The Reporter & The Speedster

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"I can't. I can't do this." Barry declares. The fastest man alive was inches away from kissing the journalist who had been reporting on the scarlet speedster. Iris West was her name.

Both had taken a heavy breath. A moment that was filled with intimacy was shattered.

Iris is the first one to step away. She looks into the eyes of the man she's known all her life. She knows those eyes, and can read them just as well as her father can read into the eyes of a criminal. "You can't because of him, right?" She asks as a shred of tear manages to escape.

Barry looks down to the ground, breaking eye contact. "Iris..." He whispers.

"You don't have to lie. Not to me. Not to yourself. You can't because you still love Oliver."

"That doesn't mean I don't love you. It means..."

"That you're in love with him." Iris interrupts. She knew that Barry had the hots for Oliver Queen ever since he met him. She also knew that it was more than just that. Barry had adopted a great love for Oliver. Barry had fallen for him. Hard. But that didn't stop her from falling hard herself.

Barry meets Iris' eyes again. He shook his head as his lips trembled. "I tried. I really did. When you told me that you loved me, I thought that I could do it, you know? I've known you all my life. You have done nothing but treat me well. But if I did this? When we both know good and well that I'm still fixated on someone else? That wouldn't be treating you well, Iris. You're amazing, but you're not..."


"Yeah," He agrees under his breath. "You're not him. And he's not you. I just think I need to get over this before I explore something new."

"Tell him." Iris suggests.


"Tell him how you feel."

"We almost kissed and you're telling me to chase after someone else?" He nervously asks. Barry is a smart man. He's more than capable of getting himself out of life or death situations. But when it came to love? The man was absolutely clueless.

"At first I thought I could do this, too. But then when we didn't, I realized why I couldn't. Because even if you could, I know for a fact that you would be throwing away the chance of being with someone you could really care about. And it doesn't mean that you don't care about me, because I know you do, but Oliver is the one you truly want. I know I confused you when I told you how I felt during Christmas, and you wanting to make me happy has always been your best interest at heart. But it is also mine. Your happiness is what matters to me, no matter who that happens to be with. And it has taken upon me that the only way I can be sure that you are truly happy, is if you're with Oliver. You have a big heart, Barry Allen. Oliver would be an idiot not to see that, but I know he's smart enough to figure that out. You have to tell him. No more rushing into things you know you don't want. It's time you fight for something that you do want. And I love you. You're my best friend. Go get him."

Barry smiles and brings her in for a hug. He lays his head on Iris' shoulder. "You know I wouldn't be half the man I am today without you?"

"I'm very much aware of that." Iris laughs.

The smile on Barry's face fades. A dark thought clouds his mind. "What if I already lost my chance with him?"

Iris lets out a deep sigh. Whenever Barry doubted being loved back, it truly brought a pain to her heart. "Then we'll get through it. Together."

She kisses his cheek and removes herself from the embrace. "One condition. You're still buying me dinner."


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