To Find Is Not To Seek

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Oliver had been texting Barry during red lights. He was on the way to picking up Felicity to spend the night together, something they haven't done since the beginning of their relationship, which wasn't very long. The light to turn to Felicity's neighborhood, not as hated as the one to Oliver's, Oliver sends Barry his last text for the night as he is planning to cater the rest of it to Felicity Smoak and Felicity Smoak only.

Great. Gotta run... but it won't be in a flash. I'm just a plain old human without superspeed. Talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight.

Quickly, Barry responds. Goodnight Ollie. A smile crept up onto Oliver's face.

Whenever Barry proceeded to call Oliver Ollie, which not many have the privilege of doing so, not even Felicity, it had always given the opportunity to center himself. It called to his humanity and showed him that even though he may feel as if he did not deserve it, people loved him regardless. It was calming for him to have something that summoned the man he used to be. To give him a sense of grounding and reminding him that no matter how far off he fell into the deep end, he could come back from that.

The most important people in his life, besides Felicity, she just wasn't a fond of the nickname whatsoever, had always resorted to Ollie when he had been acting nonsensical or irrational. Others, like Barry, well only Barry, had not only used it to give Oliver a wake up call or to slow down, but just used it whenever he pleased. Do you want a cup of coffee, Ollie? Are you sure you don't want anything, Ollie? Would you like to work on a case together, Ollie? Ollie and I are gonna head on over to Jitters. Ollie, are you okay? Ollie, I'm here for you. And of course, the one that had given Oliver the smile in the first place, Goodnight Ollie.

Some would say it could be overused at times, but to Oliver it was damn cute. He loved that Barry cared for him. He loved even more that Barry had the power to center him and remind him of his humanity. It was refreshing, and he was thankful. For Barry and for everything Barry had done for him and had continued to do for him.

Doubting Felicity and the relationship he had built overtime with her had taken a toll on Oliver's heart. He had been bothered ever since the conversation he had with Felicity earlier this morning. Yes. I was alone.

It was difficult to take Felicity to lunch and act like he hadn't just lied to her on the phone. But his heart also knew that he just had to lie.

Though the lunch felt pretty off, with both of them mostly eating rather than talking, it didn't end badly. He had given her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled. The smile he knew and loved was present.

One minor detail couldn't set off that entire relationship to shreds, right? Regardless, he drove her home and she had planted a soft kiss on the lips and told him she loved him. He said it back as she got out of the car.

Oliver later arrived home with doubts and fears clouding his mind. This led to him calling up Felicity to ask if she would spend the night at his place, and he would gladly pick her up. Surprisingly, she was excited. He got dressed and headed for the door.

Oliver shut his phone completely off and threw it onto the backseat. The plan to pay attention to only one human being that goes by Felicity Smoak was set in motion.

He pulls into the front of Felicity's house slowly, with his headlights revealing a petite figure standing near a tree. She was wearing a striped sweater dress that had cut off at the middle of her thigh. The colors were red, purple and white. Wow. Oliver stopped and managed to get out of the car and walked around it. "Hey," He says as he gives her a small peck on the lips. "You look amazing."

"Anything for you." A smile quickly captivates her face once more.

"There's that smile I love." Oliver says as he opens the door for Felicity and takes her overnight bag into his hands. He closes the door after she climbs in and runs around to get inside himself. Inside, he shoves the bag into the backseat where his phone lays.

How I Feel - An Olivarry StoryWhere stories live. Discover now