Just One Thing

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"Barry Allen." Oliver says with his eyebrows raised.

"Oliver Queen."

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Oliver asks.

"You're kidding, right?" Barry replies nervously. Here he is. Standing on Oliver Queen's doorstep because Oliver Queen invited him over. For the past hour he's been contemplating what he should or should not say and if it was the right or wrong time to unleash all these feelings he had for him. For the past hour he has put off sleep and drove across the city to get to Oliver Queen because Oliver Queen asked him to.

Please tell me he's kidding. Please tell me he is just pleased to see me. Please tell me he actually wants me to be here. Please tell me he didn't change his mind.

"Not this time," Oliver says with a hint of confusion. "Seriously. What are you doing here?"

"Your texts, Ollie."

"Barry, what are you talking about?"

Barry rolls his eyes out of frustration. He unlocks his phone and opens it up to the conversation with Oliver. "Don't know why you're making me do this but here." Barry says as he hands over the phone.

Oliver takes it from Barry's hand. He smiles hard. "Did not expect that."

"What?" Barry asks sharply.

"The green emoji next to my name. That's cute." Oliver explains.

"Oliver, just read the messages." Barry demands with an annoyed tone in his voice.

Oliver uses the next few moments to read the conversation the two men shared earlier tonight. He furrowed his eyebrows. Barry could not tell if that was out of confusion or anger... or both.

"Damn it." Oliver expresses as he hands the phone back to Barry.

"I suppose that I'm a victim of your drunk texting then." Barry assumes.

"No. It wasn't me."


"It was Thea. She took my phone."

"Oh." Barry's heart dropped significantly. He was so excited to show up here and see why Oliver wanted him to come over so late at night. Only for it to be his little sister playing games with him.

"Come inside."


"Huh?" Oliver took Barry by surprise. It was nearly midnight, and he had shown up unannounced. How could he possibly want me here?

"I want you to come inside. Like I've said before, it's always a pleasure having you here. Sure I'm pissed she took my phone and acted exactly like me for whatever reason to draw you out and piss me off. But I'm really glad you're here. If anything, it's a surprise I actually like."

Barry blushes like an idiot. Maybe this is better after all. It would have been nice to know Oliver wanted me to come over in the first place, but it's even nicer that he wants me to stay. And that's everything. Hopefully there isn't any chance of more disappoint from either of us tonight.

Barry follows Oliver inside. Oliver closes the door from behind and calls out to him, "I really do like the green heart. It's a nice touch."

You're something I'd like to touch, Barry wants to say. He couldn't help it. Oliver looked damn good in a white shirt and jeans. But who was Barry fooling? Oliver looked damn good in anything. Barry had the urge to rip his clothes off and show him what real pleasure felt like. However, Barry uses every fiber of his being to wrestle that instinct and replies with a joke instead. "Anything for a Queen."

How I Feel - An Olivarry StoryWhere stories live. Discover now