Chapter Eight

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~Gray's POV~

"Natsu!!" Lucy called him trying to keep him from losing consciousness. "Please. Hang on..."

Her voice trailed off. Then I felt someone starting to hug my arm I turned around to see Juvia, but she didn't have her usual cute look on her face. Wait, did I just call her cute?

"G-Gray-sama?" Juvia looked at me with worried eyes.

"What?" I looked back at her blue eyes. My ears got warmer. Crap. I blushed. I think she noticed because she kind of blushed a bit too.

"Do you know what's happening to Natsu-san?" Juvia looked at Natsu.

I looked at Natsu and Lucy. The sight was somewhat sad. Natsu looked like he was about to die. He burned his arm pretty badly and he got hit on his head when he fell down hard. Natsu's Head was or Lucy's lap as if they were already a couple. Haha. I bet they did with that.

There was a long silence after Juvia asked her question. Then I finally answered.

"Honestly, I don't know what's wrong with him." I said to her without looking away from Natsu and Lucy.

Juvia was still linked to my arm. She then hugged it a bit tighter and leaned her head on my shoulder. Crap, I know I'm definitely blushing. But when I looked at Juvia again, she was even more worried.

"Juvia doesn't want to lose any of her friends." She said quietly.

Everyone was gathered around Natsu. Wendy was trying to heal him, but it's not working.

"Y-yeah... Me too."


~Romeo's POV~

"Why..." I heard Wendy say quietly to herself.

I walked up to her. She was trying to heal Natsu-nii, but it was taking a long time. Lucy-nee was still there trying to keep him awake.

"Wendy?" I asked her and sat beside her (Not really sit, more of like a squat. I put sit because his postion is almost like sitting). "What's wrong?"

"M-my healing magic..." She said loud enough so that no one heard her except for me.

"What about it?" I asked her.

"It's not working..." Her hands stopped glowing. "I don't think I can save him. I don't know what's wrong in this situation."

"What are you gonna do?" I asked her.

"Well..." She said and paused for a moment then she stood up, grabbing everyone's attention. Then she faced Lucy-nee and bowed. "Gomenesai!! I can't heal Natsu-san."

Some tears fell from her eyes. I stood up and awkwardly patted her back. I feel stupid.

"I can do anything to help him... Sumisasen."

Lucy-nee looked at Wendy and when Wendy had to go courage to look at her, Lucy-nee said something.

"Stop saying sorry. You'll end up like Aries." Then she smiled and stood up and put Natsu's arm that wasn't burned around her neck and started out the door. We all looked at what she was doing then she turned her head back to us.

"I know how to help him, so try not to interfere. Please." Then she walked out of the guild.

"Lucy-san..." Wendy's voice sounded very fragile. Then she looked down and her hands were covering her face. As if she was gonna break out in so much tears for just failing to heal someone.

I patted her head then she looked at me. "Don't worry about it too much. This is Natsu-nii we're talking about here." I said to her.

"R-right!" She said as she wiped off some tears from her face and smiled at me.

But still, what is Lucy-nee going to do to Natsu-nii?







I'm sooooo sorry for the looonnng update, and I'm sooooo sorry for the shooorrt chapter. Oh right and I changed my username to Violet--Eyes because I have a friend that got annoyed by it.

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