Chapter Fifteen

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Tbh, this is one of my worst edits...

What do you guys think?

When was the last time I updated?

I don't remember.

But, oh right. I was going to say something.

I'll say it after the chapter.


~Lucy's POV~

"What brings you to this path?" The girl wearing the medical eye patch asked.

"You must be tresspassers. Trying to steal the Flame of Heaven from us."

"Ummm.... Who are you people??" I asked out of awkwardness.

"I am the weilder of the wicked eye, I go by the name, Rikka Takanashi." The girl wearing the eye patch says. "Right now, I am in the superior contract with the Dark Flame Master."

(Note: some of you that watched the anime, May know her as weilding the Tyrant Eye instead of the Wicked eye)

"Rikka Takanashi? Now that I'm looking at you more clearly, you look cuter than Levy..." I respond. No disrespect to Levy. "And who's Dark Flame Master?" I mumbled that last part.

"Who the hell is Levy?"

"Never mind that."

"And who're you?" Natsu asked the guy with brown hair and wearing the black coat.

"The Dark Flame Dragon is still sleeping within me, for I am the son of the dark flame dragon." He starts "my name is Yuuta Togashi, but I am often known as Dark Flame Master."

"Dark....?" I hesitate to say his 'often known' name.

"Flame....?" I'm guessing Natsu is doing the same.

"Dark Flame Master?!" We both say after 3 seconds of hesitation.

"So that's who she was talking about..." I was thinking out loud.

"S-son of a Dragon?!" Natsu said alerted.

He realized that so late, but... I'm the same. -_-"

"So you're a Dragon Slayer??"

"What? I don't know what you're talking about, but whatever." Yuuta, or should I say, Dark Flame Master, said. *tries hard not to laugh at the name*

"Alright! Let's do this!!" Natsu said, 'all fired up'

"Good luck, Natsu," I said. I sound like a cheerleader...

"ROAR OF THE....!!!!" Natsu began. Yuuta just drew his sword forward.

"...FIRE DRAGON!!!!" From where Natsu was standing, a whole bunch of flames came shooting out of his mouth.

It went directly to Yuuta. He smirked, his sword was still up. When the flames reached him, there was a small explosion and a huge cloud of smoke covered the fight. When it cleared up, Yuuta was still standing there, undamaged. But, his sword was down. Don't tell me... He deflected it, didn't he??

"No way!" I said "there's no way anyone could've blocked that!!"

"What do you mean? He has enough strength to do that." Rikka said behind me by a few steps, watching the fight.

I wonder why she isn't fighting... I went back focused on the fight, wondering why it didn't work.

Yuuta ran up to Natsu in tremendous speed and attacked him with his sword. Natsu was able to dodge and block most of his attacks, but he took in a lot of damage.

My eyes widened. I know why he's losing strength. I thought about it more. And I found the right answer. I'm sure of it.

I know why... Why Natsu got burned... Why I randomly got sleepy... Why he was able to open Taurus' gate... Why he's losing strength...

Damn her OTPs. Damn her friggin ships. Damn her... By her, I mean Damn Mirajane Strauss.

It was that Link Chain she set on us. Natsu's becoming more human-like... Or maybe, I'm becoming more Dragon Slayer- like?? No, the best way to put this is that our Human and Dragon genes are becoming equal. That means I'll be a bit more like him and he'll be a bit more like me... THAT'S TERRIBLE!!!!

"N-Natsu!! I figured out why it didn't work!!" I yelled to him.

"I already know why it didn't work!!" He yelled back to me. "It's the Link Chain, right?!

No way... Did he get smarter?! Well, then if he knows that were becoming equal, one of his attacks might work if I try it... But if I try it and it doesn't work, I'll be embarrassed for life. Pride is better than safety, you know.

"If we're both becoming equal, then try one of my attacks!!" Natsu yelled at me, while blocking Yuuta.

He said me to do it... It's like he can read my mind. I guess we do think alike now. Bit since he told me to do it, I won't lose much pride because I can blame it on Natsu later. Ok, I'll try it.

I turned around and ran towards Rikka, yelling "Wing Slash of the Fire Dragon!!"

Flames came shooting out of my arm and detached from it and flew towards her. Rikka was surprised, but dodged it. It was probably her reflex.

"Dark Flame Master, it's time to fight seriously." Rikka called out to Yuuta. He stopped attacking Natsu and jumped back. He nodded to Rikka.

"Lucy, we have to figure out how to get rid of the Link Chain, fast." Natsu ran towards me. I nodded, then looked at what Rikka was doing.

"Blast the reality..." She started. She placed her fingers on her eye patch and closed her eyes.

"Burn into shreds..." She continued, her fingers now going under the eye patch.

"Banishment this world!!!" She yelled and took her eye patch off that revealed a bright yellow eye.

Suddenly, the ground turned purple, the skies turned red... And Rikka and Yuuta were now seriously.

"B-banishment this world?" I thought. I've never heard about that spell. I can't even identify her magic. Could she be using Lost Magic??


Do you understand why I chose them to be the villans??? It's mainly Yuuta, but Rikka was just so cute.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that...

I have to leave my friends because I'm moving to Calgary.

I'll be leaving in the summer, after I graduate.

You guys probably think I'm graduating high school, but that's wrong.

It's not university either. I'm in Grade. 8 right now, so I won't go to high school with my precious idiot friends. Not all of them know yet though...

Any advice on how to move forward??

By Accident (Natsu x Lucy|NaLu| story)Where stories live. Discover now