The Head & Heart of Supergirl

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Kara opened her eyes to a sleeping Oliver. His snores were rather quiet, just as his sneezes had been.

To Kara, it was adorable. Oliver was a very loud, expressive man, and yet when it came to snoring, sneezing, coughing, or anything that had to do with his senses, he was quiet.

It probably had something to do with the five years he was presumed dead... the wars he had been through and the horrors he had suffered. He could have learned to control it, possibly out of situations where he had to remain silent when his life depended on it.

She wasn't too sure about it though. Her and Oliver never really talked about that, despite him being open with her about anything else. Some things are just left unsaid... and that was okay. To her, it was okay.

He hadn't known everything about her either, like her being Supergirl or losing her entire home planet, or the fact that she's an alien. And it was okay. In her heart, she knew that one day she'd be ready to tell him, and she was sure that one day he'd be ready to tell her. But now? Now was okay. It was good. It is good.

Kara tries to get up, in hopes to get her and Oliver some breakfast from a nearby diner, but fails. Oliver had fallen asleep with one of his hands clawed inside her hair and the other wrapped around her waist. She could use her super strength to crawl herself out of this mess, but why the trouble?

She tries to wake him up instead. She rests her head on his chest, just beneath his shoulder. "Oliver," she whispers. "Do you want to get some breakfast?" She asks, nudging his chest gently.

"Tomorrowwwww," Oliver slurred. "Sleep with me."

"Come on, Queen. Wake up." Kara pleads. She ran her fingers through Oliver's hair. "I miss those big, beautiful, blue eyes of yours."

"Are they like comets?" Oliver asks, still half asleep. His eyes remained shut as he began to pet her hair once again.

"Uh, I'll tell you if you wake up." Kara drove her hand against Oliver's skin from his head all the way down to the hand that held against her waist. She grabbed it, meeting her fingers with his. Oliver chuckled. God, Kara loved his laugh. She never got tired of hearing it. Opening his eyes, Kara answered, "Yes, they're like comets."

A grin rose out of Oliver. "So are yours." He said, booping Kara's nose. They laughed in unison as they stared into each other's eyes.

Despite Kara being upset with him earlier, things were good. This was good. They both felt at peace with each other. And even though neither of them directly said it, they were hoping that the other didn't want to give it up so easily- that a part of them wanted to keep this charade going for as long as they possibly could.

And if they had gave it up, and if they had stopped, that the two of them would remain friends. That the benefits would be their placeholder, and their friendship would be their constant.

As Kara manages to stand herself up off the couch, Oliver quickly changed his position from sitting to laying. Once he laid there, with the hand of Kara's that he was holding, he uses it to pull her back on top of him, but this time with both of their chests against each other. As she fell over him, laughter had climbed outside of her.

"I missed you." Oliver said, rubbing his hands all over her back. And it was true. He did.

"I missed you, too."

Oliver smiled, pulling her in for a kiss. The kiss progressed, with their tongues wrestling each other in hopes to pleasure one another- another thing the two of them had left unsaid, but Oliver wanted to change that. "I really like kissing you." He pulled away slightly to say, then proceeded to kiss her again.

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