6- im different

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Toni throws on the hoodie cheryl gave her as the both walk outside the school to Toni's truck. Cheryl bites her lip ata how toni looked in her vixen hoodie. "Is there something on me?" Toni says noticing cheryl staring at her.

"Just my eyes. " cheryl shrugs making toni blush. Toni opens Cheryl's door with a goofy grin. "My lady," toni says and cheryl rolls her eyes playfully. She gets into Toni's somewhat clean truck. The seats her leather. There was only a bench across the front seat and no back seat. Toni had a small pine tree car freshener hanging making it smell like cherries.

Toni shuts the door before throwing her football practice pads and clothes bag in the back of the bed. Toni jumps in starting the car. "I didn't sketch you as a truck person. " cheryl says with a grin.

Toni shrugs. "Me either. "

Cheryl and toni sat in a booth at pops sharing one strawberry milkshake. Two straws were facing either side of them. "So you moved here from new jersey?" Cheryl ask playing with a strand of her own hair.

"I did. I moved here two years ago. And you just noticed me two weeks ago. " toni chuckles and cheryl blushes. "Not true I noticed you. " cheryl stated with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh yeah when?" Cheryl think back then she smirks remembering a time. "I used to steal your pencils in ninth grade because I lost mine. " cheryl says and toni gasp. "That was you?" Toni says shocked.

"I bought so many damn pencils that year, " toni remorses with a smirk.

"But it's not like you noticed me. " cheryl says her smile faltering.

"That's a false accusation, you were the girl who started a basic riot because the teacher told you girl scientist arent as smart as Male scientist. So you and josie basically started a protest untill he was fired. I thought that was iconic yet extra. " toni says making cheryl smile. "How come we just now are meeting. " cheryl says.

But something about them felt so familiar like just something about toni rang in her brain. She couldn't figure out what though.

"I know it's crazy, so you wanna tell me about your family life or is that a soft topic. " toni says taking a sip out of the milkshake. Cheryl sighs looking down. "I feel like I can trust you enough cha cha. " cheryl says looking up to toni. Her hair was in a messy bun yet she looked gorgeous. The neons lights highlated her soft features.

"My dad sent my twin brother away to boarding school three years ago because he came out as pansexual. He was my best friend. We did everything together he was the only human to say the words I love you to me. And the last time I've heard anything from him was about four months saying he was going to the sisters. I dont even know what that is but anywho he told me he loved me in the letter. " toni sees the tears budding in her eyes. Toni looks at her hand before placing her hand on top of Cheryl's.

Cheryl looks at there hands feeling softness go through her entire body. "My father and mother are super strict. They believe I should find a rich man and be his wife. That's all they've raised me to do. My mother gets abused by my father on the daily and he screams at me when I come home. The only breaks we get is when hes on a business trip. Which hes on for another two weeks." Cheryl says making Toni's thumb trace circles on he hand.

A single tear falls down Cheryl's cheek. "They would kill me if they found out that I was-" cheryl stops in her tracks finding Toni's eyes staring at hers.

"That you were what cheryl?" Toni says calmly. "That I was lesbian. " cheryl whispers looking down. Toni's heart drops. "I dont think the kill you cher?" Toni says with a sad smile.

Cheryl looks her dead in the eyes. "My brother was there golden boy. They loved him. Every night they told him that. Not once was I told so. They sent him away yes, but they would kill me. Neat me till I cnat handle it and then kill me. " cheryl says with heavy breathes.

Toni gets up and sits beside cheryl. She wraps her arms around the girl. Cheryl starts to sib on her chest soft cries. Toni runs her back soothingly. "I'll make sure your protected. " toni whispers kissing the girls temple. "I'll protect you. " toni soothes causing Cheryl's cries to soften.

"Why are you still here? I'm a mess. Broken and just a mess. Why are you still here?" Cheryl says tears staining her cheeks. Toni wipes them away with the palm of her hand. The touch was so soft and gentle it made cheryl melt in Toni's hands. "Because your different cheryl. Unlike anything or anyone I've ever been around. Your special and fragile. So I'm going to make sure you stay safe. " toni says making Cheryl's broken eyes have a new shining happiness grow in them.

"Your promise. " cheryl says with a smile. Toni grins before nodding. "I swear. "

Toni and cheryl laid in the back of the bed a blanket underneath them. They were in a feild staring up at the stars. Cheryl was lost in how beautiful it actually was. Soft music playe from Toni's truck.

"You ever what's out there?" Toni says quietly. Cheryl looks at the space between them it wasnt much maybe 10 inches but she felt so far away from her.

"All the time. But i know theres space And galaxy's and planets. And if theres all of that but then theres earth. Theres over 7 billion people out there. And yet I'm right here with you. " cheryl says gently. This makes Toni's heart race. She turns over on her side to face cheryl. Cheryl turns on her side as well.

"You make me feel some kind of way blossom. " toni says against the girls lips. Cheryl looks into her eyes. "Kiss me. " cheryl whispers her breath hitting Toni's lip making them tingle with want.

Toni nods before grabbing her cheeks pulling them into hers. The kiss was soft and slow. The two enjoying the feeling of eachothers soft full lips. The taste of lust and want fumed eachothers body.
Toni pulls her face even closer making the kiss harder and passionate. Something the both of them needed. Toni's tounge traced the bottom of Cheryl's lip begging for entrance. Cheryl Grants it with parting her lips partly. They open mouth kiss passionately untill Toni's tounge finds the inside of Cheryl's mouth.

The two of them battle for dominance. Cheryl felt in heaven this all felt so familiar to her. She felt safe and complete. Like she needed this. She climbs onto toni. Toni's hands finding Cheryl's waist. Toni's hands ride up her back as her tounge slides to the roof of cheryls mouth. This makes a small groan come out of cheryls mouth. They part lips heavy breathing hitting eachothers kiss swollen lips.

"That felt so..." cheryl starts

"Sensatinal? " toni finishes. Cheryl smirks before sliding off of her. "Can we just lay here together. " cheryl ask. She needed toni in multiple ways. As a friend, as a lover. She wanted toni topaz, no she had toni topaz.

"For as long as you want. " toni says as cheryl curls up to Toni's side. Toni's hands run through her hair.

Toni felt so accomplished she felt so needed she loved it. She loved her. Some say it was to soon. No one falls in love that quick. But this right here. Her on her arms. That proved them all wrong.

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