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Sorry for the long break between this chapter and the last, but things have been a little crazy. Thank you for your patience, and enjoy this next chapter! -Flashette1❤️⚡️
     Following Barry's conviction, I had a hard time functioning. Many would say I'm weak, and they question my strength. Look at me. I've carried multiple children, given birth, and fought many strong foes over the years. I've gotten kidnapped, and even came so close to death on multiple occasions. But nothing shook me to my core at the thought of someone I loved being hurt, especially because I couldn't do anything about it.
It was hard for me to sleep most nights. I was up all night thinking about Barry, and if he was okay. I spent all hours of the night coming up with any possible ways I could help him. I had connections in the prison, maybe someone I knew could get him out. Maybe I could sneak in and bust him out...But nothing was good enough. I knew it would be wrong, which Barry wouldn't approve. And because of these nagging thoughts I found myself tossing and turning often, unable to close my eyes without seeing the look on Barry's face when he was convicted. His side of the bed remained untouched and cold, the same as when he left.
It didn't help that everyone around town wouldn't stop talking about Barry's conviction. Everyone was genuinely surprised to hear that he did something so vile. News of Barry's sentence spread around town, and continued to scorn his reputation. Police officers at CCPD, people we've worked with for years, were even joining in and talking about him behind his back.
"That nice young man helped me cross the busy street", an elderly woman said on the news as she was stopped by a reporter. "That man helped me get justice for my husband's murder", said another. My heart sank hearing these words. I just kept telling myself over and over again: telling the truth would put everyone in danger. And although it hurt me more to be silent, I did it for him. It's what he wanted.

"Morning, guys," I said with a sigh as I rolled the twins' strolller into the cortex. I stopped the stroller by my desk and slumped down in my chair. I brushed the hair out of my face to see the team looking up at me with odd expressions. They looked back and forth at each other, their faces full of confusion and worry. Their gazes then settled back on me.
"Are you alright?", Cisco asked, his expression hyper focused on mine. I figured the answer was obvious, considering my wrinkled shirt was barely tucked into my pants, and the bags under my eyes were very noticeable. I didn't even bother to do my makeup. It was just one of those days.
"Yup," I responded. "Great!". I faked a smile. Caitlin frowned. It was so transparent. Yes, I haven't slept in days, I've barely eaten, and I can't stop thinking about the future. My mind won't stop racing all the time, and I can't escape my own thoughts. But I wasn't going to tell them that. We're so close, they can probably tell.
"You're making the face," Caitlin responded, stepping towards me and placing her hands on my shoulder. "I'm your best friend, did you think I wouldn't notice?". I looked down at the myself. Caitlin crouched down and looked up at me, forcing me to look at her.
"Is it that obvious," I asked, looking down at myself once again. A tear began to well in my eye.
"One of the few times I've seen you walk in here without a smile on your face," Cisco said as he got up from his computer and joined her side. I shook my head, trying to hold back the tears. It's been too long since I've actually let out emotion. Maybe it was time for a good cry and a tub of ice cream.
"We know this has been hard for you, it's been hard for all of us," Cisco said, the team nodding in agreement. "You out of all people would be affected the most, and we get that. And with Barry gone, that's a bigger workload for all of us. Just know were here for you if you need anything at all." Cisco took Caitlin's hand as they stood up from their crouched position on the floor. I lifted my head up slowly and wiped the stray tears falling from my cheeks.
"A shoulder to cry on...".
"A babysitter...".
"A Hulu watching companion...".
"Thank you..." I responded as I looked around the room. "You've been nothing but supportive".
"It's the least we can do, considering all the stuff you've done for us," Cisco said with a smile. "Now, why don't you go and take a break?" Cisco asked. "It's been too long since you've had some time to yourself."
"What will we do about metas? Someone's gotta go out there and keep this city safe", I replied with a sniffle. I picked myself up and stood out of my chair, fixing my shirt and my messy hair. Cisco shook his head.
"You shouldn't be doing anything else right now with everything going on. Take a break for a while, we have things covered here. Ralph can take over for a little bit and get some experience. It'll be good for him.
"Ralph?" I asked with wide eyes. "He barely has any experience! You expect him to go around saving everyone?" I asked. This shifted my mood directly. I went from being sad and upset, to completely and utterly in shock. I became almost hysterical at the thought of Ralph taking over.
"I've been training with him every day now, and he's actually made progress. See for yourself." Cisco pointed to the overhead monitors, where he projected camera footage. "This was from Ralph's most recent mission earlier today".
From the footage, Ralph was in a standoff with what appeared to be a bank robber. There were also a few hostages in the background. At this point in the conversation between the two, it sounded like the robber was trying to come up with some sort of deal with the police through Ralph.
"I would've gone with the steak", Ralph replied to the man's demands. "And a Prius as a getaway car...Bold..." Ralph said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes watching Ralph's remarks. All I could think about was everything he was going wrong, which was making this idea of going on a break seem very stupid and unnecessary. You're not supposed to have a conversation with the criminal the entire time! All that's doing is stalling and putting the hostages in more danger! But yet, let's make him the protector of Central City for a while. Good idea, Cisco.
"Who are you?" the robber asked. "You're not the Flash."
"I'm..." Ralph struggled to respond. "Someone else usually comes up with these, I'm not a good name guy...".
"What are you blabbing about?" the robber asked.
"Ignore that, just— you should be afraid of me. I'm going to put you away, and I suggested a steak because it's the last decent meal you'll get for the next five years". The robber laughed before Ralph stretched his body over the criminal and yelled for the hostages to run. They all ran for cover and escaped through the back door. Ralph removed himself from the robber once the hostages fled the scene.
"You're suck a freak!" The robber yelled, looking at Ralph with scared, wide eyes. "This freak took my hostages!".
"Hey! Sticks and stones, Buddy. I know I'm—" Ralph stepped towards the robber, who jumped back. He pulled a bomb like device quickly out of his pocket and pointed to the small device he held in his other hand.
"I'll blow this whole block down."
"It's a weekday. Why don't we put the bomb down and call it a day. You get arrested, no damage, and you'll spend the next five years in a cell? Sounds like a fair deal, no?".
"No deal," the robber said before throwing the bomb at Ralph, who's quick idea was to open his mouth and swallow it. In a matter of seconds, a large boom was heard. Ralph's body and stomach swelled as the bomb went off. I winced at the sound of the explosion and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes to see Ralph looking up at the camera. He opened his mouth and burped. A small cloud of smoke emerged from his mouth.
"I'm alright, guys. Just a little heartburn," Ralph replied with a chuckle as he held a thumbs up to the camera. Cisco clicked off the footage. I shook my head. All I could think about were the things he did wrong.
"He took too long to respond. You're supposed to serve them justice, not comply with their every demand and reason with them! He still needs a lot more training, which I think I may have to do with him myself. Clearly he needs a little more discipline. A city doesn't need a jester to come to their rescue, this city needs a hero." Cisco pointed back at me.
"I agree with you on that one, but Ralph's getting there. He has so much potential. And he's getting good publicity. Have you been watching the news. He's all over it: 'Thanks to a new local hero, the Stretchy Man, our streets are safe once again'," Cisco read.
"I still think that's a terrible name," Ralph's voice echoed as he entered the cortex. "I want to have a serious talk with whoever came up with that," Ralph said as he fixed his shirt and settled into his chair in the cortex.
"Your name will come, Ralph," I replied. "Like anything in this business, nothing comes easy."
"Easy for you to say," Ralph mumbled under his breath. My head snapped in his direction. I was so close to speeding over to him and pushing him up against the wall. I wasn't going to deal with this, not today.
"Moving along before a speedster-stretchy standoff..." Cisco directed. I unclenched my first. Cisco typed at his computer.
"While we have no updates from Joe and Cecile about Barry, they are going to the judge in the meantime to go over his appeal."
"I'm surprised you haven't been there to visit him. You two are practically attached at the hip," Ralph muttered.
"Maybe seeing him will make up feel better," Cisco suggested.
"I don't want to see him like that...I don't want him to see me like this either," I looked down at myself. At this point, I was disappointed. This wasn't like me. Even in the worst of times, I still usually managed to keep it together.
"You should at least try," Harry said from the back of the cortex. "I'm sure it will make his whole week".
"Maybe even his year." I rolled my eyes at Ralph's remark. I pondered the thought. Caitlin even offered to watch the twins for me while I went to visit Barry. I took her up on that offer, despite the wrenching feeling in my chest.
I pulled my car up slowly in the guest parking lot of Iron Heights. I cleaned up my face with a small application of makeup and fixed my wrinkled shirt from my jeans. I then put on some sunglasses before stepping out into the crisp air. The sun shined bright, which was the complete juxtaposition to how I was feeling.
I walked up to the gate of the maximum security section of the prison and greeted the guard who was positioned outside.
"Ticket and parking pass, please," the guard asked. I handed the guard the ticket before they verified it. I also showed them my CCPD badge for verification.
"Right this way, Mrs Allen," the guard said as they swiped their badge, which opened the gate. The guard stepped to the side and allowed me to enter first. We proceeded to walk down the gated hallway of the courtyard, where inmates were seen. Many of them siting at tables and conversing, where some lifted weights and played basketball. My heart sank at the thought of this being Barry's life. The inmates disappeared as we entered the actual building. Celled inmates yelled and whistled as we walked down the cinder blocked, dimly lit hall to another set of gates. Chained up inmates began to emerge from the dark depths of their cells and I could barely make out their faces in the dim lights. They began to cat call and hollar, but we continued walking until we reached one last corridor. The guard swiped her badge before opening up a door to a small room. She outstretched her hand and I stepped inside. She closed the door behind me as I entered.
I examined the room, taking a few steps forward as I approached a wooden stool. The stool was positioned in front of a counter like area, separated by a piece of glass. A telephone was hung on the right side of the glass. There was another side of the glass that had the same setup. I was surprised to see this sort of setup. I thought it was going to be Barry and I alongside plenty of other inmates. I didn't know we'd have privacy like this.
With a buzz, a door on the other side of the glass opened. Out of this door came Barry. My eyes widened at the sight of him. It had only been a few days, but he looked like he's been in prison for a lifetime. His facial hair was slightly overgrown, as well as his hair. His hands were slightly dirty and there were bruises on his wrists from handcuffs. He had a few scrapes and bruises on his arms and face, but he still managed to look at me with a smile. A tear rolled down my cheek at this sight. Barry took a seat across from me, and we both reached for our telephones.
"Wasn't expecting to see you here...I didn't think you'd come...". I shook my head.
"You know I would, Barry...I just didn't want to see you like this...The gashes and bruises...What are they doing to you, Barry?". My voice began to shake. I worried deeply. "I just want to make sure you're okay."
"It looks worse than it actually is," Barry replied. "It's not as bad as you think. To prove it, i'll have you know, you're looking at the head of this prison's custodial staff...Went from fastest man to fastest mopper". Barry smiled. A small smile crept on my face and I let out a small chuckle.
"There's that laugh I missed so much. And that beautiful smile, too...". I smiled wider at Barry's words. "I want to hear more about you, and less about me...How are things at home? How are the twins and our team?". I paused for a moment as I gathered my thoughts.
"Everyone's good. All happy and healthy. The twins are definitely confused as to where their daddy has been. As for the team, we're surviving. Ralph's been going out on some missions."
"They don't let us watch much tv often, but I do catch the news from time to time. By what i've been seeing, I noticed he's a little cocky." I giggled and nodded in agreement.
"C'mon, it's Ralph we're talking about".
"And how about you?" Barry asked with a concerned expression. "I can tell well enough from the look on your face you're trying to hide your emotions. You can't be strong for everyone". I looked down at the ground. I could feel the wave of emotions. Compartmentalizations was always something I was good at. I placed thoughts in the back of my mind and hid them away. I distracted myself with other things until one word or name opens the emotions until I can't hold it in any longer. This was one of those moments.
"I will admit, losing you again has hit me hard. It's hit me hard every time you're gone," my eyes began to well with tears. I tried to hold them in. "That makes me sound so weak and that i'm too dependent, but--". Barry cut me off. The tears dripped from my eyes as I looked up at Barry.
"It makes you sound human...And strong...". I wiped the tears from my cheeks. "Use Cisco and Caitlin's help. Take a break from all of this for a while. Stop focusing on bringing me back and focus on you. It's what's best for everyone".  I could tell Barry was hurting at the sight of seeing me like this. But one thing he was so good at that I lacked was being strong for everyone. He was the one who entered the speedforce when I should have. He was the one who made all those risky saves and decisions when I should have. I should be the one in prison, not Barry. He didn't deserve that.
"We're so close to getting you back, Barry," I said with a small shred of hope in my voice. Not to mention, it's all I've been able to think about. "There's surveillance on the DeVoe's, and Joe and Cecile are meeting with the judge very soon. We're getting there. Just hang in there".
"Take a break," Barry said, ignoring my previous statements. I thought he'd say something about being excited to get out of here, but he didn't. "Don't be too hard on yourself. The city needs you".
"The city needs you too," I replied, a tear rolling down my cheek.
"It survived without me the entire time I was trapped in the speedforce, this isn't the worst thing i've seen. Besides, it has you, Ralph, and the rest of the team. We have all this help, utilize it". At this point, a guard came in from Barry's side of the door with a pair of handcuffs. I gripped the telephone tighter. I wish I could talk more. I wish we could've had more time. I wish we were able to physically see each other, or even embrace.
"Time's up, Allen," the guard replied. At this time, my door was opened too and the same guard I had earlier stepped in.
"Go time," she spoke. I nodded and looked back up at Barry.
"Don't forget to visit from time to time," Barry said with a small smile.
"I wish things could go back to normal... wish I was able to hold your hand again...I--".
"Eventually it will all work out...I promise. I placed my hand up to the glass as did Barry."
"I love you...".
"I love you too," Barry replied before taking his hand away from the glass, tucking the stool back in and walking towards the guard who handcuffed him. I took my hand from the class and a small smile crept on my face as I noticed the handprint Barry left behind. I stroked it before putting my stool away and meeting the guard at the door.
"Thank you again," I said as I stepped out into the corridor and the guard closed the door behind us.
"Don't thank me, thank your friend," she responded before we walked down that same hallway. The entire time we walked back I couldn't stop thinking about what she said about thanking my friend. It must've been Cisco who made this arrangent. After all, he was the one who insisted I see Barry in the first place.
I continued to sit in silence for a moment, thinking about what Barry told me. After a few minutes, alarms blared and I looked around. In a matter of seconds inmates swarmed the gates and guards poured from the facility. Cop cars began to swarm the building and I got out of my car, concerned. I walked over to Joe's cruiser as he got out.
"Chloe? What are you doing here?" Joe asked, full of surprise. He nodded for the other officers to go ahead of him and we stayed back.
"I just got back from visiting Barry. What happened here?" I asked, looking around at the scene.
"Escapee. Axl Walker...". My eyes perked up at the mention of his name. "Sound familiar?". I nodded.
"The trickster...How'd this happen? I was just in there, and everything was fine."
"He had a man on the inside...", Joe said as he placed his notebook in his pocket and placed his gun in its holster. "A nurse...They used tranquilizers on a few guards and made off with their keycards to get through the security checkpoints."
"Don't staff members have to go through a background check?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed. I didn't know how someone could break through such high security clearance.
"The nurse's check came out clear. Name was...Lindsey Fineheart. Some staffing company sent her over".
"Make sure to send surveillance and any other evidence you find over to Cisco," I said as I pointed to the scene. "And you better get over there, it looks like things are escalating." Inmates charged the gates, all attempting to escape.
"I've already sent over all the files we have. I'll keep you updated," Joe said before placing a hand on my shoulder. "You focus on Axl. I've got Barry," Joe said with a nod before he swiped his badge and walked through the gates into Iron Heights.
After my briefing with Joe I went back to S.T.A.R Labs to report my findings and things that happened.
"So they used pudding as an excuse to escape...That's a new one," Ralph said, flipping through an evidence file. Cisco was watching the footage as the rest of us followed Axl's paper trail.
"That's not all I found from this case file," Cisco said as he continued to type at his computer. We all looked up at the monitor and put our papers down.
"The nurse from the security feed doesn't match facial recognition to a Lindsay Fineheart. It matches 100% to a Zoey Clark." My eyebrows furrowed as I examined the results he pulled up on the screen. I looked back and forth between the two profiles.
"How could that be? They did a background check and everything."
"No idea, but fact of the matter is she's the wrong girl. There's way more information on Zoey Clark." Cisco began to scroll through files, paying attention to their subjects and contents. One in particular caught my eye.
"Stop!" I yelled to Cisco as he continued to scroll through files. I picked up a tablet off the table and resumed the session from there. I pulled the file up on the other monitor and the team examined it.
"It makes sense...James Jesse had a girlfriend," Cisco said as we looked over the file. I nodded.
"She seemed to be the Bonnie to his Clyde. Even through the most severe charges. Robbery....murder...Every charge in the book".
"Says here she was the heir to the Clark Toys business...Bachelors degree in Liberal Arts and sciences, masters in Chemistry. That's one hell of a mix...".
"Says here the two were responsible for a wide variety of attacks on the city, as well as the destruction of the Gadzooka Bubblegum factory," Caitlin added as she placed her tablet down.
"And it didn't stop there," I added. "Read a little further down." I stood there, tablet in hand, waiting for the bomb to drop.
    "Not only did she continue this lifestyle, but she hid after Jesse was arrested."
    "And..." I trailed off.
     "The trickster's has themselves a little Joker baby," Cisco stayed. I snapped my fingers.
    "Prank came out of hiding to bust her cub out of jail.
"Cisco, see if you can find more files on Zoey. Joe's at Iron Heights examining the scene and digging up more evidence with CCPD. It may take some time, but—". Cisco cut me off.
"Looks like Axl's already making his appearance," Cisco said as he pulled up the local Tv feed on the screen's. Axl's face appeared, dressed in his trickster like attire. The team put down their evidence and focused on the broadcast.
"Greetings Central City," Axl exclaimed with a wide grin. He was wearing his gray trickster costume with his black eye mask. "It's been quite a while since you've seen my face." Axl smirked. He was standing in the streets of Central City. Many cars lined up waiting to go, but were forced to stop behind him.
"He didn't want to waste any time," Ralph joked.
"It's on all the broadcasting platforms. Can you try to track it?", I asked Cisco as he typed furiously on his computer.
"One step ahead," Cisco said as he continued to track. "Satellite's on it."
"I'd like to celebrate my return with a game. Here I have a regular looking bouncy ball," Axl held up a small ball in his hand. "But it's not a ball. I'll tell you what. If Gumby doesn't make an appearance in the next 5 minutes, you get to find out what this ball does." Axl took the ball and threw it at a parked car. The car exploded and burst into flames.
"That's not good," Ralph said with a wide frown as took in a breath.
"You heard him," I replied, looking away from the screen and at Ralph. He wants you." Ralph shook his head and placed his hands in-front of him.
"What about you." Ralph pointed to me. "You've got a lot more experience. Plus, we know for sure you can take him." Ralph took a few steps back and tried to exit the cortex. I sped infront of him before he could make his escape.
"If there's anything I learned from fighting these guys, it's that you give them what they want," I said as I crossed my arms. By this time, Ralph walked back to the table where Cisco and Caitlin were. I trailed behind him incase he tried to escape again. "It's the only way to negotiate. I'll be there as backup."
"Though I should be excited this is my first real takedown, part of me is scared".
"I got his location. DeMeo and Bilson. Might want to hurry up. He doesn't seem to have any patience." I suited up and made sure my comlink was online.
"C'mon, Ralph," I said before Ralph pulled out his suit from his pocket with a sigh.
"Alright, fine...Can't you just speed me there? Or breech me? I'll get there faster." I shook my head. Cisco, Caitlin, and I shared a glance. "He'll learn soon enough," I thought to myself.
"Let's go!" I exclaimed before speeding out of the cortex and into the streets.
I crouched behind a car parked along the sidewalk of the street. I was sure not to make myself noticed to Axl. I was far enough away where I could see him, but he couldn't see me as easily. I knew that if he saw me, he would become hostile very quick. I didn't want to mess with his trust or demands.
"Is that Patrick Stump I see?" Ralph asked with a chuckle as he stood facing Axl. Axl turned around to face Ralph as he tossed a ball bomb into the air. "Where's the rest of Fall Out Boy?". Axl pushed up his bedazzled peacoat sleeve and examined his watch. Being a fan of them when I was younger, I chuckled at Ralph's joke. I will admit, when I hear some of their old throwbacks, I don't hesitate to belt out the lyrics.
"Here in record time, impressive...". Axl smirked.
"I'm here, what do you want?" Ralph asked, looking around.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm back!" Axl exclaimed. "All I wanted was to have a little fun at my return party. Is that too much to ask?" Axl said with a pout. I continued to watch from my vantage point.
    "What do you want from me?" Ralph asked.      
     "Everything. You're special. Why different than those two speedsters that tried to stop me years ago. I figured with their leave of absence I'd make some new friends. Mommy always said I needed to be more social." Axl's gaze locked on Ralph.
    "It still doesn't make sense because—" Ralph pondered. At this time, Axl used the distraction to his advantage.
     "I know you're not a speedster, but- quick, think fast!" Axl challenged before throwing the ball at Ralph.
    "Huh?" Ralph asked before coming to his senses and focusing back on Axl. The ball was thrown quickly at Ralph, who used his even quicker reflexes to catch it. Without hesitation it exploded on contact. His hand took the damage with ease and swelled up for a moment around the explosion. His hand quickly returned to normal size and a puff of smoke emerged from his now outstretched hand.
    "Thought you could best me, I'm-" Ralph went on before Axl pulled out a gun from the inside of his coat. He pointed it at Ralph and pulled the trigger. Expecting it to be bullets he could catch, liquid emerged from the gun instead. As soon as the liquid made contact it burned through Ralph's suit and onto his skin. By his screams it was evident he was in a lot of pain. Before more damage could be done I sped out of my hiding spot and joined Ralph's side, examining his wounds. I sped him further away from the scene and the team arranged for Harry to pick him up in the S.T.A.R Labs van and get him to safety. Ralph winced and cried as his suit began to melt away. He was sprayed with some sort of acid substance. He gripped onto his knee tightly as the skin began to wither away.
"Chloe, he's panicking," Caitlin said into the comlink. "You have to get him here fast."
"Don't worry about me," Ralph said as he pointed back to the direction of the trickster. "Worry about him. I'm fiiii---n--ne." Ralph winced.
"Don't think we haven't forgotten about you, little lady," the trickster called. I sped from Ralph's resting spot and back to where the trickster was. He pulled another ball from his pocket. I scoffed.
"You really think a bomb ball's going to stop me?" I asked. "I can outrun a bull--" I said before I was struck with a hard object. I fell to the ground. I could see Axl faintly smile in the background as he stepped towards me. A woman's figure than appeared with a wide grin.
    "Thanks, mom."
     "Anything for my baby," a voice echoed before black clouded my vision. My head rolled back, and that's all I could remember. I thought about Ralph and the rest of the team. I hope he was safe.
I woke up in a strange place. The lighting was very dim, and I was surrounded by what looked to be toys. I further examined the scene to see I was seated in a chair below a stage. My hands were tied together, and my legs were tied to a chair. I tried phasing through, but I couldn't. At this point my mask was off and hung behind me like a hood.
"Dont' even think about getting out, honey." A women's voice boomed through the room. I turned around to see a female figure appear from behind a curtain on the stage. "Power dampening. Something my almost husband didn't even think about years ago," she said with an eye roll. "But I always learned from his mistakes". I figured out from all the evidence and her profile earlier this was Prank.
"What do you want?" I asked. "This isn't my first kidnapping. You think i'm scared of you and your son's games?". Prank stepped closer to where I was seated. She chuckled.
"You aren't scared now, but you will be," she said before Axl entered the room.
"There she is! How's my little doll?" Axl asked as he stroked my cheek and placed a hand under my chin. "There's that pretty face of yours." Axl smiled. There was something about him this time. I didn't quite know what to expect. "I've been waiting for this moment for years. All that time in prison was worth it because I got what I wanted in the end...". Axl removed his hand from my chin and stepped away from my chair. "All those years of fighting and you get knocked out by a Harley Quinn sized sledgehammer...Imagine that." Axl and his mom laughed. I was done letting him rant. I felt like I was walking on eggshells with him. He was certainly more experienced now than he was in the past. I didn't want to set him off.
"The stretchy man?" Axl laughed. "Oh darling, he was useless from the start. My real goal was to draw you out of hiding...Speaking of, where is your crimson counterpart?".
"None of your business."
"Right...Because I already know he's locked up in Iron Heights." My head snapped in his direction. There was no way someone like him could've figured it out.
"How do you---".
"I was a fugitive there, too. I saw things...Unnexplainable things...Completely surreal things. With him in there, and your even weaker attempt at a team, I knew this was the only way to get you out. And it worked!".
"You won't get away with this," I replied. I was holding out for a hero at this point. Axl didn't know we have friends in other cities. Oliver could've been on his way at this point if we really needed him.
"I think we already have... And to make the plot even thicker, we've devised a plan to get the rest of your even weaker friends."
"And how do you plan on doing that?" I asked. Axl walked over to his mom and gave her a smile. Prank walked towards me and wheeled my chair onto the stage.
"Just look and see, my dear." Prank pointed to a small red X on the floor that my small chair was positioned over. Prank then grabbed my neck tightly and pulled my mask over my face. "Wouldn't want the face reveal too soon. We're saving that for the real party." Prank stepped away from me disappeared behind the camera. Axl turned on a camera and ran infront of it.
"Central City! I am back for another local announcement. It seems your beloved Flashette has decided to be the first guest to attend my return party. Unfortunately she forgot her party favor, so I had to get her a new one." Axl walked over to the side of the room and emerged back into frame with a small blue teddy bear. He placed it infront of my chair on the floor. He then turned to the side and grabbed a remote off the stage sidestep. He clicked a button on the remote, and a device emerged from the ceiling. He the  clicked a button, and liquid came pouring out. It melted the teddy bear fully in a matter of seconds. My eyes widened.
"Flashette's friends, come join the party," Axl exclaimed with open arms. "If not, she'll end up just like this." Axl kicked the teddy bear off the stage and I shook my head viciously.
"Don't, it's a!--" I tried to say before Axl stepped towards me and grabbed the side of my face harshly. His stern gaze met mine. His mother clicked off the camera and he let go of me quickly. She disappeared into the corridor and Axl turned his attention towards me once again.
"I'm so sorry for being rough, but you're ruining my party!" Axl said as he peeled back my mask. "This is supposed to be fun! Isn't this fun?" Axl asked as he danced around. "Aren't I a good host and guest of honor?". I shook my head.
"The rest of my team is going find me soon, and then the real party will begin".
They're the ones that should feel sorry. They're missing out on all the festivities," Axl said before kicking my wheely chair across the stage. I hid the back wall with a thud as the chair settled. When my gaze was refocused I could see Axl holding a set of three knives.
"These were one of my father's favorites," Axl said as he looked down at them. He placed the others down and settled on one. He dragged his bare finger across the blade. My eyes widened. "This would've been his dream...I knew he would've been so proud of me and all i've done. I captured one of the most symbolic entities this city's ever seen. He couldn't even do that." I laughed at Axl's attempt to pep himself up.
"Your father was a joke," I replied. "I consider that to be pretty ironic." Axl's eyes narrowed.
"I've been nothing but nice to you, but the second you insult my father—". Axl's hand settled on the blade of a knife. I moved my head slightly to see the back wall was lined with a giant target. I was almost in the center of it. I couldn't move. I remained completely still as Axl let go of the blade and it hurled towards me, landing so close to my head. I didn't want to provoke him even more, so I remained motionless. Pissing him off was the last thing I wanted to do. Although I was a little scared of what Axl could do, he didn't seem like the type to want to hurt me. After all, look at everything he did to get me here alone.
     "Looks like I need to work on my aim...Let's try the other side," Axl said as he lined up another shot and aimed for the other side of my head. It settled a few inches to the left of my head where he wanted it to be. Secretly, I knew he was doing this for show. I tried to catch him off guard.
"At least your father could aim correctly," I stated. "He was more of a criminal than you'll ever be," Axl's hands covered his ears. He became furious. "His shoes are too big for you to fill." Axl's expression meanened. His eyes were now narrow, but anger filled.
"The same could be said about you," Axl said before lining up the last knife. He was about to throw it, but at the last second stopped himself. "On second thought, I think this one needs a more direct approach," Axl said before picking up the knife and walking towards me. He positioned the knife in his hand with the blades down and I gritted my teeth at the thought of what was coming. I slammed my eyes shut as he forcefully jabbed the knife into my lefft thigh. My eyes closed tightly and I winced in pain.
"AAAHHHH" I yelled as the piercing sharp blade made contact with my skin. Axl stepped back and laughed. He then grabbed a loose rag off the floor and stuffed it into my mouth.
"Maybe that will teach you to keep your mouth shut," he said before stepping back. Although I kind of deserved it for egging him on, I could see the soreness come back into his eyes. My vision quickly blurred, and I lost consciousness fast. I could tell I was losing a lot of blood, but Axl didn't seem to notice.
When I woke, I was able to makeout the details of my whereabouts. I was in the same place: the old toy factory. I looked down to see my leg was somewhat wrapped up in some sort of tourniquet. "I knew he was still a softie". A small tap to my leg caused me to look over to the side. My eyes widened as grunts filled my ears. I looked to my right to see Caitlin and Cisco tied up next to me. They were in their suits as well.
"Guys? What are you doing here?" I asked, full of shock.
"We came looking for you. We were able to track your location, but-".
    "You we're trapped. Just like me earlier with Ralph." Caitlin and Cisco nodded.
"Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?" I asked. They shook their heads. I sighed in relief. They didn't deserve to be mistreated by Axl. I was the one who kept egging him on. I was the one he wanted.
"Not at all. We're alright. It looks like Axl was roughing you up a little bit, though". Caitlin pointed to my leg. I nodded. "Axl was quick to ask for my help when he brought us here. I was the one who wrapped your leg."
"Thanks for your concern and assistance, but I'm fine. Where's Ralph?" I asked, looking around. "Axl didn't get him too?".
"Ralph was more scared than injured. That acid Axl used from the gun had a ph level lower than negative fifty, so it did a number on Ralph. It should heal up just fine, though. If it were anyone else, Axl could do a lot more damage. Ralph decided it was too much for him."
    "Look who's up from her nap..Let's start the party now, shall we?" Axl asked as he entered the room. He waved a remote around in his hand and clicked a button. "With all my super guests, the real party can now begin," Axl said as a giant tube began to slowly fall from the roof and stop a few feet shorter of our heads. "We only asked for one super, but now we've got three!" Axl exclaimed as he pressed another button on his remote. Pink liquid began to swirl around inside the machine connected to the tube. The team and I braced ourselves for what was to come. Judging by Ralph's experience earlier, ours wasn't going to be much easier.
At this moment, glass shattered from the roof above us as a figure stretched inside. My eyes widened at the realization that it was Ralph. I could barely recognize him in his new suit. He even had goggles to match.
"Make that four," Ralph said as he stood infront of us. Axl looked up at Ralph with a scoff. "Good luck getting out of this one, stretchy man." Axl pressed the remote button and pink liquid emerged from the tube. Ralph quickly stretched himself on top of us to create a barrier between us and the liquid.
"Ahhh", Ralph screamed as the liquid made contact with his skin and dripped down his figure. He paused for a moment at the realization that it didn't burn his skin. Even I was surprised. "It doesnt hurt...Hahaha!" Ralph exclaimed. Axl frowned. Ralph then stretched his head inside the protective layer and looked at Cisco. "Why am I not dying?" He asked. We all shrugged.
"Because I hacked in," Harry said as he emerged from the corridor on the other side of the room. The liquid eventually ran out and Ralph remover himself from over us. He brushed off the remaining liquid from his suit and Iris ran out from behind the stage to help untie is.
"Don't even think about escaping," Ralph said as we all watched the trickster and Prank. After their weak attempt at an escape, Harry shot a blast from his gun at the two and they were unconscious. Joe then emerged with CCPD and handcuffed them. We exited the building before anyone else noticed us.
Cop cars surrounded the area as Joe escorted the two criminals out. We were suddenly greeted by news reporters as we entered the Main Street from an alleyway.
"Flashette! Flashette! How did you make your escape? Some sort of houdini technique?" one reporter asked me. I shook my head. Caitlin and Cisco both did as well.
"I'll let you take this one," I said as I pushed Ralph forward. He adjusted his goggles and fixed his suit. He cleared his throat before speaking:
"Believe it or not, I actually saved them," Ralph said, standing tall. "Remember the ocean scene from the incredibles?" Ralph asked. "I did that", Ralph pointed to himself and I rolled my eyes. "Credit to Elastagirl, ofcourse. A protective barrier to shield from the acid, and voila!".
"Amazing!" the reporter said as she twirled a lock of her blonde hair. "What the people of Central City really want to know is: are you single? How long have you been in the superhero spotlight? And what is your real name?". Ralph was quick to answer this next set of questions.
"My relationship status is for me to know, and for any willing ladies to decide...I've only been a superhero for only about 30 minutes, and my name...".
"The trickster referred to you as Gumby and Stretchy Man. Can you confirm?". Ralph shook his head.
"I don't really stretch, you see...I--".
"Elongate," I butted in.
"When you say it like that it sounds like someone who is trying to sound educated...or slightly inappropriate." I nodded my head. "It doesn't quite fit me. It's like someone saying: yeah, bro...No, I elongate, man...". There was a break of silence within the conversation.
"The Elongated Man?" the reporter asked through the silence. Ralph shook his head.
"I was just expla--".
"You heard it here first, folks, Central City is safe thanks to the 'Elongated Man'."
"CUT!" another man yelled in the background. The news reporter shook Ralph's hand before handing him a small piece of paper. She then split off with the rest of her news crew. Other reporters tried to as questions, but Ralph cut them off. I could tell he had enough superhero spotlight for a night.

Flashette(Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now