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I groan and grab my phone off my night stand.

Time to get up for Day 1 of Senior year.

Speaking of we have senior pictures on Friday. Hmm interesting.

I shrug and dig through my drawers until I find the right pair of leggings I want.

I pull them on and put my sports bra on. I pull my hair up into a pony tail and walk into my bathroom. I splash some water on my face before walking out of my room and into the kitchen.

I grab a water bottle and drink half of it before screwing the cap back on and sitting it on the counter.

I take off out the front door after I slide into my Adidas running shoes and take off around my neighborhood.

By time I get back it's 6am.

I quickly come inside and chug the rest of the water I left out.

I hurry into my room and start the shower. I make sure to close my bedroom and bathroom door before stripping and jumping into the shower.

After I shower and blow dry my hair I throw on my basic clothes before starting with my makeup, hair, and accessories.

You might be wonder where my parents are?

Well my mom left me and my dad at a young age, I'm an only sibling, and my dad is a Lawyer so he travels a lot.

I throw my phone in my purse before running into the kitchen. I grab a granola bar and my special water before grabbing my keys off the almost empty key rack.

The good thing about me is, I get freedom. My dad trusts me enough and I don't see why not. The only thing I do behind his back is stay out past 10pm sometimes and the skater girl thing.

I pull into the school parking lot and there was only a few people here, good.

I hop out and grab my water bottle. I put my granola bar in my purse for once I'm in the building.

I open the back door and grab my black backpack and sling it over my shoulder.

I lock my car and put the keys in the zipper pocket in my purse.

I grab my student ID out of my purse and scan it at the door.

I say a quick hello to Mrs. Mays before hurrying off to my locker.

You may be wondering why I need to get to my locker so quickly? Well once your a senior you pick your locker in the senior hallway. I already have the perfect locker picked so I can grab stuff from it and not be late.

I find my locker quickly and start making it my own. I put all of my binders inside along with my band magnets and other stuff.

I make sure I have my main binder before slamming my locker shut.

First days are always stressful. Good thing is, usually if girls were dressed the way I was dressed they'd get dress coded but not me. The school knows my dad and knows that if I don't get to wear what I want that they get sued, so.

I find my way to the cafeteria where Mia, my bestie, was waiting for me.

I sit down next to her and hug her. "Gemma you missed so much yesterday! Jules did her summer performance and it was amazing!" She says and starts tapping around on her phone.

She hands me it and I sit it down as I grab my granola bar from my purse. I open it and start munching on it as I watch myself preform again. I look so graceful.

After I finish my granola bar and the video I take a sip of my water.

Soon our two other best friends, Lucy and Angelica, arrived and we were all going over our summers.

"Cali was amazing! I ran into Louis." Mia says and I look at her sideways.


"Alright, gotta go. See you guys in Trig?" I say and they all nod before we head our separate ways.

My first hour was Writing. Easy A class.

I walk into the classroom and look around for a seat. I decide on third row left side.

The room announcer thing comes on.

"Please send Gemma to the office. She will she escorting four new boys around the school today."

The teacher nods in my direction and I smile before getting up and walking back out of the classroom.

I reach the main office to see the guys all standing there talking.

I take a deep breath and push open the office door.

"Hi boys! I'm Gemma." I say as I stride into the office.

Skater Girl // Part 1 Where stories live. Discover now