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I take a deep breath and push open the office door.

"Hi boys! I'm Gemma." I say as I stride into the office.

They look over at me and they all look shocked. I roll my eyes. "Take a picture it'll last longer." I say and wave them out of the office.

They follow me and the only sound you could hear was my heals clicking the ground.

We find the cafeteria and I grab a map that I made out of my binder. "Your gonna need this for lunch." I say and hand it to them. I start going through all my other papers.

"You know this map kinda reminds me of mean girls." Lip Ring says and I laugh a little.

"At least someone understands." I run a hand through my hair. "It's just better to seat people with who they belong with." I say and he nods.

"You seem like you'd be the Regina George of this place." Pink hair says.

"That's funny, no that would be the top bitch here." I say lowering my voice. "You'll find out where you fit soon enough. You go with my group." I say and point at the Punks.

"Before you say, 'You don't look punk.' I am okay? It's the first day and we always have new kids. I just like to look nice." I say and adjust my bag.

"Dang is that really Gucci?" Glasses asks and I hum.

"Yep, my dad is really rich so I get nicer stuff." I say and I finally find what I was looking for.

I hand them the other map I made for the school. "Follow this when going through your classes. It should help a bunch." I say and cross my arms.

"So I need names and grades." I say and they look at me weird. I roll my eyes.

"Lip Ring just sounds weird. I wanna know your names so I can call you by something." I say and the understand.

"Well I'm Luke, Grade 11." Lip Ring says

"Michael, Grade 12." Pink hair says

"Ashton, Grade 12." Glasses says

"Calum, Grade 11." Frosty says

"Thanks that just makes this a lot easier for me." I say. "So our program requires new students to follow around their 'leader' for the first week of school so they can get the hang of it." I say and they all nod.

"So your going to follow me around until next Wednesday." I end and close my binder. "Then you'll get your schedules and be on your own." I add

"Anyways, I have Trig next hour so..." I say and start walking.

"I need you all to choose lockers quickly. There are some open next to mine but those are the only ones with four in a row open." I say and show them the lockers.

The just pick a locker and start putting stuff away. I open mine and grab my Trig binder right before the bell rings.

"Hurry!" I say "Follow me."


The guys seemed to be fitting in well with our group so far but who knows what could happen.

"Awww look we've got more punkies to pick on." Lindsey says and I groan. "Or should I say Pinkies." She says them walks over to me.

"Go away Lindsey." I say through my teeth. She laughs and that's when I stand up.

"Back off!" I bark in her face and she looks shocked. Lucy and Mia step to my sides for flanks and she backs away. "Alright, you win for now." She says and grins evilly before trotting off towards her table.

"You go girl!" Mia says and high fives me as we sit back down. "Hey what can I say, I Ain't letting her toxicity get to me." I say throwing my hands up.

"I'm guessing that's Regina?" Luke asks and I nod. "Yeah, sure is." I say and look over at her snogging her boyfriend, Aaron.

"You know her boyfriends name is actually Aaron?" I say with a chuckle and he laughs. "Hmm." He says and then the guys start talking about nonsense again.

"So Josh is throwing a back to school party on Friday." Mia says and I roll my eyes.

"Um, well you can count me out. I'm throwing a party of my own. It's called Netflix and Chill by myself." I say and they all laugh.

"Like your gonna watch Netflix without us." Angelica says and Mia and Lucy say.

"Girls weekend?" I ask and we all nod rapidly.

"Hey, um Gemma?" Luke asks and I look over at him curiously.

"Do you know anything about Jules?" He asks and I tense up a little.

"I mean, she goes here for sure. She's a great skateboarder, she is definitely a person that isn't outgoing otherwise she wouldn't hide her identity." I say looking at him tilting my head to the side a bit.

"Okie dokie. So do you all wanna help us figure out who she is?" Michael asks and all four of us gasp.

"She's been doing this for four years! Even the best of trackers haven't found out who she is yet." Lucy exclaims.

This is not good. Four new boys trying to find out who Jules, aka me, is?!? I should probably tell the girls about Jules this weekend so they don't have to find out from anyone else.

The only thing is, should I? They could easily turn on me and tell everyone. Maybe Jules should go A-wall for a bit.

Hey guys!

I do sorry I didn't update yesterday, I forgot all about it.

I was at a party and forgot to update the book before I left, my mistake.

Anyways here's the next chapter!

Please, please, please!

Vote and comment. I really appreciate it.

Tell me what you think is going to happen next in the comments.


Skater Girl // Part 1 Where stories live. Discover now