Chapter Eighteen

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Okay, so I published my Book with my OCs in it. You can't really find it if you search it up, so just find it on my profile.

It's called "Don't Forget"

Enjoy the Chapter!!


~Lucy' POV~

I woke up on a bed. It wasn't as comfortable as the one I sleep in all the time, so im guessing I'm not in my room. I fluttered my eyes open and saw a bright light blinding me for a second. I blinked a few times, adjusting myself to my surroundings. I looked to my side and saw Wendy healing me. She had a very concerned look on her face. She noticed I was awake and smiled.

"Natsu-san came running here after the incident that happened." Wendy explained to me.

"Natsu..." I said realizing how weak I was.

"I'm sorry for taking a long time healing you." She said apologetically. "It's just... You have a very deep wound. It's a good thing Natsu saved you before you started to bleed so much."

"Huh?" I said confused. I don't remember any of this happen.

"You don't remember?" She asked. I shook my head. She smiled softly and took a deep breath. "I'll start from the beginning."

"While Natsu was carrying you back, he returned the Flame of Heaven to Amelia-san. Then while he was running back, he couldn't take the train. But since you were bleeding so much, he burned your wound to stop it from bleeding. He continued running. Even though I wasn't there, I knew he was running non-stop. He said it took him three days to get back here."

"Natsu... Did that?" I asked her.

"He did that for you." She said and stopped healing me. She went to rest a bit. "He did that to save you."

I looked down. I thought for a while. Natsu ran three days straight. He burned my wound to stop it from bleeding. He carried me all the way back. With no rest or breaks... Just to save me...

"I need to see him." I whispered to myself. Wendy looked at me.

"Huh? I-I understand why you want to see him, but... You can't... Y-You're too wounded. I haven't healed you completely." She begged me to stay. "And Natsu is..."

I looked at her. "Natsu is what?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry Lucy-san." She said to me.

Then Romeo came in. He walked to Wendy. She looked at him with a serious look.

"I'm sorry. She can go if she needs to." Romeo said to Wendy.

"Alright... I'm not sure about it though." Wendy said to him. Then turned to me. "I... I'll take you to Natsu-san."

"Just be careful about what may happen though." Romeo warned me. "He possibly got traumatized."

"Alright." I nodded then as I sat up from the bed I was in, the pain in my stomach stuck me, but I fought it. I had to see him. I didn't care if he got traumatized or not.

~Natsu's POV~

I was sitting in a room with nobody inside. I was alone here, waiting for Lucy. Romeo just came in a few minutes ago to talk to me. I was really worried about her. Even more worried than I've ever felt.

It was taking a long time for Lucy to be healed by Wendy. But I just kept waiting. Then suddenly, the door opened. I looked up and saw who it was. It was a girl with blonde hair, with chocolate brown eyes. She smiled brightly to me. It was Lucy.

Then I got a flashback of what happened. Lucy was getting stabbed then she started bleeding and bleeding and bleeding... My eyes widened I horror. My breathing got heavy and I couldn't move. Then I felt something touch me. I saw what it was. Lucy was hugging me.

"Hey," Lucy said. "What happened?"

"I-it's just..." I started off. Then took a deep breath. "I couldn't save you."

She let go of our embrace and slapped me lightly.

"Idiot." She said quietly.

I looked at her confused. She then walked to the door. Before she walked through, the stopped and looked at me.

"Natsu, I'm standing here now aren't I?"

By Accident (Natsu x Lucy|NaLu| story)Where stories live. Discover now