Chapter Twelve

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Hi minna, sorry I have a small case of writers block so.... My ideas in this chapter won't be as good as the other ones.

Tbh, most of the stuff I write comes out of the top of my head.


~Natsu's POV~

I went to my place and saw Happy sleeping soundly on the end of my bed. He sleep talks sometimes.

"E-Erza... I still want us to switch bodies..." He mumbled in his sleep.

I chuckled as I remembered shen we all switched bodies. (Episode 19) I plopped down on my bed, dodging Happy. 

I fell asleep after a while. I would've fell asleep right away, but this annoying Link Charm bracelet is really bothering me because right now, I felt lightheaded and my ears were hot.

~Lucy's POV~

I sighed as I finished that weird thing that happened.

"Tch. Yeah, I called Natsu hot." I said sarcastically to myself.

I fell silent for a while, thinking.

"Well, I guess he is hot..." I said quietly. "No, u shouldn't be thinking that. I don't even think he likes me the same way. My cheeks went red as I said that. Shoot... Did Natsu feel that?

I sighed again and walked to my desk and sat at the chair. A typewriter with blank sheets of paper was in front of me, laid out on the desk. So, I decided that I should write another story.

I fell asleep right when I finished the book because I felt sleepy. It's a short story. I shouldn't really let anyone see this one. It's too personal.

~Natsu's POV~

I woke up from my nap. I decided to go back to Lucy's apartment. When I got there, I came in through the window.

I saw her asleep on her desk. There were papers spread out on her desk. Maybe it's a new story. I quietly walked up to her desk and slowly removed the papers she was lying on.

I began to read:

Once upon a time, the Princess fell in love with the Dragon. She thought the Dragon never liked her.
Which was why she thought she was locked up by him.
She woke up one morning to only find herself in the same tower she had always been in. The princess never really minded because the one she loved was there everyday.
On that morning, the sun was beautiful. It was still rising. The skies were still turning into a light shade of blue, orange and yellow mixed with it. The view was amazing.
When the Dragon came to give her breakfast, he asked if there was anything she would like.
And so she requested, "May you stay with me until the day ends?"
The Dragon answered, "Of course, anything for you." He bowed kindly and looked into her big brown eyes. He smiled gently.
"Why do you lock me up?" The princess asked.
"Because I have a desire to keep you safe." He answered.
"Does that mean you love me?" She asked innocently.
"Yes," he stood up straight and faced her. "I do love you. But no one would let me be with you. I'm sorry for locking you up here."
She looked at him confused. "What are you sorry for?"
The Dragon looked more confused than her.
"I love you too." She said to him.
And since then, the Princess and the Dragon fell in love and no matter what, they'd be happy if they had each other.

End of Story.

I thought about the story for a bit. Princess... Dragon... In love...

I didn't want Lucy to know that I snuck into her apartment and that I read her new story without permission. So I took the story and left quickly and quietly.

What could that story be referring to?


Oh my Mavis!!!!~~ 1.22k reads?! And my GrUvia book is almost there too!!! I think like 942 reads.

I love you guys so much!!!

And for a reward to all of you lovelys, I will make the kiss scene earlier than scheduled.

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