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FLASHETTE1 IS BACK!!!! CRISIS ON EARTH-X PART ONE!!! Sorry for the lack of updating, but I've been extremely busy. Enjoy! ❤️⚡️
"Barry," I mumbled into my pillow as I turned my head upwards. The sun was making its way into the room as it set itself in the sky. With a long sigh, I rolled over to find my husband in a deep sleep. His features were relaxed, and his breathing was steady.
He looked so peaceful, and I usually wouldn't try to wake him. But especially on a day like this one, I had to do what I was about to do. I placed a hand to his cheek and stroked it lightly with my thumb. I then began to whisper his name. After a few repetitions, he stirred and blinked the sleepiness away from his eyes.
"Morning," Barry smiled, placing a hand on my hip and giving it a light squeeze. I chuckled in response and pecked him on the lips.
"As much as i'd love to spend the day in bed with you, we have work to do," I said, my hand now tangled in his dark brown hair. Barry stirred and sighed. He gripped me tighter as I moved closer and closer to the edge of the bed and attempted to escape his grasp. "C'mon, Bar," I continued to squirm away as he pulled me closer to his chest and tightened his grip around my waist. "We've been planning this for a while now, and we can't be late!". Barry placed his lips to my jaw and planted a slow kiss behind my ear before finally letting me go. After wriggling out of bed, I pulled the covers back over my side and changed quickly before walking down the hall to the twins' room.
I pushed open the door slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible. I then tiptoed inside and walked over to the window where the babies cribs' were. Both babies were sound asleep, facing towards the light that peeked through the window. I could just barely see their relaxed sleeping faces. My heart fluttered as I looked down at them. When I see them, I am reminded of everything I have been through to get to this point where I can just stand here, looking at them. I remembered the countless threats made against me and my family. I remember being haunted by Savitar, and how my babies and I were almost victims to his selfishness.
"I can't believe they're going to be one," a voice whispered behind me. I turned around to see Barry leaning into the doorway with a smile. He then walked up to me and pulled me into his chest, kissing the top of my head. The thoughts that filled my head moments before dissolved into the open air. Right now, I had to be focused on my babies. This was a big day for them.
"Our babies are going to be one-year olds," I repeated, my eyes beginning to water. Barry nodded. "Time is going by so fast." I continued to look down at them as they slept without care.
"I remember seeing them for the first time...Though it was 6 months after they were born," Barry replied. I knew he still beat himself up for not being there, but I wouldn't hold that against him. It took me a while to accept his decision to leave me, but with time I knew it was the better choice. If it weren't for all the sacrifices he's made, I may not have even survived long enough to see them. "I'll go get them breakfast, could you--" I whispered before Barry cut me off.
"Got it," Barry replied. I smiled and kissed his cheek before going downstairs to make breakfast for the family.
A few minutes into cooking, I heard the familiar sounds of squealing and excited banter. Without even having to look, I knew it was my three favorite people coming down the stairs. I continued to finish cooking breakfast for everyone, and added finishing touches. I gave the babies theirs first, and then gave Barry his usual. The sound the plate made as I placed it on the counter caught Barry's attention. He looked up from the newspaper he was reading and put it off to the side. He thanked me with a kiss, and I joined him on the opposite side of the kitchen counter.
"Do we have any idea what's going on today, other than our entire entourage of family and friends coming to meet our kids?" Barry asked before picking up his coffee cup and taking a sip. As I composed a response, Barry's eyes wandered to the headlines of today's paper. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair at the sight of my old fashioned husband.
"Today, everyone's coming. I figured we could do some catching up when everyone arrives at the venue, and then a whole 'big reveal' type thing for those who haven't seen them yet...". Barry took a bite of his breakfast and nodded. "I mean, it is their first birthdays after all." I looked over at the twins, who were scarfing down their breakfast. They still amazed me, even after all this time. I still couldn't believe it...
"We should propably get going, soon," Barry replied, downing the rest of his coffee and finishing his last bite of eggs. He then sped over to the dishwasher and placed his dish inside. In an instant, I was pulled into his chest, and Barry was pressed up against me.
"Bath time?" Barry asked, whispering in my ear. I turned around and faced his hungry eyes.
"Gave them baths yesterday...But they do need to be changed," I replied, placing a hand on Barry's sculpted chest and pushing him away. I sped around quickly and tidied up the kitchen. I then walked over to the twins and took them out of their high chairs.
"I wasn't talking about them," Barry said with a smirk as he approached me. "I am The Flash, after all...". I turned around and walked upstairs with the twins in my arms. I wouldn't allow him to become a distraction. What he wanted was something that could be done anyday. You only get one first birthday.
I took the twins upstairs, where I changed them and got them dressed in their matching outfits. I then got myself ready. I straightened my hair, and complemented the look with a pale pink dress and matching heels. I then walked back into the twins' room after I was ready, and packed a small bag to take to the venue with us. I carried everything downstairs with Barry's help, and brought everything out to the car. When everything was all set, we loaded the twins into the car, and we were off to the venue.
When we arrived, not many cars were in the parking lot. We were only 30 minutes early, so I figured it was normal to not see guests yet.     
      Barry opened my door for me, and I stepped out. By the time both the twins were unbuckled from their car seats, Barry had gotten the double stroller out of the trunk. I fastened them inside and placed their bag in the undercarriage of the stroller before looking over at Barry, who was finishing collecting the bags from the trunk. We then walked towards the entrance of the building.
"Welcome!' a younger looking man greeted as he opened the door for us. He was dressed in a waiter looking outfit, and smiled widely as we approached. I smiled back, and nodded at his gesture as I wheeled the stroller inside the venue's open doors. I then walked over to the front table, where Barry and I placed our things down. "I would just like to let you know everything is as scheduled." I thanked the man and held out my hand for him to shake. He took it and shaked it firmly. I looked into his eyes, and noticed something familiar. I seemed to have gotten lost in them. Something about them had me drawn to them. My eyes darted between the two green orbs staring deeply into my dark brown ones. I felt as if I had seen those eyes before. I found myself staring for a moment, trying to make the connection.
      Our long gaze broke when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Barry. He must have seen me staring and thought something was wrong.
"Thank you," I repeated to the man once more before he nodded and scurried into one of the back rooms.
"That was...interesting," Barry responded, turning to face the directing the man fled to and pointing. I thought for a moment about everything. Was the man nervous? He seemed as if something wasn't right. "What's up with him?" Barry asked. I shook my head and opened one of the bags we brought inside.
      I began placing decorations to distract myself from what had just happened. I had to focus on the twins now. Today was about them.
After Barry and I finished placing everything and decorating, we took the twins to the back room where they would be waiting until it was time for everyone to meet them.
Iris joined us a few minutes after everything was settled. She would keep the twins entertained and satisfied until we were ready. After thanking her and making sure she knew all the details, Barry and I walked into the main area, where people were starting to arrive. I spotted two of our best friends instantly.
"Fel! Ollie!!," I exclaimed as I ran over to the pair and engulfed them both in a hug. After I pulled away, I smiled widely and clapped my hands together in excitement. By this time, Barry had joined my side, and greeted the two. He gave Oliver a bro hug, and Felicity a side hug. He then wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side.
It had been a while since both of us last saw the two, and I was just glad they could make it with everything else going on in their lives.
Oliver turned his head to Felicity, and they shared a glance. He smiled widely, and she reciprocated. He then gave her a peck on the lips and faced us once again. It made my heart warm to see him so happy with her. He was now a changed man, and she had made him that way. I remember how he used to be cold and shunned everyone out. I was just glad someone could finally get in. Maybe that's why Felicity, Oliver, Barry, and I got along so well. Both Felicity and I changed our man's lives. I can also say they changed ours as well...Mostly for the better.
"Congratulations," Oliver responded, holding out a gift box for me to take. I took it and hugged them both once more. After talking about the usual things, Oliver split off to talk with Barry, and I placed the gift on the side table. I then turned to Felicity.
"Do I hear wedding bells for you two?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. Felicity shushed me and shook her head. My eyebrows furrowed, and she placed her hands in the air to stop me. I thought after the fake wedding they had, they'd want to have a real one. Last I checked, everything was alright with them. I couldn't even imagine them being broken up again.
"We're in a good place now," she responded. "William is still mourning the loss of his mother, and I don't want him to feel like i'm replacing the role of his mother in his heart, y'know?" she asked. I nodded. I understood exactly where she was coming from. I was once in a situation similar to this, but I was on the other end.
"I do get that," I replied, looking up at her and meeting her gaze. "That was Joe's fear with Barry and I when we first arrived...But he'll come around," I said, looking around the room and spotting Joe, who was laughing at something Wally said. "They always do," I replied before patting Felicity's shoulder. "I just don't want you to wait until it's too late." Felicity nodded, and her eyes darted over to Oliver, who was joking around with Barry across the room. "With this business, you have to take oppurtunities as they come, and make them last for as long as you can. You don't know how much time you'll have with the ones you love," I replied. Felicity smileed. I thought once again to how far I've come, and the people I've faced. I've come close to death so many times, you'd think I'm used to it by now. "I was just lucky everything worked out. I came so close to leaving Barry alone with nothing." I felt my eyes beginning to water. Felicity knew this was a touchy subject for me, and it seemed to consume my thoughts most days. Felicity then pulled me into a hug, where we stayed for a few minutes. We had been buds now for a long time. All we had to to was stand there, and we knew what each other was feeling.  We stood in silence for a few minutes, reflecting on our lives when Oliver tapped my shoulder.
"Can I cut in?" He asked. I pulled away and looked at him, my eyes a little pink. Oliver placed his hand to my cheek and wiped the tear stains away. "You've accomplished so much in your life." He pulled me into a hug. I gripped him tight, and enjoyed his comfort. It's not always that you see him like this. "You're married, you've managed to balance both a normal and superhero life, and you have two beautiful children...Don't dwell on the past. Be here in the present for your family and friends...For Barry...For your kids...". I nodded at Oliver's wise words and gave him one last squeeze before we broke the hug. I could tell this was coming from his experiences within his own life. I was aware of his current fatherhood struggles with William, and his advice truly helped. I began to see clearer. I had been dwelling too much into the past, and needed to let those things go.
"Thanks, Ollie," I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. He nodded and smiled.
"Anytime...I'm just a phone call away, y'know...Besides, you've got some more guests you need to greet. I'm sure you'll see more of us later." Oliver took Felicity's hand and walked towards one of the tables. The thoughts of Oliver and I's conversation lingered for a short while, until I took his words into consideration. I began greeting the other guests.
"Glad you could make it!" I said as I approached the entrance, where Kara and Alex had just entered. They both greeted me with smiles, and I pulled them in for hugs. "Where's Mon-El?" I asked, looking around for him. Kara's expression changed quickly from smiley to melencholy. Mon-El rsvp'd, so I figured he'd show. I didn't see him anywhere.
"It's a long story, but thank you for letting me bring my sister as my plus-one." Kara leaned into her sister's side, and I smiled. By now, I got the hint that Mon-El was a topic for another time.
"Ofcourse..." I replied before pulling Kara into a hug. "There's so much we need to catch up on." We broke the hug, and Kara nodded. As If in avoidance, Kara's sister Alex, and our old friend Sarah Lance scurried past us and ran into the bathroom. Kara and I exchanged shrugs and confused glances before we split off. I quickly located Barry before greeting the rest of our friends and family, such as Iris, Harry, Caitlin, Cisco, and the other members of the Legends.
After our friends settled in and I welcomed everybody to sit down and have some of the appetizers, Barry and I went into the back room and took over with the twins when Joe was ready to begin his speech. We sat on chairs in the hallway with the twins as we listened.
"Chloe and Barry, like any couple, have suffered through life's tragedies, whether that be the loss of family members, or the loss of friends close to their hearts. But unlike any couple around, they spend the day to day lives protecting the city that you all know and love. This has come with some negatives, such as constantly being hounded by villains and those who put their city at risk. They've risked their lives on muitplie occasions, and made sacrisifces for the greater good. Despite the responsibilities their jobs entail, they found love in eachother, and were able to settle down after many months of trying and making things work. There was so much love from the start, that they were even willing to risk mix both their personal lives with their work lives. Out of their endless love came two, tiny little versions of the two that we are celebrating today. On this day, my grandbabies turn one. I never thought i'd see the day when Barry finally settled down and had a family of his own, but here I am. Through all the pain they have endured over the years, they can now be relieved because the light after the dark tunnel is here. With that, please help me introduce the two newest members of the Allen family: Destiny Hope, and Sampson Luca!" Joe cheered before I could hear glass shattering and screaming. The screams were more nervous than anything, and there was no applause. I knew then and there something wasn't good. My senses heightened, and I got that momma bear feeling of danger.
      "I'll handle this, make sure they're safe," Barry said before speeding out of the hall and into the action. Without further hesitation, I took the twins to safety through the back exit of the building.
"Iris!" I yelled as she ran up to me and the twins. She looked around nervously, but I'm glad she was able to make it.
"I heard danger, and I ran out as soon as I can. I figured I couldn't do much without powers," she chuckled. "I wanted to make sure they were alright." She looked down at the twins with a smile, and continued. "I can take them...They need you in there." I reluctantky removed my hands from the stroller handles. I didn't want to give them up, but I trusted Iris.
I turned to speed into the building before a small voice was heard. I didn't want my identity to be exposed if it was a civilian, so I looked around. The man that approached was the young boy that had greeted me at the entrance.
"I didn't see you in there, I just wanted to make sure you were alright". I tilted my head. I found this a little odd, considering the fact that he didn't really know me at all.
"I was just about to go in," I replied, pointing to the building. I took a few steps foreword and the man stopped me again.
"Be safe," he replied, his green eyes digging deep into my soul. I shook my head in an attempt to escape his eyes. His eyes held something I had experienced once before. Eyes that captivated me from the start, and ones that still do every time I greet him...Barry's. I found something to be impossible. There was no way this kid had a connection to Barry. I had never seen him once in my life, and none of Barry's family is local.
"I can handle myself," I replied, looking back down at the boy. I continued to listen to the banter coming from the building.
"I know..." the man replied. I became confused at his remark, and looked over at the him.
"What did you say your name was?" I asked. He tugged at his collar and cleared his throat.
"My name? It's...Uh...It-i-..James."
"Get on home, James," I replied, quickly. "It's not safe for you to be here right now." I took a few steps foreword and continued on my way. I had to get in there soon enough. My hand hovered over the doorknob as I heard a voice from behind.
"I can handle myself, too, y'know." I smiled at the cockiness of the young boy, and turned around to see nothing. The boy had left rather quick, more like an instant. In his place, the trees swayed. Something I found to be unusual on a warm and sunny, non-windy day.
When I arrived back inside, I noticed all the civilians were gone, and my fellow superhero friends were fighting these Nazi looking figures, who also happened to have powers. I quickly scanned the scene. Killer Frost, Mick, and Cisco were fighting in the main area, Kara had burst through the ceiling and she was gone, Firestorm was fighting in the air, Oliver was fighting an archer on the balcony, Wally and Barry were fighting the soldiers at the entrance, and Sara and Alex were fighting in the foyer with a swordsman.
     When a grunt was heard from my right, I looked over to see Barry surrounded by Nazi soldiers. I quickly sped over to him with the urge and readiness to fight in my eyes. I quickly came up with a plan. I sped around Barry, taking out every soldier that threatened him.
"Thanks", Barry said with a wink.
"Thank me later," I replied before looking around for more threats.
"Lookout!" Barry yelled as I looked around for the incoming he was talking about. My attention was directed upwards when I heard Kara from above. I moved off to the side, and Kara fell through the hole she had previously created in the ceiling. A crater was built upon impact, and an enemy soldier was ontop of Kara, throwing punches. I wanted to help, but this person had similar powers as Kara, and I was no match for her. The soldier then got off Kara and turned around to walk away after Kara was down.
"Stay down", the soldier demanded as Kara struggled to stand. The soldier's back was now turned to Kara, giving Kara the upper hand. She pulled herself up from the rubble and clapped her hands together forcefully with all the strength she had left, creating a glass shattering, bone crumbing wave of sound. All the nazis covered their ears and fell to the ground, and the soldier Kara fought collapsed. Kara then limped over to the soldier, punching her forcefully across the face as she tried to get to her feet. From the impact of the punch, the soldier flew across the room and hit one of the overhead columns, crashing and falling onto the ground.
"NO!" an archer yelled from the balcony above as Kara's opponent fell to the ground. Our Oliver and that archer were in a head to head battle. With a swift kick to the gut from the Nazi archer, Oliver stumbled back. The archer then jumped off the balcony and across the room to the side of the injured soldier. He stroked her cheek and picked her up bridal style. She was out cold...He then slung her over his shoulder and dropped a few smoke bombs onto the floor, causing all the heroes to cover their eyes and cough uncontrollably.
When the air cleared, I looked around to make sure everyone was okay. All the soldiers were gone...Perfect escape plan.
"Who were those guys?" Wally asked. I shrugged, looking around at the damage the soldiers had done to the building, and my friends. Baby decorations were now scorched and dirty. Gifts were all over the place, and the venue itself had been broken and battered. I sure wasn't going to be paying the damages. James would understand. He could use those enchanting eyes to talk to his boss, and maybe soften the blow.
"We don't know, but maybe this guy does", Sara asked, walking over with Alex. In their arms was the swordsman they had fought, but he was unconscious. His outfit resembled the archer Oliver was fighting, but they were two different people.
"Let's take him in then," I replied before taking the archer from their arms and locking him up in the pipeline at S.T.A.R Labs.
The group of heroes and I gathered into the cortex, conjuring our next plan of attack. We were at a loss for words and didn't know where to start. I was still trying to process what happened. Ofcourse, nothing can stay peaceful in our lives for this long. I shouldn't have had my hopes up. Something always had to ruin the moment.
"I just got a call from Iris, she has the twins," Barry replied as he sped into the cortex. I sighed of relief as he joined my side, allowing me to lean into him. I enjoyed the feeling of his warm figure against my body as my brain raced with thoughts. I had no idea how we were going to figure this out.
"Good news..." Cisco said, sitting up from his computer and typing a little. "Our new Dark Archer friend just woke up from his nap. Cisco pointed to his monitor, where I could see the dark archer now standing up and moving. He started banging on the glass and begging to be released.
"Maybe he can help us make sense of this."
"What didn't make sense was how he matched Kara's strength and Oliver's archery skills," Barry said, thinking back to today's events. I nodded, coming up with an on the spot idea. It might have been a long shot, but we needed something. I had a feeling the Nazis didn't get what they wanted, and would come back for more.
"We can only get answers if the man talks," I said, stepping away from Barry and walking towards the entrance of the cortex. Caitlin quickly called my name, and I stopped walking. I remained with my back to her, but I was listening.
"Where are you going?" Caitlin asked. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, and I needed to do something quickly.
"I'm gonna make the man talk," I replied, turning around to face the group, first smirking, then giving them a stern look.
      CHLOE ALLEN HAS RETURNED! What did you think? This update is long overdue, but I finally had some time to write/work on the series!
      What do you think of my new profile pics and story covers? How did you enjoy this update? This is only part 1 of Crisis on Earth-X, and I am going to be breaking it down into four parts, similar to the four part crossover.
     I hope you are all doing well, and I'm glad to be back. I will try to update soon, so stay tuned. Shorts are in the works as well, so check out the new book I have made to keep up with new updates (Flashette (Shorts)).
     Could there be something with this mystery man seen throughout the story?...😏😏😏😏😏 Which do you think he is? He may or may not be seen more in the future...
    Talk to you soon, and I'll see you in the next update! -Flashette1❤️⚡️

*****HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! Have a wonderful thanksgiving, and I'll talk to you soon!*****

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