hear," Owen sounds intrigued.

"No more suspense, tell us," Urana urges.

"Alright, alright," Katso chuckles. "Madison has been arrested, do not know how, but she got caught."

"That's great but I really wanted to punch her fake face," Sasha grumbles.

Yes! Good job Red! Amy thinks in relief. Hope you're okay bro, I've got everything here.

"Oh...I have not felt this in a long time," Katso sounds surprised. "It seems like my descendent is here."

Wai-How does he know?! I'm not a vampire right now! Amy touches her teeth but they weren't pointy.

"Coach!" The teens call out.

Time to do this thing I guess, Amy takes a deep breath before stepping in front of the cave's mouth.

"Okay, I'm here now Katso," Amy announces, squinting to see the teens.

"About time you showed up," Katso lifts his hand and the teens start to float, their legs sticking out. "I was thinking maybe you had forgotten about them."

"I would never. Now let them go," Amy stands her ground as Katso walks towards her. "I'm here right now so let them be. I thought you never hurt the innocent?"

"I do not but the teens will be staying for now," Katso moves his hand to his right and the teens all float by.

"Wheeeeee!" Alex and Ava laugh as they fly out, somewhat far from all of them.

"Are you two for real?" Sasha raises an eyebrow at them. "We're literally gonna have a five hundred feet drop."

"Good luck Coach!" Alex and Ava ignore everyone as they call out to Amy. She looks over at them and gives them a thumbs-up.

"Thank you for not hurting them," Amy finds it weird that she was thanking a war general who killed many, many mages.

"I do not hurt children," Katso nods his head.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Amy questions. "I mean there's gotta be a good reason for all this."

"I just wanted to know how you were doing without your blood," Katso shrugs, he narrows his eyes. "Where are your fangs?"

"Oh, my fangs...they're uh, right here!" Amy laughs nervously as she quickly changes personalities.

"What...are you?" Katso backs away, seeing the transformation. "You're not a vampire!"

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