Chapter Nineteen

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This is the second last chapter to this book, then it's done. My next book will either be RoWen or JeRza. I'm not too sure about JeRza because it's kinda hard to put them together since they're always apart or whatevs. Anyway, you guys wanna suggest a ship I can write about?


~Romeo's POV~

I was walking with Wendy towards the guild hall. Then we both sat at a table and ended up discussing about Natsu's possible trauma.

"Dont worry about it too much." I said to relieve her from the worried feeling she had. "Natsu-nii is strong. He can fight it. And I'm sure he will."

"Because he likes Lucy right?" She asked me.

I blushed slightly thinking about the similar situation I was in. Lucy-san either knows or doesn't know Natsu-nee likes her. And for me, Wendy either found out that I like her or she doesn't know.

"W-well..." I hesitated. "I guess he does...?"

"Yeah," she started then paused for a second. "Do you like anyone, Romeo?"

"Hm?" I asked not realizing what she just asked me. Then noticed just now. "W-w-well..."

"If you tell me who you like, I can tell you mine." She exclaimed happily.

"I-I'm not too sure about it..." I hesitated. I'm hesitating a lot recently.

"DON'T BE A WINP, SON!! MAKE YOUR OLD MAN PROUD!!" I heard my dad yell at me who was watching from another table drinking beer again.

I blushed, like, really hard when he yelled that and I screamed back at him. "WHAT THE HELL, OLD MAN!! QUIT DOING THAT!! THIS IS LIKE YOUR EIGHTH TIME THIS WEEK!" It's true. He was yelling that all week because I've been spending more time with Wendy.

Wendy giggled. Then turned to me. "So...?"

"Well... I... Um..." I stuttered.

Then suddenly, the doors to the guild opened. We all looked to see who it was. It's was Natsu-nii and Lucy-nee They both look pretty happy. I'm wondering what she said to him to make him that happy.

"Lucy-san! Natsu-san!" Wendy exclaimed and ran up to them. I followed.

"Hey Wendy. Um, is Mira here by any chance?" Lucy asked kindly.

Then I saw Wendy jump back a bit. I stepped a bit closer to Lucy-nee and felt a strong aura. A deadly one. Then I jumped back too.

"Mira-san is at the bar..." Wendy said scaredly.

"Thanky you." Lucy-nee said then walked slowly to the bar. Natsu-nii had his usual aura, but he was much happier. He followed Lucy-nee to the bar.

"What can I help you with, Lucy?" Mira-san smiled and just like Lucy-nee had a deadly aura. They're both scary.

"That Link Chain..." Lucy-nee smiled and held up two red matching bracelets.

Mira-san's deadly aura suddenly disappeared and got replaced with those fangirls ones. Her face lightened up and her eyes sparkled.

"Do you and Natsu love each other!?!?!!?!!?" Mira-san shrieked and the entire guild heard that. Everyone looked at what was happening.

"Shut up. This link chain could've killed both of us." Lucy-nee was so serious about it.

"Oh yeah, but you guys are alive, right?" She pointed out.

"Natsu and I became balanced. He gained human abilities and I gained Dragon Slayer abilities. And the worst thing was that Natsu had to go through all that pain from when I was nearly killed!" I could tell. Lucy-nee felt guilty. And it was Mira-san's fault. "All because of that Link Chain..."

"Mira-nee?" Lisanna-san called. "Is that true?"

"You've taken your OTPs too far this time." Erza-san said.

"A real man will accept their consequences." Elfman-san said.

"You could've used a safer way." Gray-san said.

By then, everyone was making Mira-san feel more and more guilty. "I didn't mean it..." She whispered while looking down with tears falling slowly from her face.

"Hey," everyone heard say then we all looked up to the second floor and saw Laxus there. "Stop picking on her. She just did something that was an accident. Mira didn't mean anyone to get hurt."

Mira-san looked at where Laxus was. He walked down and walked up to Mira-san. Then looked at the rest of us. "If I catch you guys making her feel guilty about an accident, you'll have to face me to do that."

The entire guild backed up and continued doing what they were doing before. Lucy-nee and Natsu-nii were still there. Natsu-nii put his arm around her and whispered something to her and Lucy-nee apologized and became her usual happy self. They were both walking towards Happy.

"Wait!!" Mira-san called them. This got everyone's attention. "Are you and Natsu a thing now?"


Cliffhanger. Sorry I just had to.

Anyway, now would be a good time to ask.

What do you think will happen?

They'll be together?

They'll not be together?

Or do you think this is a trick question because I said "they'll bit be together?" Because ita jot a trick question.

Last chapter coming next!!

By Accident (Natsu x Lucy|NaLu| story)Where stories live. Discover now