Chapter Four

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Sorry I haven't been updating in awhile. This app keeps crashing when I was writing the story. So, I've been watching Hunter X Hunter, I found out that KILLUA IS TOTALLY MY TYPE!!! But that's not the point. Anyway, how was your day?

2017 edit: 2 years later he still is, past self.


~Lucy's POV~

Me...... Natsu....... kiss.... Were the words going through my mind. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone yelling.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" It's Natsu screaming and running out of the guild. Oh Wait, if Natsu isn't here, then doesn't that mean all the attention going to me? Well, I was right.

"Llllluuuuuuuccyyy...." Mira said. Beside her was Lisanna giggling at what happened.

"Oh Crap!" I said a bit loudly. I tried to make a run for it. But just then, Mira turned into her Satan Soul form and chased me.

She grabbed my leg and dragged me somewhere. "HELP!!! SOME CRAZY BARMAID IS TRYING TO TORTURE ME!!!! I FEEL LIKE I'M IN SOME PARALLEL DEMENSION BECAUSE EVERYTHING THAT'S HAPPENING IS WRONG!!!!" I ended up screaming after that.


"AAAAAHHHH!!!" I understand why Natsu was screaming out of here.

Mira dragged me across the guild and out the door. I think she's going after Natsu.

We want into the forest. Name Natsu was there sitting in front of one of the trees saying something, but I couldn't hear because we were too far. Natsu stood up and turned around.

"Mira, I know you're here!!" He called out. "And who has that Vanilla and Strawberry scent? Is that Lucy?"

I smell like Vanilla and strawberry? Why is it I never knew?

Mira let go of my leg and transformed back to normal. "Stay here." she said as she began to walk towards Natsu.

I nodded my head and stayed. Besides, if I ran away, she would hunt me down and that would be incredibly scary.

"Natsu, answer me this question." Mira said to him.

"What is it?" Natsu asked.

"Do you love Lucy?"





"No." He finally answered.

"Then why'd it take you a long time to answer?"

"You only said to me to 'answer this question' so that means one question."

You have to be honest, that is pretty smart. But I still couldn't help but wonder why he took so long.

"IS THAT REALLY THE TRUTH?!" Mira yelled at him.

"Yes." Natsu replied.

I stood up from where I was standing. Natsu saw me, but Mira still looked at him. My heart began to beat a bit harder and faster. Shit... do I like him?

"Lucy," he said looking at me. My heart was already heart beating fast and now even faster. I bet he could hear it because of his extensive hearing. "Did you hear what we were talking about?"

I didn't answer for a bit and said. "no."

By Accident (Natsu x Lucy|NaLu| story)Where stories live. Discover now