Chapter Nine

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Hi minna-san!!! I'm dedicating this chapter to ShanaSarder for voting all of my chapters!! Thank you sooo much!! My friggin brother thinks he's a big shot and is trying to get me mad. He's saying I'm not good at drawing and that's really bringing me down. If you guys are interested in seeing my drawings, I post it on instagram. (@_an.anime_)


~Mira's POV~

"I wonder..." I said to myself. Lisanna heard me.

"What is it, Mira-nee?" Lisanna asked me.

"Oh!" I turned to my younger sister  and smiled "it's nothing."

"Really? I thought you would mention how cute they look together."

"W-whaaaat?" I tried not to mention what she just said to me because I was afraid she still had feelings for Natsu, when they were little.

"It's fine, Mira-nee. I don't have feelings for Natsu." Lisanna smiled. "In fact, I never did. I was just messing around with his weak mind."

"Oh, thank goodness!!" I sighed.

"And besides. I have feelings for someone else." Lisanna added. Then she quickly regretted saying that. I could tell because she blushed and said "oh, crap. I said that out loud."

(๑∩v∩๑) "ooohh?? And who's the lucky man???" I teased her.

"Sh-shut up!" Lisanna blushed a bit harder and looked away. "And besides, you'll never get it out of me."

"Oh really...?" I said with an evil smirk and immediately turned into my Satan Soul form.

"UMMM!!!??? "

"Well, are you going to tell me?"

"W-well..." Lisanna still turned away, but started twiddling her thumbs. "I-it's..."


"It's... Bixslow" (Yes, I am a Bixanna shipper) she kind of whispered that last part.





"Never mind that. I'll deal with your situation later."

"What? What situation? What are you gonna do?"

"Let's spy on Lucy and Natsu!!!"

"YES!!!" Everyone in the guild yelled.

"What?!?! You guys were listening to us???" Lisanna panicked.

"Yeah, whatever. Who cares that you like Bixslow. He was looking for you when you didn't really die, so it was too obvious." Cana said to Lisanna while drinking a barrel of her booze.

"Come on, Lisanna!! Let's go spy on those two love birds!!" I interrupted.

"Yes!!" Everyone in the guild yelled again.

"NO!!! YOU GUYS ARE NOT COMING!! LISANNA ONLY!!" I yelled at them.



~Lucy's POV~

Once I stepped out of the guild and walked a few steps, I felt my arms getting weaker. Of course, I knew it was because of Natsu's body. What can you say? Muscle is heavier than fat. Wait, does that count as a muscle compliment?? Did I just say that he was muscly??? Whatever. What I can admit was that this stupid bracelet made it harder to carry him. I sighed.

"Open! Gate of the Maiden! Virgo!"

"Is it time for punishment, Hime?" Virgo appeared and bowed to me.

"What? No. Can you take Natsu to my house? I have to get some books at the library to cure him." I said to the pink-haired celestial spirit.

"Of course, Hime." She carried Natsu and ran away, extremely fast.

"Well... Okay, then."

"What else would you want, Hime?"

"AAAAAHHH!!" I shrieked. I turned around to see Virgo, already done her request. Wtf, she's already done? So fast...

"That's all I needed, Virgo. Thank you."

"Goodbye, Hime." She disappeared.

"Now, then to get those books!!"

~Time skip~ (one hour)

"Here it is!!" I exclaimed.

I ran out the bookstore after paying for the book. I started to walk as I went down a dark alleyway. I jumped up to do my little balancing thing I always do.

"Lucy-san!! Be careful there!" The fishermen yelled out to me as they always do.

"Dont worry, I'm fine!!" I yelled back.

I got down and ran inside to find Natsu on my bed, asleep. He looks kinda cute when he's asleep. I giggled to myself. Maybe I really do have feelings for Natsu.

I gently brushed his hair off his face. Then that's when I couldn't control myself. I started leaning closer and closer to his face. And before I knew it, I was about to kiss him. I closed my eyes and my lips were about to touch his, then I heard something crash. I sat up from my position, pretending like nothing happened.

"Wh-who's there?" I called out.

No answer.

I stood up and walked around and when I got to the kitchen, I saw my silverware scattered on the floor. Someone's definitely here. Then I heard a bump or a weird thud sound. It came from my closet.

I opened my closet and saw Lisanna and Mirajane, hiding by... Going under my clothes???!!!!

"Why are you at my house?!?!?!" I yelled at them.

"Kiss, Kiss, fall in love!!~" They both sang. Obviously, they ignored me. (I had to put this in. I started rewatching Ouran High School Host Club)

"Wha--!? Y-you saw that?!?!" I panicked. Then looked at Natsu, who was still unconscious.

"Aw, it's too bad Happy's not here to tease them..." Lisanna said.

"Who cares!!" Mira said happily.

"She liiiiiikkeesss him!!~" they both said in unison.

"Sh-shut up!!" I yelled at both of them

They both giggled and teased me even more.

"GET THE HELL OUTTA MEH HOUSE!!!!" I yelled at them while kicking them out. Literally, I kicked them out. Like kicking them and stuff.



Anyway, that's all I have to say. Plus, I would really love to read the funny and/or side comments you guys put down. It really makes my day. So please, I encourage you guys to comment. Gihi. For my entertainment.

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