Vampire Kingdom (Chapter 12)

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"We wanna come!" The teens peep their heads out from the hallway, clearly taking shelter from the fight happening.

"Um, no," Amy shuts them down. "This is a little dangerous for you guys."

"For them, not for me," Sasha points out.

"Still not going," Ku breaks the news. "The Vampire Kingdom and you teens is not a good mix."

"Ya, the vampires will suck all your blood and you wouldn't even know it," Quill jokes. "Not really, but you guys would be easy prey and your blood is pretty precious."

"No kidding," Sasha points to herself, given that she is the Elemental Master of Darkness.

"So you guys aren't gonna go," Amy finalizes.

"Besides, we're gonna have fiddlesticks! You guys have to try them," Quill brings that up, hoping it'll change their minds.

"Nah, we'd rather go," Brenton declines the offer.

"You guys are way too naive," Amy brings up.

"Well, all the reasons you're pulling out of your pocket only apply to those guys," Sasha points to her friends. "Not me."

"She has a point, it will be easier for Sasha to come with us that way I can take her to visit Vada as well," Ku agrees. "Sasha, you are coming."

"Yes!" Sasha cheers.

"No fair!" The teens groan in unison. Sasha smirks at them before going to her bags.

"Sensei, that's not fair!" The teens then start their counter-arguments, Owen and Urana going the extra mile.

"Urana and I aren't naive!" Owen admits.

"Yeah, the two of us would benefit greatly! We'd actually learn something!" Urana adds.

"I understand, but I can not take you all across the world and to a place where it is significantly more dangerous," Ku starts to feel himself giving in. "Not that the place we are in right now is not dangerous it is just all are too innocent to be going out and about in the Magic World."

"That's not true! Alex and Ava may look innocent but they're not," Brenton counters.

"You guys are assuming the definition. Those mages out there are a lot stronger than you all," Amy wrestles Scott.

"And you guys are known for getting in trouble," Quill chirps in.

"Not helping," Alex and Ava shoot Quill a glare that didn't last more than a second.

"Either way," Scott swats away Amy's hand before she could smack off his glasses. "You guys could end up catching diseases too. You've only been vaccinated for the common ones."

"I am sorry, but I do not want any of you to get hurt or sick," Ku gives them a sympathetic smile as he ruffles their hairs and Brenton swats at his hand to make sure his spikes weren't ruined.

Sasha returns wearing a more suitable outfit for traveling, consisting of a leather jacket, a black shirt underneath and black pants. Her boots awaiting her at the exit.

"We'll be in our superhero forms, by the way, to protect your identity," Amy informs Sasha and she pulls out the robes from her leather jacket. The two of them fist bump then go to put on their shoes.

"I will see all of you later," Ku waves and they all wave back.

"Be careful!" Everyone calls out. They bump foreheads for a brief moment.

"Love you!" Quill and Scott add on.

"Love you too!" Amy and Ku reply before closing the door.

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