Chapter Five

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Hello, new update. I was watching fairy tail at home and I was at episode 140 (I know I'm late) and then something great happened. but I'll say it after this chapter. (follow me on Instagram to see my drawings: _an.anime_ | and for just fairy tail and Sword Art Online, it's:  Fairy.tail_sao.ggo)


~Mira's POV~

I furiously grabbed Lucy and Natsu's hands and threw them in front of me. They both sat up and looked at me.

"What is it, Mira?" Lucy asked me.

"Nothing." I said politely.

"Doesn't look like it." Natsu mumbled.

"Really, it's fine. Nothing's wrong." I replied giving off a dark aura to Natsu.

"Well, ok then..." Lucy said. "Should We go back to the guild?"

I saw them walking in front of me. then U thought, NO! NO! NO! THIS IS NOT HOW I PLANNED IT SHOULD BE! DAMMIT NATSU!!  YOU CLEARLY HAVE FEELINGS FOR HER!!

"Mira?" I looked up from my thinking. Lucy was looking at me. Crap, I was thinking out loud. Luckily, Natsu didn't hear. I saw Lucy blush slightly "D-do you really think that... N-Natsu has feelings for me?"

"Well," I began to have an evil smirk on my face. Hm... So it's Lucy that likes him, huh? "I don't know yet."

"...We should be heading back." She said after a short pause.

"Now, I should switch to plan B." I mumbled to myself. And when I threw them randomly in front of me, was for this purpose. "Link Chain"

It's almost like Meredy's Link Chain, but I bought these from the Magic Shop nearby.


~Lucy's POV~

I heard Mira mumble something, but I couldn't make it out. Just then, I felt something burn a bit on my wrist. I looked at it and realized it's glowing. I gasped at it and when I looked at Natsu, the same thing was happening to him. But that idiot didn't even notice it.

"Natsu!" I yelled at him.

He looked at me. "What?"

"You idiot! You don't even notice what's wrong?!" I yelled at him getting angrier for no particular reason, while waving my hot and glowing arm in front of him.

"What's wrong?"

"BAKA!!!" I smacked his head and said "OUR WRISTS ARE GLOWING AND BURNING LIKE HELL!!"

He looked at his wrist. Suddenly, he had a surprising reaction. "WWWHHHAAAAAA--?!"

After like eight minutes of panicing the glowing and burning finally stopped and we both looked at our wrists. What we saw was... Matching braclets?? They were both red and had a strange pattern on it. (I chose the pattern to be from Hunter X Hunter for the one when it breaks whenever you use Nen. Sorry if you don't know what I'm talking about)

"Natsu," Natsu loomed at me. "Try burning it off."

"Aye!" He placed his right hand on his left wrist as fire grew around it. "It doesn't work."

"Well, maybe I should cut it off." I grabbed scissors from my bag and tried to cut it off. "That doesn't work either?"

"Oh! Sorry, I 'accidentally ' put Link Chain bracelets I bought from the Magic Shop." We both turned around and saw Mira standing there, acting all innocent and stuff. "I know how to remove it!"

"Really?!" Natsu and I exclaimed happily.

"Yes," Mira's smile now turned into an evil smirk. "but, you two must do something for me first."

"What is it?" Natsu asked calmly.

"Oh no..." I mumbled to myself.

"You guys have to..." Mira said, but got cut off by... GRAY AND JUVIA HIDING BEHIND A TREE
Sorry for the short Chapter. I'm really low on time. the first day of School is on Sep. 2nd. Anyway, the good news was that I got to make comics and I'll be writing a Gruvia book. I will eventually be posting comics on @fairy.tail_sao.ggo (IG account)

By Accident (Natsu x Lucy|NaLu| story)Where stories live. Discover now