Chapter Sixteen

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Sorry for not updating.

Anyway, how was your Christmas??

What was your favorite present????

All of my presents SUCKS!! mainly because no one gave me anything related to art (because I like drawing) and no one gave me anything related to anime (because... You know.)

Anyway, enjoy this chapter!!


~Lucy's POV~


"Natsu!! We need to get rid of this bracelet!" I yelled at Natsu.

"I don't know how!! You didn't tell me how to do it!!" He yelled back at me.

We were yelling because there was so much wind while our surroundings were changing.

"Luce!! Tell me!!"

"Tell you what??"

"Tell me how to break the Link Chain!"


"Come on!!"


"Luce please!!"


"Luce, just tell me already!!"




He paused for a moment then walked up to me. I can't believe I have to say this.

"What is it?" Natsu asked again.


"You what?"

Then suddenly I got attack by Yuuta's sword. No, not attacked. I got stabbed by his sword. In my stomach. I looked down and it went right through me. The wind stopped. I coughed out blood. A lot of blood. I saw Natsu drop down in horror and in pain. Yuuta was emotionless. He didn't even feel a bit sorry about me...or Natsu.

"Yuuta," Rikka called out to him from where she was standing then ran up to him.

Yuuta nodded at her. He took the sword out of me. As I fell, he let me bleed so much blood. Then together, they both said, "Mission accomplished. Take us back." They both looked at us.

Rikka threw the Flame of Heaven at Natsu, who was still on the ground. Then they both disappeared in a light blue flash.

"Lucy," Natsu stood up a bit, well more of being able to kneel down. "Are you alright??"

"I-it's fine Natsu..." I said and coughed up even more blood. "You won't die."

"But you will!!" He said very concerned.

"I'll be fine, really." I didn't want to tell him that I'd die.

"No you won't. I'll carry you back." He picked me up bridal style and started to run. But I could tell that the pain was too much for him. And to restore that pain, I have enough strength to tell him the last words that can save him.

"Natsu..." I started.

"What is it?" He asked still fight the pain.

"I love you."

He paused trying to fight the pain.

"I love you too."

From that moment, the Link Chain broke off and Natsu was able to run again without the pain that's staying in my stomach. That's when my vision started to fade and my mind started to go black, but what stopped me was the sound of Natsu's words echoing in my head that's keeping me awake from death.

By Accident (Natsu x Lucy|NaLu| story)Where stories live. Discover now