With a Little Bit of Love (Chapter 25)

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The next morning....

Generally curious, Amy picks up the piece of paper next to Jamil's bag. It was falling out so Amy decides to put it back when something catches her attention.

Dear future wife.

Amy fights the urge to read it, slowly opening the paper up. Stop it. Stop it. Amy, this isn't for your eyes!

Who cares! Read it anyway!

Invasion of privacy can get us in trouble but whatever. We've already invaded his privacy though...

Don't be so irresponsible. Read it somewhere in private.

Pffft! Demon I honestly thought you were going to say put it away!

Guys shut up, I'm reading!

Amy finds herself giggling at how cute the letter is, not to mention how cute Jamil is for writing something like this.

Is it bad that I can see him sitting at his desk late at night, writing with his pencil on this piece of paper while wearing a hoodie and his cute nerdy glasses?

Not at all girl!

How can someone be so pure? I literally can not even.

Mate that man. You won't find someone like him in the whole universe.

Alright you all be quiet, I'm gonna continue.

You're the one who asked us a question in the first place!



Amy continues to read the letter, feeling herself blush at the little things. Sure it wasn't meant for her to read but you know what. It still makes her heart flutter.

"Hey Amy, have you seen m-Don't read that!" Jamil turns red as he tries to take away the letter from Amy.

"Heh? Why not? Do you have any idea how cute you are?" Amy smirks as she puts her hand further away from him to avoid him from taking it.

"Amy! It's so embarrassing!" Jamil cries out, moving around to try and get it from her. His glasses smudging from Amy pushing him away.

"I mean just read this, 'some people might think that being in previous relationships means that they at least have experience and some sort of knowledge on how to act but I don't. I think that only being in a relationship with you makes you the most special person in the universe. You'll always have my heart, that only knows love for you.' It's so cute!" Amy gushes and Jamil turns even more red.

"Amy please, for the love of anything stop reading it out loud!" Jamil tries to grab it again but Amy moves away.

"Aw, this is all sorts of pure," Amy finishes up reading the letter. "I mean, 'all of my firsts will be with you. First holding hands, first kiss, first hug. I'm not leftovers from a previous relationship, I'm a full course meal.' Oh. Oh. Are you saying that you're a snacc?"

"It's why I said it's embarrassing!" Jamil is now the color of Amy's hair as he hastily tries to get the letter back, but the smirking Amy twirls out of his way. "Amy!"

"I know you probably didn't mean that and meant it as an analogy but damn, that was a really subtle way," Amy smirks. "Jamil Barns Khan is not such an innocent man."

"Ammmyyyyy!" Jamil cries out again, pure embarrassment on his face. Amy folds up the paper and gives it back to him. "Thank you!"

"Of course, now lemme tell ya something," Amy pats his shoulder. "You're gonna need more than sweats and hoodies to look like a snacc."

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