I Am Not Afraid of You (Chapter 35)

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"Be strong," a woman patted little Red's head. "Mom and dad have to go fight."

"If we don't come back, you know what you have to do right?" A man held little Red's hand and squeezed it gently.

"I know," Red nodded, he put on a brave face for them. More for his little siblings hidden away. "Come home safe, please."

"You're a strong kid Red, you know we can't make any promises," his dad smiled softly then placed a gentle kiss on his head. "We have to go now."

"No matter what happens, know that we are proud of you and love you and your siblings so very much," his mom kissed his forehead and embraced him one last time. His dad joined in and Red felt the warmth that he had no idea would be taken from him.

They broke the hug and put on their masks. Then, they took off, they glanced back one last time before they ran off.

Red watched them run for the last time. For the last time, he saw them smile. For the last time, he saw them love.


Red wakes up, blinking away his tears from his dream. He didn't expect to dream about a version of his parents'.

"I miss them..." Red sighs, getting up from the soft seats. He glances around to find his family still sleeping. Yesterday was a bust too, leaving Amy furious and everyone else even more worried.

"I miss them too," Red frowns. "We need to find them as fast as we can." He goes towards the bathrooms and pushes open the door to go inside.

The highly advanced bathroom is clean with little holograms placed inside each of the stalls. White lights shine as soon as he walks in. Near the sink were toiletries and a shower in the far corner with its hologram.

Red runs his hand through his hair as he grabs a toothbrush from the hologram's dispenser after he presses a button for it on a hologram and toothpaste dispenses for him to use.

Once he's done doing his routine, Red leaves the bathroom and goes over to the cafeteria. For some reason, he keeps on remembering his parents.

Strong. That's what they told me I was a lot, Red grabs a tray and pushes a few options on the hologram in front of him. But how I am strong when I'm scared of a simple thing like rope?

I can't even face Madison. I get so scared when I'm around her...

"Fight through the fear." Mom.

"Fear keeps you alive." Dad.

"Being strong is acknowledging that you have fear." Sensei.

For the teens...my younger siblings...

Red shakes his head as he finishes getting his breakfast. He then goes over to an empty table in the corner that Lisha is going towards.

"Morning Queen Lisha," Red smiles.

"Morning Red," Lisha smiles back, looking less tired. "I think I might make it today." She sits down with her tray.

"That's good," Red sits down across from her. Despite being centuries old, Lisha still looked younger than Ku. "I...I need to ask for your advice about a situation."

"What is it?" Lisha questions, sipping from her glass of blood.

"I need to find Madison and put her in jail again. I know that if we let her be...then when Amy finds Katso, she'll play dirty. I know she will. She's gonna hold the teens hostage unless Amy gives up and surrenders," Red sighs. "I know she's gonna make Amy do something horrible or do something horrible to the teens. She nearly sliced Ava's neck!"

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