Chapter One

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why do you guys even like this story im so confused I wrote this 2 years ago and people are still reading it what i didnt even like bother to edit anything so there's a shitload of typos and stuff and really cringey things that are just so weird why is everyone still here why

btw, im back from the dead so i'll be writing fanfics and original stories again lol look forward to the yuri!!! on ice fanfics 

       ----JJ STYLE----


~Lucy's POV ~

Natsu and I just finished a job and got out reward. Happy flew over our heads saying something about fish. Just as I heard him say Salmon, I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey! Lu-chan!" I turned around to see Levy. "Lu-chan, Mira said she wants to say something to you."

"What did she say?" I asked her.

"Something about discussing 'ships' and stuff." she replied. I could clearly tell she was gesturing the word ships though.

I left and walked to Mira, who was serving some people at the bar. Natsu and Happy go to a nearby table to eat some food. "Mira?" I said to her.

"Oh! Lucy!" she said delighted. "I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"Well..." she walked around the counter then towards me. "You know how you've gotten all close to Natsu and all?"

"Yeeeaaa...?" I became more aware of where this was leading.

"OK. So, I've been watching you recently and I've noticed you've been being a bit similar to Juvia."


"Juvia heard her name! Who is talking about her? Could it be Gray-sama?!" I heard Juvia call out through the guild. I wonder how she can hear that far.

"Um... Nobody said your name!" I called out to her.

"WAIT! WHY IS LOVE RIVAL SAYING THAT!? COULD IT BE THAT SHE IS TALKING ABOUT GRAY-SAMA?! JUVIA IS NOT APPROVING OF THI--" Juvia yelled out, but got cut off by Gray tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around and her cheeks tinted pink.

"Calm down a bit." Gray said to him. I bet he didn't notice he stripped again.

"Clothes Gray." Erza said from behind them holding a plate with cake on it. Normally she would have punched or kicked him or something but she just walked past by and left continuing to eat her strawberry cake.

"Anyway" Mira continued. " I can clearly tell you like Natsu."

"What? As a friend, yeah." I replied. I could feel my face getting hot. Great. I'm starting to blush.

"I'll prove it." Mira grabbed my arm and ran towards Natsu. He was fighting with Gray again but still ignored by Erza.

"You wanna go Squinty Eyes?!" Natsu yelled.

"Well I know that'll I'll win Droopy Eyes!!" Gray yelled back.

"Hey Natsu!" Mira yelled when she walked over. She was now between Natsu and I. Natsu and Gray stopped and looked at her as she let go of my arm. There was absolute stillness for like three seconds before Mira walked around me.

"Woah!" she tripped and pushed me over to Natsu. In a flash, all I knew was that I was kissing Natsu. Wait... I... was... k-kissing... Natsu?!?!?!?!?

By Accident (Natsu x Lucy|NaLu| story)Where stories live. Discover now